Move The Temple of Purgation to The Forsaken Boneyard

When we got the new Forsaken Boneyard realm, I've always had this thought come to mind about a particular map that feels like it doesn't belong in the realm it does, and that's the Temple of Purgation in the Red Forest.

See, the Red Forest is a realm that seems to be situated particularly in Russia, but it also has the Temple of Purgation as part of the realm. This is both thematically and locationally incorrect since Babylon existed closer where current day Iraq is located, or in other words, was located in the Middle East.

In terms of structures back then, all Babylonian structures seemed to be more adherent toward the same sort of architecture you would find in the Forsaken Boneyard realm rather than the Red Forest realm. But there's also another problem with location, since Forsaken Boneyard is implied to originate from Chile.

However, considering the description of Forsaken Boneyard and the Temple of Purgation, this locational issue can be resolved:

  • Temple of Purgation: "Stolen from the memories of The Plague, the Temple was planted in the howling Red Forest, whose winds eroded its smooth edges. It now stands as a beacon of fear, visible from all cardinal points."
  • Forsaken Boneyard: "A surreal landscape born from the depths of an artist's mind."

Since the Temple of Purgation originated in Babylon and was actually placed in the Red Forest by The Entity, rather than its original location, this means the locale of the realm does not matter. And since Artist's realm is molded from her mind rather than a real place, you can theoretically put the Temple of Purgation into the realm.

But why? Why should this change occur? There are several reasons why:

  • Temple of Purgation would fit more thematically to the desert-like location of the Forsaken Boneyard, and since its architecture is so very similar in most of its structures, very few changes would need to take place to make it completely fit; notably, the change to shack, the changes to the theme of the tiles and the addition of dead palm trees would fit best. Nothing would be added (like the dreaded graves on Eyrie), just modified.
  • The Eyrie of Crows map is considered by many to be one of the worst maps in the game by far. Moving the Temple of Purgation from the Red Forest to the Forsaken Boneyard means that the Eyrie of Crows is no longer guaranteed to be picked and would alleviate most players' frustrations going the realm (at least until the Eyrie map gets fixed).
  • Since Plague and Artist share a deeper connection to The Entity than anyone else, practically being its direct servants for their own reasons, it makes complete sense for both of their maps to share the same realm. It would make it feel like the Plague's connection to The Entity is much closer than before, and by proxy, would make Artist seem more important.
  • It would also look a lot cooler, let's be honest. It's a giant Babylonian temple in the middle of a vast desert landscape; I think people would love that.

So what do you say? Can we have The Temple of Purgation in the Forsaken Boneyard?
