Decisive Strike skill check is too small!!

My laptop is a bit laggy sometimes, and hitting DS skill checks can be very, very hard. Some people like me have laggy hardware. Some other people are simply not able to hit those skill checks naturally. I know some people who don't use DS because they just can't hit the skill check, it's too hard for them. People also like to drink while playing DBD, you can imagine how hard it is to hit the skill check then.
**Not to mention** that failing a DS skill check disables it for the rest of the match (which means, if you get tunneled after your 2nd unhook, you get no chance to self-defend).
Do you see how problematic you've made this perk to use for many of us? Surely, people who are sweaty and use DS aggresively have no problems hitting the skill check. People like me who actually get tunneled for no good reason don't get its value often, all because you've made it too hard to use.
DS is supposed to help us against being tunneled right of the hook. It's supposed to be a bit of a protection for us, and a bit of a punishment for the killer. Now, if I'm getting tunneled, and fail the skill check 'cause it's so freakin' small and hard to hit for me, **I** get punished. Why???
DS is not a perk that grants competitive advantage (it can be abused, but that's a different story), it should not be so hard to use! People who abuse it have success with it, people like me who have trouble with the tiny skill check bar fail it and get tunneled out of the game.
I understand that great skil check are tiny and hard to hit. They give a nice boost, but they're not crucial to survival. Opression skill checks are what make the perk, and are not crucial to survival. DS does have to do with survival, and should not have high requirements.
This is an accessibility issue, and I ask you that you please address it finally. Please make the skill check much bigger. Also, make it so that if we fail the skill check (which should rarely be happening if it's bigger), DS still activates after the 2nd unhook.
"I know some people who don't use DS because they just can't hit the skill check, it's too hard for them."
*Take the zero counterplay perk and make it absolutely skill less so I can win while drunk.*
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DS has counterplay. DS deactivates if the survivor does anything to help the game progress. DS only lasts for 60 seconds after being unhooked. The killer can slug to wait it out.
The skill check is too small to hit on Nintendo Switch. I wish I could un-unlock the teachable because it's literally a wasted perk slot if I equip it. I have to just deal with getting tunneled out and completely screwing my team over every time, but I'm solo queue so my early death is everyone else's problem but mine, really.
I don't run DS on PS4, either, because jitteriness, frame drops, and input lag mean I miss it over 80% of the time there, too. DS clutters up my Bloodwebs and between the two platforms it has wasted so much BP it's rage-inducing.
DS was too strong before without the conditions on it. Now it has conditions. It doesn't need the skill check, too. DS can only be used once per match and only under very specific circumstances. There's no reason to lock out such a large group of players from being able to ever use this perk.
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I think they should just remove teh skill check from DS honestly. I don't think the skill check really adds much value to the perk.
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It's literally called a "skill check" althou no real skill in it that's the only thing that can make survivors suffer a "mistake" giving the killer a edge. Increase the size is like saying reduce the map size for killers like nurse because she is too hard. Either don't use the perk, try to time it better or just get better hardware. Not a attack on anyone just saying that would literally be a buff to a strong perk an even with "counter play" like slug, unbreakable is a thing along side the unbreka-boon. An ds is a issue since alot of people, from casuals, comp an even some fav streamers hate how it's used. I hate it but no one can deny it's use for anti tunnel althou people try to abuse it outside that such as end game collapse ds being a free escape
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Being unable to use DS just makes solo queue more miserable than it already is. I bring BT, but my random teammates don't and I have no control over that. They farm me off the hook, I die. Or they rush to save someone else who got hooked, get there before I do, and then that person who got unhooked dies. The majority of my matches become a 3v1 at 5 gens. I usually despise playing survivor but occasionally I need to do it to complete challenges and earn BP. Not having DS as an option sucks. And having random teammates who die without wasting even 30 seconds of the killer's time because they don't have DS or can't hit the skill check also sucks.
That skill check doesn't hinder the survivors who waste 10 minutes of the killer's time and then use DS as a weapon. That tiny skill check is like old Ruin, the way hitting great skill checks was impossible for new survivors who didn't need to be slowed down in the first place. DS's skill check is a relic from when it existed to punish the killer for winning the chase.
DS is the only thing that slows down hardcore tunneling or being farmed off the hook. That tiny "skill check" isn't really about skill, it's about the game running smooth as butter. The game's lack of optimization, the way it often runs poorly even on good hardware, isn't a skill issue. Unlike annoying exhaustion perks and Boil Over, DS can only be used once per match and it has a hell of a lot of conditions attached to it.
As a killer I hate that some survivors try to use DS like a weapon, but I hate it even more that as a survivor I can't use it to not get farmed or tunneled out. There are options for getting around it as a killer, but there are no options that replace DS as a survivor.
Edited to add: DS should have either a larger skill check or use a quick time event. I also think it shouldn't activate if the killer pulls you out of a locker, and making it so that you're exhausted while DS is active wouldn't be a terrible idea, either.
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I'd say skill issue, but this is more of an alcoholism issue.
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What do you mean, this would be a buff? And threaten killer? Are you kidding me? It would make no difference for the majority of people. Making the skill check bigger would mean that people who are having issues with it would **get value from this perk** instead of have it wasted. It would not give any advantage to survivors, it would actually make the perk USABLE for people who can't hit it because of how their brains work, or 'cause of a bit laggy hardware. I don't have a ton of money just lying around to be able to get better PC right now. People whos brains aren't as "fluid" as others' can't just fix that.
Making the skill check bigger would give NO ADVANTAGE to anyone. It's not a freakin' buff. It would make it NOT USELESS anymore. Killers can still slug it out, and even with the DS success, they can go after a survivor and tunnel anyway. But having DS be only usable by people with top notch brains and top notch hardware is very discriminating.
Read what I wrote in my initial post. People who abuse it never fail it 'cause they have great PCs and brains. People like me who use it as protection are disabled by using it due to the skill check being too small.
How the f would this be a buff that would give anyone an advantage? You can't be serious, man. This would only make the perk NOT WORTHLESS for people like me. Why have a perk in the game that cannot be used by a group of people? I'd rather no-one can use it then, than only have certain people be able to use it. It's unfair, it's frustrating.
Early days DS was you stabbing the killer without ever being hooked. That was OP, a small skill check then made sense. Now it does absolutely not. The perk should be usable. By everyone. If you don't like it, ask BHVR to nerf it or remove it. Do you also think COLOR BLIND MODE is an unfair buff to players? Do you also think LOW graphical settings is an unfair buff? Seriously, man...
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DS skill check really is not hard to hit (though I can't really speak for the Switch version), and I say this as someone who does not play Survivor very much. You really just need to get better. Alternatively, mutate your body to make yourself immune to the effects of alcohol.
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With the nerfs to DS, I don't see why the skill-check is so small.
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DS no longer needs the skill check. It's not half as powerful as it used to be and almost always functions as an anti-tunneling perk, as opposed to a "haha you can't touch me neener neener" perk. (When people try to, it's super obvious and they can be safely ignored, whereupon they'll hurt their own team trying to get your attention.) People can't progress the game and maintain their DS - the only exception is endgame DSes, which is its own weird balance issue unrelated to skillchecks.
All the skill check does is make the perk vulnerable to lag/stuttering and prevents newer players from using it, despite those players being the most vulnerable to tunneling. It's not like Unbreakable or Borrowed Time require a skill check to use. I don't see the point.
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DS is a 0 counterplay perk? Lmao what?
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That isn't what counterplay means. If you have to wait for the survivor to make the mistake, and you have no ability to interact with it other than give up, it doesn't have counterplay. There is literally no gameplay the killer can do that can remove that perk. Basically, think of what happens at end game collapse if the survivor has DS. The killer cannot wait them out, because there is not enough time. They aren't going to do gens or any objectives because their objectives are done. The perk literally makes the survivor invincible, with no gameplay from the killer being able to do anything about it. That means it has no counterplay.
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Yes, literally has no counterplay. Someone mentioned stuff survivors can do that disables it, or that you can slug, but leaving someone slugged is literally not playing. Letting them run off and do something is not playing. "CounterPLAY" implies there is something the killer can do to stop the perk from working. If the exit gates are open and the survivor can crawl out before DS runs out, they are literally invincible. That is what having no counterplay means.
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You're talking about end game. DS is a load of crap during end game. From what I've seen, a very large number of people on the forums agree that DS has no counterplay during the end game.
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Maybe you don't know since it was changed a long time ago, but the DS skillcheck was smaller than today and it could be affected by unnerving presence which made it as large as a great skillcheck zone.
I understand that a laggy hardware can be frustrating (my friend played the game on 11fps for who knows how long, I had problems with massive framedrops in chases with my old PC on newer maps) but making the skillcheck bigger is not the solution. You make it a ton easier for everyone to use this perk. It is a huge reward if used correctly and it should not be given lightly.
I know being tunneled sucks (I hate it too, else I would not use DS) but a perk should not be the solution to this anyway. Maybe we will see some changes in the near future with all the perk updates
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Because you’re denying the killer a hook state for one thing.
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In that scenario (crawling out + dc) he can't do anything and shouldn't. He failed, and must swallow this bitter pill. Another example: killer found hatch before last survivor and the latter nothing can do literally. Why no complaints there? Maybe add 5 hatches?
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It's called skill check for a reason. If you can't do it because your game is laggy, I suggest you to change build and try different perks.
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That is just highlighting that it has no counterplay. The situation is the exact same during the game. If someone unhooks, you down them, down the person they unhooked, and hook the unhooker, and now the last person is on the ground, you literally sit around for one minute, not playing the game, until their DS runs out. The 'counter' to DS is to not play, so it is not 'counterplay'.
And no, they shouldn't be able to do nothing. The survivor went down. The killer didn't fail. The survivor is just given invincibility by a poorly designed perk. The hatch mechanic is a bad comparison example, because if the hatch is available and the exit gates weren't powered, that meant the survivor lost anyway, and was just given an extra chance. And they can STILL get the exit gates once the hatch is closed. So no, survivors can't literally do nothing during that example. They are given two extra chances to escape. That is why there is no complaints.
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Because the killer is denying the survivor a heal state by tunneling, so I think it's fair.
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Not tunneling is indeed the counterplay. That's the entire point of the perk. Are you telling you are mad the perk does anything at all?
Tunneling and camping is beyond unfun for survivors, and we will hopefully see more counters to those strategies in survivors base kit soon enough.
Also, perks don't need counterplay that make them not have any effect at all. Do killer perks have that? Like what the hell? Also, leaving the survivor on the ground means they are just lying there doing nothing, so that is indeed effective. In fact, DS could be seen as one of the perks with the most counterplay, because as a killer you can prevent survivors from using it.
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The point of the perk is not 'Not Tunneling'. If it was, the perk would deactivate when the killer hooks someone else. And no, 'Not Tunneling' is not counterplay. It is not playing the game. As stated, there are points where tunneling is literally necessary, like during EGC or when they are the last survivor. The fact that you are either ignoring this or cannot understand it means you do not have great game comprehension.
Not being able to play the game is not fun for killer. We aren't even talking about camping, and it is clear you are just rattling off talking points. To be quite frank, DS is an annoying perk as a survivor, for me. Since people run it, if I am the last person downed in a series of trades, having to sit there for a minute and do nothing because the killer thinks I have DS is annoying.
Most killer perks do not give the killer guaranteed kills, and the ones that do have stringent conditions. The killer still has to actually get the hits. DS is a minute of invulnerability that is given because the survivor failed. They got hooked, then got downed again after getting hooked. It is a literal reward for doing badly. A full minute of invulnerability means that a full minute of the game has to be wasted.
To use simple words;
Counterplay: Actions can be taken to prevent the use of a gameplay ability. ACTIONS. Sitting there doing nothing for a minute is not counterplay, because you are not taking any action or using any aspect of the gameplay to counter the perk. You are literally just not playing the game. Any perk that makes the game just sit there for a full minute while nothing happens is a poorly designed perk.
A better example would be Unbreakable. Unbreakable is a counter to slugging. The counterplay to Unbreakable is to not leave people on the ground. The killer can take the action to pick up and hook the survivor. Therefore, Unbreakable has counterplay. The other side can DO something.
NoED has counterplay. You can do totems. You can even undo it after the end game. Rancor does not have counterplay. You can get killed for the sole reason that you happened to draw the short straw and become the obsession. However, it does give you a warning that the situation is happening. Rancor is a poorly designed perk, because there is very little the survivor can do, but it gives plenty of warning it is coming, so you can still plan around it. You can choose to hide or play extremely safe during end game, so it is not as bad. DS has no indication it is about to happen, it gives full invincibility, and there is literally nothing the other side can do except stop playing and watch some youtube clips.
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Killer closing hatch first is countered by its own item, KEY.
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Better Example: The counterplay to a God Pallet is not breaking the God Pallet. A God Pallet has no counterplay or gameplay of any kind, and the killer just has to accept it, let it get thrown, and move on.
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It's fairly easy to hit the skill check.
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I think the skill check is meant to be small to avoid it giving high reward without real effort/ attention.
My game is laggy at times as well but in most games DS is unusable, because many killers are slugging to prevent it.
I would suggest replacing this perk with something else 🙂
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The skill check is designed to be this size, it's not guaranteed that you will hit it every time (even the best players can occasionally miss a skill check) - with the reward being so big (getting out of the killers grasp), the skill check needs to be a bit smaller than a regular skill check for sure.
There are no plans to adjust the size of this.
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Either the skill check should be larger or a missed skill check shouldn't deactivate the perk for the rest of the match.
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I feel like the skill check was more designed for old decisive strike, since it was pretty strong, it helped at least giving the killer a possible chance of not having to deal with it. But now since its supposed to be an anti tunnel perk shouldn't it be automatic or guaranteed? I mean idrc since I on a very very very rare occasion miss it but idk just seems unnecessary with current ds
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Counterplay 1: don't tunnel.
Counterplay 2: wait 60 seconds after unhook.
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A decisive strike should have a decisive skill check 🙂
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If that's the case, then can the team please fix Switch so that the framerate, frame drops, and input lag don't absolutely kill the perk? Even just being able to hit 1 skill check out of 20 would even be an improvement.
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Yeah... I don't think that the way to keep the usage of DS smaller is to have it unusable for a portion of players. That's like removing the color-blind options as a way to nerf killers (since a portion of killers won't be able to see scratch marks). It doesn't really feel like a solution.
If the perk is too strong, it needs nerfs. I get the appeal of the skill involved in hitting the hard skill check, but then you should optimize your game more, so it doesn't get laggy on lower end PCs and consoles. Missing the skill check deactivating DS for the rest of the match feels bad. It's like you're saying, "we don't see tunneling as a big issue. if you can't hit the skill check the 1st time, we'll make sure to make it easier for the killer to eliminate you after your 2nd unhook by not even giving you a chance to hit the skill check again".
With the old DS, the skill check made sense. You could escape the killer without even being hooked once. Even with the later DS, where you could still heal and do gens and keep the DS. Now it's different.
Yeah anyway, I don't think the devs are gonna do anything, this thread got too little of a response from players. They'd only do something if they got lynched by mobs on social media 😂
I'm out~
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P.S. Just gonna add that the devs do encourage tunneling and camping. DS is unreliable against tunneling. Bubba facecamping has no real counter. Hook grabs are still a thing, for some bizarre reason. Maybe they encourage it because killers complain against SWFs. Strong SWFs can deal with this, I guess. But solo queue and casual SWFs perish against this. But again, that's how the devs of this game do it. Bandaid solution to strong SWFs is to have DS unusable for a portion of players, have Bubba facecamp without any antimeasure, make it so the killer can grab survivors while they're unhooking.
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You know the counterplay for DS? Leaving the survivor alone. Its an anti-tunneling perk. Them crawling to the exit gates with DS active sounds like a skill issue tbh.
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If decisive strike is suppose to prevent tunnelling, why is there even a chance of if just not working even if you are tunnelled?
If it is not designed to prevent tunnelling, why did you need to make it disable when touching a generator or healing?
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Maybe it is designed to make tunneling harder?
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Thanks for proving you lack reading comprehension.
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DS does not need any buff and seriously this is the silliest reasoning I've ever heard. Ill break each one of your reasoning down on why you cant blame DS for this, but only yourself.
- "My laptop is a bit laggy sometimes, and hitting DS skill checks can be very, very hard. Some people like me have laggy hardware."
This is a really silly excuse in trying to get a buff for DS, you need to understand the game cant just cater to the minority sided issues, such as laggy hardware. I say minority because a game like DB is a nightmare with any type of lag or delay, especially as survivor when skill checks can be make or break (like DS). I do understand your argument of "See! it is a make or break situation, I should be able to take advantage of that", but you seem to fail the understand part that its a minority of players who have hardware issues. Giving this buff for the small amount of players with hardware issues would make the perk insanely easy for people with no hardware issues, and to nail the coffin, this isn't the perks issue, its yours. This is going to be a re-occurring thing I say, its not the perks issue.
- (but actually 2 ty dbd forums) "Some other people are simply not able to hit those skill checks naturally. I know some people who don't use DS because they just can't hit the skill check, it's too hard for them."
I really hope you're joking if this is the reason you want a buff, because its kinda laughable, especially the part on "players cant hit skill checks naturally". DS is a skill based perk, its a high-risk high-reward deal, its very silly to think its balancing to just give survivors a "get of out jail free card" simply because these players don't bother learning the timing. Again, you can make the argument of "well my hardware is laggy", but how is the perk at fault for that? It works completely fine and is balanced for everybody else without hardware issues, so why change it if it isn't broken? Again, its not the perks issue, its yours.
- (but actually 3 lol) "Not to mention that failing a DS skill check disables it for the rest of the match (which means, if you get tunneled after your 2nd unhook, you get no chance to self-defend)."
This is where we do kinda enter a gray area the perk, and I'd like to defend the fact that its actually like this. First of all, you could intentionally miss your DS the first time and trick the killer into thinking you don't have DS. Could you list this as mind games? Yes, you could, but this also means every survivor with a brain would to this, and it'd be near impossible to get people to second hook who know how to use DS. Having the perk as a one time use after first hook is balanced completely, and there's a reason its called DECISIVE strike. Its a gamble, you're betting everything to the pot. You take away the risk of missing your DS, it makes it more free. If you could miss your DS and still have it activated, whats the point of even using it the first time? DS isn't supposed to be a "get out of jail free card", its a perk that gives you the opportunity to buy some time. I'd also like to direct your attention to a patch note for DS:
Patch 4.6.0
- Nerf: added several Deactivation conditions to prevent the use of Decisive Strike as a temporary immunity shield while progressing objectives, which was not the Perk's intended use.
You can take this in several ways, but a message this shows is exactly what my point is, its not supposed to be a get out of jail free card. It's a perk with a learning curve, and once you LEARN it, you can argue its a free card, but you have to LEARN it. The devs understand this would make the perk very broken if anybody could do it, since there would literally be no reason not to run DS and it'd kinda guarantee the killer needing to hook every survivor FOUR TIMES instead of three. The fact there are people saying "remove the skill check" is also genuinely really stupid. I had never used decisive strike until I decided to write this, and the skill check isn't even small??? Like I'm serious if you're missing the DS skill check,, its 100% a skill issue. If you're missing DS checks, you probably think Merciless Storm is a broken perk, to which I say once again, its not the perks issue, its yours.
- (but actually 4 oasuobef) "Surely, people who are sweaty and use DS aggressively have no problems hitting the skill check."
This is just a small thing I wanna add, but calling players "sweaty" for learning how to consistently hit DS checks really shows that you don't want this perk to involve skill, or really anything to involve skill. You have to understand that perks that are really good need skill to use, and I'll use nurse for example. Nurse is argued to be the best killer in the game, due to her ability to blink. I main nurse, and I can say without a doubt that for new nurse players, the add-on Plaid Flannel is an insanely broken perk for literally cutting the skill ceiling in half. Then reason nurse's skill ceiling is so high is due to the blink's target location being invisible, and since the plaid flannel shows the location, it makes the skill required to learn nurse being literally cut in half now that you can see the location of the blink. I was able to get to a level where I can easily consistently 4K as nurse all due to my first 40/50 games or so being with plaid flannel, I got a feel for how the blink worked, saw how it interacted with the environment, and now can use nurse without the flannel because I'm so used to it. I seriously think plaid flannel is one of the most broken add-ons in this game since it takes the massive skill part of nurse away, but this isn't about nurse. Imagine if DS was actually an ability (yes, i know survivors don't have abilities, but I'm using this as an example). Lets say there's an add-on for DS that basically makes the skill arrow slower so you can better get used to timing. Sounds like a nice thing right? Especially for you since you aren't very well acquainted with DS, but what about the people who are? See how broken that makes DS, letting literally everybody do it? The difference with the plaid cloth and DS is that Nurse takes infinitely more skill that DS, and DS doesn't have a plaid cloth equivalent, you get no training wheels. Its up to you alone to learn this perk, and just like the nurses blink, DS is a meta perk for a reason, it literally stuns the killer for five seconds and lets you run away. Its an insanely good perk that cant be free, because imagine you just let people see the blink location normally? The skill is taken away, you literally just look at where the blinks gonna go and fly from there. So if DS is just a free "get out of jail free card", please give people a reason you would run any other perk over DS at that point, it would literally turn your hook count from 3 to 4 without any skill required.
- (but actually 5) "DS is supposed to help us against being tunneled right of the hook. It's supposed to be a bit of a protection for us, and a bit of a punishment for the killer. Now, if I'm getting tunneled, and fail the skill check 'cause it's so freakin' small and hard to hit for me, **I** get punished. Why???"
I don't know where you got the "its tunneling protection" from. You can argue that its a benefit of DS, making it harder for killers to tunnel, but it's definitely not the reason the perk was made. I'm not gonna act like I know the reason, since it really just seems like an "we have this idea" perk, but I really doubt the perk was made solely to counter tunneling, because at that point, A: why is the perk locked behind a survivor you literally need to buy with auric cells, like what the devs were like "yea you can protect yourself from tunneling, but five bucks please", and B: wouldn't they have just made a general buff/debuff etc. to the act of tunneling in general...? There's literally Borrowed Time that lets you counter tunneling WAY more efficiently that DS, and lucky for you there's no skill check! Again I'd like to point out for anybody that hasn't used DS that the skill check really isnt that small, fun fac its actually bigger than the great skill checks length, so you'd actually have an easier time hitting DS than a great skill check. let that sink in, people want to make the length of DS's skill check bigger, when its literally easier to hit that a great skill check. Wheres the LITERAL skill check at that point???? I also REALLY hate the way you worded this and I'm very disappointed in the way you did, saying that you "get punished" for missing a skill check is literally just wrong, and to people who haven't used DS, is misinformation that will lead them to agree with you. Missing DS doesn't "punish you", it just makes it so you'd literally be playing normally. There's not punishment to missing a DS skill check, it will ALWAYS activate after your first hook and NEVER after that, whether you hit it or not. DS is ALWAYS a ONE TIME USE perk, so its either you hit it or you dont, thats it. This makes me a big frustrated since you seriously make it so misleading on what happens.
- (but actually 6) "DS is not a perk that grants competitive advantage (it can be abused, but that's a different story), it should not be so hard to use! People who abuse it have success with it, people like me who have trouble with the tiny skill check bar fail it and get tunneled out of the game."
I'm sure anybody who read that who's gotten good at the game just disregarded this post all together, because THAT is the silliest thing I've genuinely ever heard. DS is an insanely good perk, ESPECIALLY due to the fact that you can stack DS into BT. First you'd have to deal with BT, then after BT you get a DS to the face, and you have the audacity to say "its not a perk that grants competitive advantage", did you install the game yesterday? I don't even understand how you can even "abuse" decisive strike, how do you abuse a perk that can only be used once per game? You also literally say "people like me who have trouble with the tiny skill check bar", that is literally verbatim you saying "I have a skill issue", and I doubt you get tunneled as much as you make it seem.
- (but actually 7) "Oppression skill checks are what make the perk, and are not crucial to survival. DS does have to do with survival, and should not have high requirements."
I can't even tell if this is a meme post anymore, because I seriously hope you arent serious. "DS has to do with survival, it shouldn't have high requirements", you are quite literally asking the devs to take the skill away and have it free for survivors. I'm not even gonna elaborate on this, hell I don't think I even need to break anything else down except your closing message.
- (but actually 8) "This is an accessibility issue, and I ask you that you please address it finally. Please make the skill check much bigger. Also, make it so that if we fail the skill check (which should rarely be happening if it's bigger), DS still activates after the 2nd unhook."
This is in no way an "accessibility issue", the perk is made balanced. I'm a killer main, I really only play survivor if I have to with friends, and DS is a completely fair and balanced perk that has a good learning curve (really its not even a learning curve but to each their own ig) and gives a nice high-risk high-reward situation for running the perk. If you've gained the skill to consistently used DS, you're able to run DS taking its HrHr value that you've earned through learning the ability. Blaming DS's "accessibility" on your hardware has nothing to do with the perk, its your issue, get better hardware or learn to time it better and play around your hardware instead of complaining about it. I'm not even gonna talk about where you tried to use alcohol as a point, that's actually so laughable I'm surprised you even decided to mention it.
TL:DR (even though you should at minimum thoroughly skim through it):
DS is a balanced perk with a good learning curve and good High-Risk High-Reward (HrHr) value that gives you a reason to use the perk and a satisfying skill ceiling to learn and execute. Your arguments have nothing to do with the perk and are solely issues on your end, and the perk honestly should stay the way it is.
I still encourage people to read this, but I know for some its lengthy and kinda "wow he must be a virgin for writing that much", but I love writing and get carried away lol. That's my take, and I'd love to hear if I've misunderstood anything or any critiques, so lmk. Please no toxicity, I didn't write this to insult anybody (even though it gets very confrontational at the end). It's simply written as a discussion point, not a means of insulting and toxic arguing.
(few typos are in here, and after 5 attempts of editing and said edits refusing to show up, I give up. sorry about the typos)
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Atleast they are making DS deactivate once the exit gates are powered :steam_shrug:
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This kind of ignores that skill checks aren't consistent on some platforms because of very bad optimization. If I play on PC, I can hit every difficult skill check easily. If I play on the Switch, the game randomly skips frames and lags and I can miss the skill check. It's not a skill issue. The game skips frames and doesn't run at a consistent 30 FPS. There's nothing I can do about that.
I've also played on Stadia and the same thing happens there. This game is, fortunately, available on many platforms. Unfortunately, some of them don't run so well. Being told, "get better" and "you're supposed to miss it sometimes when you're getting tunneled out of the game with one of the only anti-tunnel perks in the game" when the game itself causes you to miss the skill check is a bit tone deaf.
If this game ran at a consistent frame rate on all platforms at all times, this wouldn't be as big of a deal. It doesn't. BHVR has said they're going to work on that for years and I understand it's difficult and hasn't been done yet. Saying, "Yes we haven't done console optimization which causes the game to lag and makes you miss the skill check but the skill check needs to be small because it requires skill," is very confusing to hear.
Especially since those who are most likely to get tunneled, new players, are also most likely to miss the skill check.