Since legion buff this game is boring

As survivor main, its all I want to say.
Two friends quit the game.
Solo queue and buffed legion is hell. I'll probably take a break until I see the next patch.
survivors is a breeze, you're seriously complaining its not easy enough for you? A lot of these Survivors mains sure sound entitled
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I just came back after half a year and probably another 4 months so almost a year.
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so you are calling a legion nerf because people dont want to learn how to spread out and dont mend every time they get hit.🤦
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So nerf the killer because you don't find them fun to face... ngl I don't remember just having fun holding m1 on gens and pre dropping pallets vs m1 killers.
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You will have to figure out how to play against certain KILLERS there are different STRATS. Now LEGION went from the BOTTOM to the higher mid in terms of BUFF and I like seeing LEGION USED. Break out of your boring mold playstyle and freshen up you will find there are more ways to play.
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90% of my matches are against legion, this is just boring.
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Do you think that every Survivor is stupid?
I mean, the game is fun when you dont play M1-Simuilator against Legion. Today I did not face a single Legion, the game was much better than two days ago. So maybe it becomes a bit better now.
Does not change the fact that games against Legion are a total snoozefast and dragged out way too much, but at least there is less of it.
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Yes I'm getting legion in almost all my matches.
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Mend simulator is really really boring. It's not fun at all. And of course, they take sloppy and thanatophobia to stack on top of it.
Spend whole game making sure you dont bleed out. Its really really unfun. Prob should have reworked legion instead of whatever this mess is.
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I do hate the MEND BUTTON LAG.
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Why do people complain about mending when 95 percent of all survivor teams run coh you dont think that is unfun to deal with every game as a killer honestly you can deal with a c tier killer
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You have infinite healing through coh man up and deal with mending
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you won't be able to nerf legion like you did with wraith, just because he needs to use his brain to play against
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I'd say it got BETTER since LEGION BUFF.
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Legion was always unfun to face. It's just more of them now but that will pass.
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I thought survivors loved mending judging by how many survivors straight up chase me off of the hook to try to take a borrowed time hit. If anything, mending should take a lot longer
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It's funny whenever survivors complain about mending as if they don't waste time healing themselves in CoH or booning totems as is.
And if Legion only ever feral frenzys he's not getting downs as getting the 5 hit down is hard against teams who properly spread out and wait out mending.
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*Killer gets few nice buffs but still not really strong*
Survivors: oMg nERF tHiS
Also Survivors: omg why only few killers are played? So booring.
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Did you think before writing this?
If a Survivor heals, they are healthy, meaning they will be able to tank one hit (except for Instadown-Powers or stuff like that of course). If they mend, they will not be able to do that.
Mending is just wasted time and you are as vulnerable as before as Survivor.
And another one - do you really think that every Survivor is stupid? It is not rocket science to not fully mend in the Terror Radius and to not heal against Legion.
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Survivors: "omg I hate mending"
Also survivors: "I'm going to bodyblock you and force you to hit me while I have BT so that I can run away and mend."
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Imagine crying about mend
what's next nerf the doctor/plague/pig etc. every killer with a mechanic that stops people from gen rushing
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"M1 Simulator".
Doing gens is "M1 Simulator".
Opening a chest is "M1 Simulator".
Cleansing at a fountain is "M1 Simulator".
Using an alarm clock is "M1 Simulator".
Opening an Exit Gate is "M1 Simulator".
Healing a Survivor is "M1 Simulator".
This phrase is meaningless.
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Imagine the outcry if the devs go like: "we heard you and completely removed the Deep Wound status effect! Survivors are just injured now by Legions power. BT now gives more time on the hook."
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You can join killers in the snuffing totems simulator
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Solo queue and played 16 matches, 11 legion, 2 nurses, 1 nemesis, 1 plague and 1 clown.
Escape only in 2 matches (nemesis and clown).
Well I just uninstalled, I know I won't be missed.
It's near impossible to beat legion in solo queue (luck game based on teammates because this killer doesn't require brains).
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Funny how "boring" here means "Cannot learn to play around it".
This may suit the bored crowd better:
No boring killer, guaranteed.
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Ahah, it feels so weird to do skill checks with 0 latency
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Ya but come on guys this has been in video games since patching was a thing whatever is new or buffed will be super popular for a week and then rarely played. Look at every moba or mmo for example.
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Solo Q in general is rng regardless who you face. My solo q survival against hag is low because too many of my teammates don't know how to crouch when it comes to not triggering her traps at hooks and I've witness far too many survivors getting grab out of the unhook.
And just because you get bad teammates or you can't figure out how to beat legion doesn't mean the killer is brainless. His power literally cannot down without stacking it 5 times which is only possible if survivors don't spread out and mend while he's in frenzy. A killer who has to win chases as a m1 killer is hardly brainless.
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He’s only boring because everyone is playing him. It’s the same reason I hate huntress. I play against to many of them it get really stale. Earlier today I played vs deathslinger pyramid demogorgon pinhead and it was cool until I got 4 legion matches and 2 huntress matches. Does he need a nerf? Absolutely not. But he was boring before and it’s even more boring since he’s being played more.
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You can't hide vs a Legion, sees your aura all the time, also you can't prevent being injured. He destroys pallets very fast or just vaults them.
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Joke aside, skill checks are client-side.
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He requires a red addon to destroy pallets faster then other killers. Him vaulting pallets it kinda his power. You know, that he only gets a notification of where you are, while: he is in frenzy, you´re inside his terror radius and you are not in deep wound status.
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Another survivor main topic that calls out for nerf just because "cant counter a killer with doing nothing". Usual happens nothing to worry about.
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Found the killer main
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There is a big difference between pressing M1 to actually progress the game (Survivors cannot escape if they dont do Gens) and pressing M1 which does not progress the game.
And sorry, in my opinion, games against Legion take far too long. And this has nothing to do with the strength of Legion or that I am too stupid to realize the genius counterplay of splitting up. I prefer a Nurse who wrecks the Survivors in 3 minutes over a 20+-game against Legion every day.
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Legion is boring to play against because he does not follow the mechanic of : hit, hit down, hook.
In a sense he kind of "slugs" health states. Legion ends up being similar to twins in that he is very unfun to play against.
Legion would be a lot more interesting if there were a survivor perk that ignored mending. I kind of understand why boons are in the game : to counteract the feeling of always needing to mend vs legion. It makes sense they were working on that when they were reworking legion in the process.
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So you want Legion to return to being the worst killer in the game? So you want easy games essentially?
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This "just spread" is the same as survivors telling killers "just kick the totem" to counter CoH. Its so obviouse how pro-survivors threads instantly get overrun by killer mains when the game balance is on average still killer sided which is shown in killrate stats. I guesse it's because most survivors can instantly vent to friends they are playing with compared to killers that keep it bottled up and have to resort to the forums. It gives such a wrong direction to the devs to what changes have to be made. Complaints will only stop if killers can point to survivors to blow them up. 4k's just isn't enough to feed the power fetish that alot seem to have here.
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It's amazing to me how killers/legion players just don't get the criticism. Playing against legion is insanely boring. Mending extends the M1 simulator that we get with generators and healing into the land of the ridiculous. Against a normal killer, I probably spend 160 seconds on generators and 32 or 48 seconds healing for a total inert boring downtime in a match of 200 seconds. Against legion the number is more like 300 to 400 seconds. Let's not forget the highly engaging hanging on hooks time. Then on top of that, we add a whole bunch of mend time. Out of a 15 to 20 minute match (only against legion are they this long), I'm spending 5 or 6 minutes doing absolutely nothing.
Additionally, the strategies are very simple. Press 'w', don't count on pallets or window vaults and try to stay spread out.
Until he is changed, dc'ing, suiciding, or afk'ing will still be at higher rates than against most killers. For most survivors, it is not about his strength. I get more DC's against legion then against nurse, ponder that one.
To summarize: the looping strategy is press 'w', and the inert time is 2 or 3 times more than other killers. This is why legion sucks to play.
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W, mending, M1 on gen - such an interactive gameplay
I heckin love DBD!
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Made them DC from the game entirely.
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Legion is still terrible 😂 be grateful it's not nurse or huntress every game again.
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It's huntress or legion, both are broken
Huntress has cheating hitboxes, legion brainless
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I'm sure you can demonstrate how you crush good teams with both of them.
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Don't worry, you guys can keep the brainless mending simulator.
Personally me and two friends quit from the game at least until next patch.
No wonder player numbers are going down in steam charts.
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What would you recommend be done to fix this?
Specifically, how would you change Legions current power without making up a brand new power to make them more fun?
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You have to change Legions Power. They are a completely failed concept which should have never left QA back in 2018. It is not like Legion are a strong Killer to begin with, they never were a strong Killer. But they also have 0 possibility to be a strong Killer with their current power.
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No HATCH escapes? You gotta pump them numbers up!
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Usually I'm the one looping the killer while the team is busy opening chests or waiting you go down to decide to create courage to click on a gen.