Can we prevent last-second item swapping?

If the killer can see what items the survivors are bringing, can we block item or character swapping at some point in the countdown?
If blocked at 5 or 15 seconds, it would only allow the killer time to dodge. It's not ideal so instead ...
If blocked few seconds from starting the countdown, it would allow the killer to properly prepare. (After all, who doesn't equip before queuing?)
You can't swap items once the countdown reaches 5, but the killer also can't make changes to their build at 5 either.
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Yes, not ideal.
Oh drat, I should have written "it only allows the killer to dodge" ...
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Really simple just make it so when you press ready you can't switch anything. There is no way around that because if you anready the timer starts from new again and the killer has all the time he needs to adjust his build
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Would be nice if survivors were locked to the characters they chose to start queueing with like killers are. Many people try to make themselves look like "baby survivors" and make the killers feel at ease then switch to busted stuff at 6 seconds.
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That would be the most extreme version : no character/item swapping allowed at all.
When they don't simply swap to a full toolbox/flashlight/... squad which is bound to make the player start in a bad mood, feeling tricked.
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Nah if they want to do that give them what they deserve if anything that motivates me to crush them.
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Personally I think they should just remove the ability to see what you're about to be playing against UNTIL the loadout becomes locked so that you can't do any sort of build tailoring on either side. If you want to run a hard counter in your build you should run the risk the opponent is not using what you are attempting to hard counter. Survivors don't get to know if their opponent is going to run strong addons/powers or weak ones, why should the killer get to build tailor to the items the survivors have.
Once the loadout is locked though, I'm all for showing what they have. Would even be cool if the different raritiy items looked different so you could know roughly how powerful an item they were using.
Imagine how unfair it would be if the survivors could preemptively know they were about to be up against a killer with multiple hex perks equipped so they can all build tailor by putting on maps or totem perks. These perks and items are balanced by the fact that they are hit or miss. They will only be useful if you have a secondary reason to be doing bones or if the killer is running hexes, and if they could literally ALWAYS be used to counter then it would severely limit the potential of hexes. It's kind of the same thing. Many killers who see multiple items will tailor to those items. If they see maps they may switch off hexes or if they see medkits they may equip franklins. If they see flashlights they may use lightborn.
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It has been made this way precisely to allow the killer to build something for the survivors in the lobby. The last-instant swapping makes this kind of pointless hence this suggestion.
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Well you still can swap but you lose the ability to swap while the count down is on so these last second swaps will be gone but if you press ready and see you forgot to change a perk you can unread yourself change and the timer starts from new
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And that's how the devs want it. The killer can see the items to adjust his build don't forget he goes against 4 people alone so he of course get a little compensation in the planing phase. And let's be real 99%of the people that do a last second swap are people that want to do some bullie stuff with 4 flashlights never seen any surv do a last second swap to a med kit or a toolbox.
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Get ready for countless DC's in the pre-match loading screen when it becomes apparent all the survivors have brought a flashlight.
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Ah yes, true : the countdown doesn't move until there are 4 survivors and a killer in the lobby. Seems to be the best option.
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Id like to see the survivors unable to swap in the lobby simply because I'd like to see it.
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I would like to test the system from mobile. There you auto-ready up once you get in the lobby and you can't change anything after you start searching for a match. Although the killer sees what type of items (and rarity) and how many add-ons and perks are used but not which. Survivors are able to see everything except anything killer related.
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This would probably just result in more lobby dodging, and that messes with the MMR system.
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After playing the game for over 1,500 hours, I have never had a problem with this.
As a killer, survivors swapping to something like Medkits, Toolboxes, or Flashlights never really informed my choices for perks or attachments to counter them.
I understand that there are many players that take the game seriously to the point where they see 2+ flashlights and instalock Lightborn to avoid the bully squad, only to see them swap to Medkits last second - so that the killer stomps on their hat in impotent rage as they swear they could have brought something better, like Sloppy Butcher.
In truth though, these things matter very little. You don't need lightborn to face a flashy bully squad - you don't need Sloppy to face an uber-heal team.
Never had an issue with survivors trying to 'bait' me with going a no-skin baby dwight, then switching to their overloaded Feng mains with anniversary flashlights and tricked out charms. It's hilarious, but never an issue.
To suggest it would be an issue would be to suggest that one has no faith in their initial build, that their skills depend entirely on their expectations from the match, and/or that they entered the match intending not to play well.
So long as you're bringing a build you know how to use, don't rely on expectations in a match, and go into a match intending to play comfortably - then the entire thing is a non-issue.
This has never been a problem for me, and I do not think it ever will be.
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So treat anything after pressing ready and put in the lobby as a DC penalty. It’s a fair change and removes the need for last second switching.
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The whole point is for the killer to have that advantage. They are hunting this particular prey as it were, foreknowledge is their fixed advantage.
Where on the survivor side the identity of the killer is unknown until you find out in game. The element of suspense and surprise, ala horror survival experience. The team element is the fixed advantage of survivors.
Killers are already largely locked in under the new mmr, so a change to minimize last minute item swapping wouldn't be bad either as it largely negates the killer fixed advantage of foreknowledge.
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It just doesn't work. Killer sees a key in the lobby, immediate Franklin's Demise and nothing the survivor can do about it. It apparently isn't such a core concept of the game overall, as DbD Mobile entirely did away with switching anything after queueing for either side (survivor or killer). Which is how I believe it should be. Survivors pay thousands of blood points for their items. They should have an opportunity to use them without killers always knowing they're going to be facing specific items in trials. If killers are so set on preemptively countering items, let them equip one or more of the perks already available to them before they queue and see their opponents.
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Honestly I think the game would be improved if you simply didn’t see the other team in the lobby at all. No more item swapping or stalling, no lobby dodging because you don’t like the look of the survivor skins, etc.
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Improved for who?
Adjusting for a build improves the chances of the killer. It also gives more variations of gameplay and tactics.
A few perks would never be used anymore if the lobby wasn't visible for the killer.
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You mean you wouldn't use certain perks any more (I'm assuming you mean Lightborn mostly). Other people would still use them sometimes.
And I mean improved overall on average. The "strategic benefit" of seeing the survivors isn't worth the hassle of survivors running out the timer all the time and all the lobby dodging that goes on.
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Imo survivors should be fully locked in at 15s
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People tend to dodge TTVs, multiple flashlights or multiple toolboxes. (Never heard anybody complaining about for medkits.)
The ones who dodge instead of preparing would only get more frustrated and end up stopping to play. I would say that's a better outcome.