Videotape Copy Rework

Seeing the new Never-Sleep Pills and Prayer Tablet Fragment makes me eager for more direct side grade add-ons that change how the killer plays. Here is a proposition for Onryo's Videotape Copy:
A copy of the deadly videotape imprinted upon by Sadako.
It dampens the desire for vengeance.
- Projection does not inflict Condemned on nearby Survivors.
- Inserting a Tape spreads Condemnation to Survivors not Carrying a Tape.
- Grants 100% Bonus Bloodpoints for Deluge of Fear Score Events.
This would hopefully mix-up how the counter-play to Onryo is played. Normally, if someone picks up a tape, it is to either prevent a teleport, or to get rid of the condemnation accumulated throughout the match. Or to bait the Onryo. With this change, should someone pick up a tape, it can begin a snowball where other players have to pick up tapes and drop them off. While there may be opportunities for BM or sandbagging, I'm hoping that some of you have some suggestions on how one could prevent this with this effect.
Please point out any oversights below. Thank you!
It sounds like a good idea but it will still be ######### cause survivors have no reason to grab tapes. Her cooldown to teleporting is already long enough there’s no point to grab tapes. It should do this
-Projection does not inflict condemnation.
-projection cooldown is reduced by 90 seconds.
-projection cooldown when survivors shut tvs off is increased by 40 seconds.
-survivors who insert a tape gain condemnation and spreads condemnation to other survivors not carrying a tape
there made it a meme addon but changes the entire killer
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Those numbers may need to be fudged as a 10 second cooldown on the TV might be a bit too much. But I get the gist, and its pretty cool.
But also Tape Editing Deck if wanting guaranteed value.
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How about something like
- Videotape Copy disables spreading Condemned when Onryo Projects
- Sadako has no lullaby, makes no sound when Projecting, and can see auras of survivors within 16 meters for 3 seconds after Projecting
Basically she’d be trading the pressure of Condemned stacks for improved Stealth. It’s a bit like the Scratched Mirror Meyers idea of trading part of her base kit for improved stealth and tracking. In this case her aura reading isn’t as good as Scratch Mirror but she makes up for it by maintaining her mobility.
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Here, I'll fix that for you:
Survivors lose 75% less Condemnation once depositing a video tape.
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This feels too much like Plague's addon, but misses the point of why the Plague's addon works.
The duration of her vile purge lasting on gens becomes really long that survivors simply cannot afford to wait out the gen before working on it and it creates situations where survivors are forced to infect themselves to progress.
Sadako's condemnation has two ways to spread. Her teleporting and survivors taking tapes. If you remove the condemnation from her teleport, survivors don't have a reason to take out tapes. Even if you combined it with the iri videotape addon which is the best way to force survivors to take tapes out of gens, without the threat of sadako teleport building of condemnation survivors will still hold out on taking tapes.
It's an interesting concept, but just kind of fails at doing anything besides making Sadako weaker.
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Ok, so currently removing a tape shuts off the TV, and so does depositing the tape in the destination TV.
Well how about: depositing a tape shuts off that TV, but causes the TV it was originally taken from to turn back on.
Plus; any survivors within range of that TV when it turns back on, get condemned as if Sadako had teleported to it.
A vigilant Sadako could then port to the TV that just turned on as a survivor has lost condemnation, to potentially double up that condemnation.