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NOED Rewards Failure



  • Member Posts: 12

    I can genuinely just change a few words in your paragraph and it still works to give flack to the other side.

    "Three times out of the few matches played today I have actually lost due to one perk.

    A reminder that DH is a perk that rewards failure. The killer did well completing the objective against impossible and unbearable odds only for someone to lose because the game gives the survivor a petty second chance.

    I wouldn't mind this perk if two conditions were true;

    1) The killers objective was much easier to complete.

    2) Killers had a similar perk.

    It's not a good feeling to lose when the opponent played poorly but got rewarded for it. When the state of the game incredibly favors the survivors, DH needs a change now."

  • Member Posts: 7

    "A reminder that NOED is a perk that rewards failure"

    So... Just like Dead Hard/Unbreakable/DS? :)

  • Member Posts: 442

    Sluzzy is a straight villain on these forums i swear. Not even a good villain, more like a disney villain because you can't relate to them.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Both sides are easy actually. Killer is more stressful tho.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    I run NOED pretty frequently and the only time it's ever turned a 1k into a 3 or 4k for me is when the remaining survivors rush the last gen right in my face making it easy for me to slug all of them and win. Usually it gives me one additional quick down after gens are done and then the survivors leave immediately or they find the totem. NOED is nice because it procs every single game (no one does totems) and it allows me to secure 1 kill and maybe 2 if I've had like 7 or 8 hooks to that point with no kills because I didn't camp or tunnel. The perk is absolutely fine. It's okay for the killer to have one 2nd chance perk to secure a kill while survivors have 40,000,000 of them

  • Member Posts: 658

    Have you tried replacing Dead Hard, or Decisive Strike with Detectives Hunch? That would solve the issue right there. There’s also Counter Force. Become a cleanse machine.

    Survivor mains just want to do gens, and use second chance perks. When I solo I’m not using those. I’m running fun builds. Like “Pharmacy Tech” build, Mettle of Man builds, etc. I still escape as killers THINK you have those perks, and fumble. I hate playing sweaty, and DBD isn’t the olympics. It’s a game you get high/drunk with, and play. Especially with friends.

    If you always play in an unsporting manner you’ll become upset when the unsporting behaviors happen to you.

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited June 2022

    For someone who complains so much about things that apparently don't have counters (countless killer perks/killers) when survivors have none of that and all have some form of a counter, it's strange you're conveniently ignoring the fact NOED has a counter. You've got quite a lot of time to go to and try to find the totem then BT the person off the hook. It probably adds a little excitement to an otherwise snoozefest game.

    Chances are if a killer is using NOED and you're complaining about NOED, then the killer was probably really bad and it's just upsetting to think that a bad killer gets a free kill, when good survivors wouldn't have too much trouble finding a totem and saving the person on hook. If it was so strong, and common, well, there's perks for finding just that. The only time it's an issue is if the killer is lucky enough to hook a survivor where they can guard the totem, in which case "high risk, high reward"

    In other words, what you're saying is so dumb I probably wasted my time humoring it, though if I'm being honest I personally think NOED is a perk for bad killers. But hey, if it isn't NOED, it's a gen regression perk, or some pesky thing killers use to make the game easier. Not a thing a survivor would use.

  • Member Posts: 974

    asking me as if I had friends to play with is cute. they gotta learn sometime.

    do bones

  • Member Posts: 418

    Not really.

    Sure, at face value, sitting on a gen is "holding one button", but survivors objective is to escape, no? Sitting on gens is just part of that objective: there are many things that survivors have to do in order to escape (save, heal, win chases, coordinate with their team, etc.). Not to mention unique objectives and tasks which come with different killers (removing Pig traps, solving Pinhead's Lament box, etc.).

    "Holding one button" is an over-simplified, and frankly patronizing take on it.

  • Member Posts: 463

    You HAVE to be trolling. There's absolutely no way people still unironically go with the "bait it out".

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    It is true. All you have to do is wait a couple of seconds if you are scared of dead hard. If they dodged a hit that is what the perk is supposed to do.

    With NOED, you are instantly downed with no warning. A huge benefit for the killer after losing when the game is already killer sided.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    It procs every time because it is impossible to do 10 objectives plus everything else survivors have to do.

    Survivors don't really have any second chance perks. Not like NOED.

    NOED and exposed perks are not fair. Is it fair to turn a 1K into a 4K because of only one perk?

  • Member Posts: 2

    Noes is perfect Survivors Have many advantages And They areuch stronger and easier to bully Remove Dead Hard And Them Noed

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Someone put Sluzzy's face in there please, because the rest of his comedy act is going to be great.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    "Survivors don't really have any second chance perks. Not like NOED."

    I cannot believe that this isn't a parody account, there is no way that anyone could seriously say this with a straight face.


  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Can you name a survivor perk that forces killer to do twice as much objective or otherwise lose?

  • Member Posts: 463

    If you got insta downed with NOED that's what the perk is supposed to do.

    See how that works?

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    While that is true, you have to compare the power between the two and how that power is gained.

  • Member Posts: 463

    NOED is gained from having at least one totem up by end game, pretty easy to activate.

    Dead Hard is gained from simply being injured, pretty easy to activate.

    Both are crutches that are too easy to activate. Both reward and coverup bad gameplay, which is why both of them are getting nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    A reward for the survivor's failure.

  • Member Posts: 5,498

    Does Rancor Reward failure?

  • Member Posts: 28

    NOED should not grant more than 1 hook due to the surprise factor... everything else is hard to understand how they are not survivors' mistakes.

    Just search and memorize 2 to 3 totem locations. Each memorization gives you 20% chance of eventually nullifying NOED.

    But that has to be done not just for NOED, but for any Hex perk Killer might have.

    The problem comes when:

    • Survivors lack map totem spawn knowledge due to inexperience.
    • Survivors cleanse all 5 totems "just in case".
    • None or only 1 survivor bothers in searching for few totem locations.
  • Member Posts: 289

    Didnt you say on the first page that the game is so killer sided that its almost impossible to do 5 gens? Why bother with complaining about a perk that almost no survivor ever got to see and that only legends exist about?

    Lets rather start a petition to buff gen speed by 500% first so we are the first survivors ever that will make it out of a match brother. Then we also can confirm if the legends of this so called noed perk and endgame are true. Well be DBD Pioneers and both become famous.

  • Member Posts: 1,035
  • Member Posts: 1,004

    DH and CoH pop immediately to mind - and you seem to be ignoring the fact that this is a 1v4 game so a 1:1 comparison is intrinsically false.

  • Member Posts: 183

    it doesnt tho

    noed hardly has any plays in this game if ur playing with survivors who arent brain dead

    almost every game ive played all the killers had noed but they hardly had any use since it got cleansed instantly cus the hex would go into a totem that was close to being cleansed or its near a player to begin with

    but i agree noed is kinda rewarding u for failure but so is DH so i dont really see a problem

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    I mean yea because if I run Cool Jake with Small Game I clear out 3-5 totems quickly. It all depends on how many Boons are out

  • Member Posts: 450

    3 times you could have done bones. Ain't a better feeling than seeing a killer have noed that had never been lit up because no bones were on the map.

    Also dead hard rewards failure so does unbreakable and Ds. Along with many others.

    NOED can be hard countered and you didn't want to do that. Killers lose games due to dead hard and other second chance perks that reward failure. NOED is the only perk like that on killer side.

    Just run small game, counter force, detectives hunch, learn bone placements or bring a map. Do all 5 bones and you know you're safer at endgame. Plus we all love BP.

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited June 2022

    NOED is “good” when survivors were about to lose if one more big mistake were to cause a snowball. Say everyone is healthy at EGC, but were on death hook. NOED will let the killer slug/hook you all. Then there’s when it spawns by an exit gate, and a killer hooked someone next to it.

    If NOED doesn’t do something like that then it’s pointless. When I use NOED it never activates because the SWFs I face break all the totems. Even when it’s activated I chase down maybe 1 survivor, and if 3 are alive 1 of them will destroy it. Typically when I hook the survivor. They come in with a reckless BT save, and escape. I typically use NOED to get extra hooks with BBQ. I will be using it for the anniversary once I stack cakes. That’s for sure. 😂

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited June 2022

    Second thing is... NOED is the killer’s version of a second chance, which only procs at the END. Meaning killers run around with 3 perks in hopes it even activates.

    Survivors have a load of second chance perks that all 4 of them can use during the entire trial, AND they be used repeatedly in some cases (cool downs)…

    Survivors have every right to use their perks to survive in the same way killers have every right to use theirs to get sacrifices… NOED can be countered. DH for distance cannot be. BT cannot be anymore. Waiting 60 seconds for DS to fade is not a real counter. Maybe instead of running BT, DH, DS, and Unbreakable to do a CJ you would run a totem hunting perk. Detective’s Hunch says hello. Since all survivor mains do are gens it’ll literally tell you where everything is. In the time it takes to activate a boon you could cleanse totems.

    Both sides of “mains” feel very entitled, but survivor mains take the cake when you have to choose between which side feels more entitled. Complaining about NOED is such an asinine argument when compared to the survivors resources. I solo Q and I never complain about NOED.

    Post edited by WaveyTrey on
  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Yes, let's make gens 30 seconds, just end the game in under 3 minutes

    And Sluzzy, the survivors do have a similar perk, it's called Dead Hard

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    It can be completely eliminated before it procs though, but DH is a permanent part of every chase a survivor has

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Awww, I was just about to ask where their other post was, lol

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    It's ok, I forgive you... just DON'T DO IT AGAIN, lol, I need my daily Sluzzy

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, noed doesn't proc on a blessed totem anyways so you're fine if there's one bones left on the map and it's blessed, noed won't activate

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, I get kills all the time without noed, I've maybe had 2 or 3 trials of trying it and I ditched it fast, not my kind of perk

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    High lvl mmr usually doesn´t complain about NOED. Since they either find it quickly, so the killer barely gets 1 down or don´t bother at all.

    I also don´t use it. I´m not a fan of endgame perks. Because they are very niche, and not powerful enough for having a perk slot unused during the biggest part of the match. Today i had a match against someone with a full endgame build. This included Rancor, while i was the Obsession. End of the story, i was the only one who died. Asked the killer how this build performs (out of curiosity) and he got all mad at me. shrug Meanwhile i was happy to see a Nemesis mori.

  • Member Posts: 1,337

    DBD forum impossible challenge: Try not to respond to the worst bait posts of the century

  • Member Posts: 220
    edited June 2022

    NOED and Dead Hard can't simply just be rebalanced. The problem is people use them because they feel they need to in order to win, so if NOED was removed or changed in a significant way that it's no longer effective then the people that use it as a crutch will either complain in masses or stop playing the game. I don't think "just do bones" is a solution either because sometimes you don't have time to cleanse every totem if you want everyone to escape.

    I think the real solution is to rebalance the game itself than just that perk. A lot of mechanics need to be adjusted so that people ultimately feel like they don't need to rely on crutches to win. Same applies to camping and tunneling too. I believe matchmaking is a factor as well, so if you're constantly getting killers that are bad and have to rely on noed then they're probably not at your skill level and MMR isn't working as intended. Most of these things are symptoms of the problem and not the source

    I don't use NOED, but I do use dead hard. Whenever I stop using meta perks I end up getting camped/tunneled or have a miserable match which is why I end up going back to meta perks in the end rather than trying new/fun builds. It's probably similar for people that use NOED.

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    I would like a Sluzzy slushie with a side of mozzarella sticks.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Dead hard requires some skill to pull off a successful dodge. The timing has to be perfect. You can't compare that to NOED which bypasses a health state and a huge boost in speed.

  • Member Posts: 153

    There also is 4 survivors remember that, with 4 dead hards and tool boxes... Etc we maybe get one kill from NOED. Survivors don't need to have a perk like that then there is not point of killer

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited June 2022

    No one uses DH to “dodge”. Anyone with a brain 🧠 uses DH to gain insane amounts of distance when they otherwise could not. Mind you this will happen every single chase after a survivor becomes injured 🙂🙃🙂. Waiting out a DH doesn’t work unless a survivor is chased to a wide open area (Smart survivors will never be). Heaven forbid it’s an indoor map like Lery’s.

    When combined with WoO the insight you get on loops can make you uncatchable in many cases. Since whenever you become injured you’ll use the adrenaline to run to those exact spots while keeping DH.

    You jest. You jest. Hehehe. 🤭

  • Member Posts: 658

    That’s why I stopped using Dead Hard. With WoO chases as survivor is easy mode. Pitifully easy mode. Often times I got downed because a killer would tunnel me until BL T2-3. By the time I did get caught around 3 gens would be done. Then I’m getting smacked on the hook, and face camped. 😭 😭 😭

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