New mechanic idea: Stumbling

Survivors running on red scratch areas start having an increased chance to "stumble" (with an even greater chance inside terror radius) resulting in something like a half second stun. It would also make the game more like EVERY horror movie in history and cut back on trolly behaviors and make the game far more strategic for survivors. A mechanic like this would make survivors more mindful of loops and may even retire the need for worthless mechanics like bloodlust.


  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,023

    Friday the 13th be like

  • Kommunistkoala
    Kommunistkoala Member Posts: 9

    Yes and it's an amazing mechanic.... The more afraid the more they trip

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    So Lightweight meta?

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
    edited July 2022

    Well I mean I’ve done running before and unless you trip on a root or something like that it’s hard to mess up your stride. it’s hard to stumble on nothing.

  • Kommunistkoala
    Kommunistkoala Member Posts: 9

    I've personally stumbled on nothing especially when stressed

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,748
    edited July 2022

    Would feel cheap to survivors, like tripping in Smash Bros Brawl. I personally think survivors that make zero mistakes are miserable to play against as an M1 killer and are insanely hard to catch, but the solution is to buff these M1 killers powers to let them gain an advantageous position before a chase starts. Also reworking maps with too many strong tiles near each other.

    Stuff like Spine Chill not working on undetectable, or removing Sadakos lullaby would be good additions, though I think nerfed SC will be easier to face as a stealth killer.