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The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun



  • Member Posts: 767
    edited May 2022

    So against my better judgment I broke and spent money on Sadako; I know, more fool me.

    This was during one of my first few games and I instantly regretted spending anything on this neglected travesty.

    Honestly stinks they're still taking peoples money without addressing these game breaking freezes.

    It just shouldn't be running like this and is a real shock to the system after playing all the other recent games that have somehow managed to be optimised to run fine on PS4 as well as PS5 like Elden Ring, Horizon Forbidden West, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands; even No Mans Sky released 2016 and has been updated to look amazing now, is insane in scale compared to DbD and yet runs absolutely great.

    Its so depressing and I genuinely feel like a mug for throwing my money away on this mess :'(

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    Them haddonfield bushes seem laggy.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    at this point I don't think anything going to be fixed about performance issues.

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited May 2022

    I've been having awful lag spikes for the last few days. First couple days of the patch were fine, but around monday or so I was suddenly hit with huge lag spikes almost every game, survivor or killer. Basically whenever I found a survivor, or the killer found me, or the killer used their power, or a gen was completed, or a skill check popped up, or a pallet is kicked, I'd freeze for anywhere from a second to like 5 seconds. Once I actually DCed from the game because I froze for so long.

    Now I know DBD can be a little laggy and even at the best of times a slight bit of stuttering, especially during the first game or two of the day can happen, but this is something else.

    On PC by the way.

  • Member Posts: 767

    If they aren't going to fix it, they should stop taking peoples money for it knowing its broken.

    Even Cyberpunk was taken off the store because of terrible performance and Fallout 76 which was awful got improved eventually.

    It sucks as they promote sales on the old consoles all the time and things like the social media and anniversary streams are basically tricking a portion of the playerbase into paying for stuff that looks cool but just doesn't work to an acceptable standard.

    Disgraceful really and there should be more uproar about it; I feel like I'm screaming into the void and no one cares about how much a good portion of the playerbase is suffering because look shiny new content.

    At least if more noise was made, less new people would getting suckered into spending anything on the game; I should've known better but I feel sick thinking of the new players who see the new license or DLC and jump into the game only to be met with this and either stop playing and take the wasted money, or feel invested and keep playing despite it not working properly because they don't want to admit the money has been flushed down the loo.

    I have to wonder if its deliberately not being fixed so they can get more money out of people who feel they have to move format and rebuy everything for even more money; its disgusting.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    I’ve had more performance issues with this patch than ever before. It kind of feels like things are going to slowly keep getting worse and worse with every patch unless the devs actually dedicate some serious resources into a major Game Health patch. For the past six years it has just been bandaid solutions and plugging one hole only to see three more holes open. Is there any good reason why the same game should perform worse over time on the same hardware?

  • Member Posts: 364

    The stuttering needs to be acknowledged and addressed along with the multitude of killer bugs now. make sure to upvote on bug reporting. most likely to possibly get a response.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    If you experience that on PC, what hope is there for us peasant consolers, especially our Switch cousins?

    Appreciate the input nonetheless ty.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Yeah, I agree it's ridiculous this thread is still needed.

    I'm slowly beginning to drift away from this game with all the issues we face with every patch. It was a bit better like 6 months ago, where you could really feel the changes they made. But then came of the hotfix patches and everything turned to trash again, with unhook freezes, lag when something goes on on the other side of the map.

    I know they want to fix their game, but sometimes it just doesn't feel that way at all. Why would we still have all these issues like a year later, when this thread was made. And still the devs are too stubborn to make a game health patch, which the consoles desperatly need (and now it seems, pc's as well). But no, must pump out new content every 3 months with more and more code added on a terrible base foundation.

    They should just pull this game from the console stores untill they fix this game. Why sucking new players in and take their money when you don't want to dedicate one big patch to try and repair the base foundation.

  • Member Posts: 942
    edited May 2022

    Sorry for not updating sooner, was busy, so pretty much here's what I got after introducing my friend to Dead by Daylight. Toolboxes will sometimes break (have no clue how to replicate) and by break, you literally can't use them until you pass it off to your friend, they use it for a sec and give it back.

    Next up, one of the lovely random's flashlight was busted cuz even though their flashlight was pointing to the killer the actual beam remained on the concrete, and it continued to stutter just by the Legion (we mainly played against them) using their power, when people were unhooked, hell, even when I tried to use DS after the killer wouldn't hop off my ass.

    I've taken many breaks from Dead by Daylight, considering it's been a game I used to play religiously, I just can't with it anymore, I'll come back sometimes to play maybe 5 games, but with players leaving every day because of the poor performance, I can't.

    I love this game, and I wanna see it flourish, but it's difficult with how things are going at this rate.

  • Member Posts: 1,386

    Still baffled how this game uses so much of my GPU for 1440P High settings it rivals Cyberpunk 2077 and runs worse at the same time. It's so baffling. The game's visuals do not justify it's performance.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited May 2022

    New issues I've encountered over the past few months that are still ongoing on PS4.

    Frame rate drop when certain animations play (Unhooking, gen repairs, hooks, killer actions like kicking gens)

    Random FPS drop in the middle of a chase. It's like micro stuttering and it's so annoying because it can screw up your loops

    Hit validation just feels plain bad. We're talking old levels of bad hit detection recently.

    Various visual bugs that are affecting different areas of the game

    Flashlights pointing down unless you drop them and pick them up first

    Can't use Tool Box on the generator if you don't drop it and pick it up first

    Pallet stun hit detection starting to feel as bad as it did pre-patch

    Action prompts sometimes are not displaying, or in some cases even disappear like when running through and trying to drop a pallet. Now, I've also seen some bug reports of it even disappearing while looking at a pallet, but the former is more common in my case

    All this on top of the other confirmed bugs...

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • Member Posts: 1,096

    Is this the longest thread ever seen

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I turned on crossplay because I had a killer player that would target me so instead of DC penalties or watching his stream waiting for him to admit it again so I could get clip (didn't get clip previous time he said it) and report I turned crossplay on.

    The freezes are definitely more impactful when facing killers who aren't experiencing performance issues. Same freezes as reported multiple times in this post. Since they updated hemorrhage I feel like the freeze from that feels a bit worse and all the hook perks makes hooks/unhooks freeze feel worse. Dredge is pretty rough to play against with performance issues. His smoke is basically like fog causing performance issues.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I would imagine Dredge would be pretty unpleasant with all of his affects.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
  • Member Posts: 394

    Yeah you'd think they'd actually fix the performance issues by now.

  • Member Posts: 22
    edited June 2022

    (PS4) I don't know if this is another bug related with DbD on PS4, but I have an annoying problem related with de The Archives.

    Sometimes, when I complete a challenge, the small section (see the photo) on the right does not appear counting the progress of the challenge, so when I go back to the main menu to find another game, the challenge appears with no progress at all. This is happening to me only a few times and randomly, but is so annoying.

  • Member Posts: 847

    Holy poo this tread is still going lmao. Has the performance gotten better since it was made?

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    No, it got worse after the RE chapter. RE chapter was terrible. Now it's gotten better since RE but it's still worse than it was when the post was first made

  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited June 2022


    That is not the only culprit but it's the one you have no control over unfortunately.

    I kinda accepted it I guess, not much else I can do.

  • Member Posts: 5,944
  • Member Posts: 288

    I don't get your hopes up really. After a whole year nothing really changed. It's time to wait before the issues also get holding ground on the ps5.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    When a trigger (like an unhook) for performance issues happens while the killer is carrying you it not only makes you miss the skill check you're on but you can't even try to hit the skill checks for several seconds. Nothing happens if you hit the skill check buttons during this time. It's pretty annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    Yay this htread is on the front again!

    The xbox performance has gotten better than when tbis thread got made. Most of the time its not perfect but its not unbearable.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    I think the only major performance issue left for me on PS4 is getting a fat FPS when survivors get unhooked,which is strangely not the case with every unhook

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Here's your reward for that accomplishment. Now you match the P3 Titans of this game.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    It's unfortunate that it's accomplished little in what I set out to do.

  • Member Posts: 968

    still no news about a optimization road , huh?😪

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    I understand. Truly. I'm a PS4 player.

    . . . but at least you got glitter and sparkles. ✨ That makes you feel better, right?

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    I lag a lot on series S in that basement house but overall the game works much better on new gen consoles than with the old ones.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Performance feels like it took a hit after this patch. The normal triggers like hooks/unhooks all feel a little bit worse than they did before - the freezes feel like a second longer.

    Had a match v a Freddy. I was awake in a chase and I heard the swing and my game froze for 5 seconds and I was asleep before the hit connected. Every time I'd fall asleep there would be a freeze but the worst was definitely getting hit to into the dream world.

  • Member Posts: 942

    Had that happen to me, I was running a hag around and all of a sudden, random lag spike, hag was now a foot behind me after I had a good amount of distance between us

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    Xbox performance gets pretty good after an update. After a few weeks it's laggy again, but then another update happens and it's smooth.


  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I'm starting to get FPS drops on my Series X so I wouldn't say so.

  • Member Posts: 1,386

    According to the devs,this game is CPU-Bound. However I'm still seeing a 100% GPU utilization at Medium-Low setting at 100% resolution or auto-adjust on PC with my 3080. Constant dips of my 99% FPS which makes the game feel EXTREMELY laggy capped because it legit stutters like that every 3-7 seconds and with 120 it at least drops to 63-75 FPS instead of 22-34 FPS.

    Something tells me this game is still blueprint code which is just really bad. Who would've guessed.

  • Member Posts: 6,340
    edited August 2022

    My frames drop I to the teens sometimes. The middle room of Lery's is notorious for this, especially against Freddy or Nemesis. I thought they recoded the game into C+++ a long while back?

  • Member Posts: 1,386

    They converted their horrible blueprint code into C++. It's still the same horrible code,just now in C++.

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