The Dredge: Nightfall is TOO MUCH

Okay hear me out . . . I know all of you killer mains and some of you TRY-HARD survivors are going to pretend like it doesn't bother you and you're so good at running, but 97.4% of you are liars flexing to begin with.

But . . . NO KILLER's powers . .

A. Effect everyone on the field without having to be earned. ( Myers needs to stalk, Pinhead's needs to be earned by survivor laziness, etc. )

B. Can't not be prevented.

C. WITHOUT A PERK should be able to limit chase. WE CAN'T SEE ---- AND HE IS ANTI-LOOP --- AND HE CAN TELEPORT --- AND we can't use lockers to mindgame?

I think that Nightfall is A. Too Dark B. Lasts too long. C. Is OP

I think that Nightfall progress should be earned through HITS and maybe a TIER system like Nemesis be LIGHTER . . . and ONLY get as DARK AS IT DOES NOW ( and I'd still argue it should be reduced by 25% of its darkness at least. ) to the people he is closest to / in chase with. )

Because CURRENTLY . . . survivors CAN'T RUN to HALF of their ability, he doesn't have to earn it, he can see us near lockers, we can't use lockers to our benefit, he's anti-loop AND his power also makes it to where we struggle to see him or hear a terror radius / can't hear one at all. SO. he too much going for him. I'm starting to hate him more than Bubba.


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    1) What do you mean by Its not earned? It is earned by killer actions allready. So this point is wrong.

    2) Most killer Powers can't be prevent and these who can offten suck :)

    3) Unless you are begginer, everyone knows the basic layout of all current maps so you can navigate easy. If you have such hard time navigating, you can use many aura reading perks which btw are not countered at all by Nightfall.

    4) Lockers to mindgame? In chase? Lol. Maybe againts some lost new player I quess or with pure locker juke build (that almost no one uses anyway because Its meme material).

    Sorry, your points are very weak.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800
    edited July 2022

    who said it doesn't have to be earned? he gains nightfall by injuring, hooking and teleporting he can't just wait for it.

    it doesn't require a genius to realize that dredge is pretty mediocre and the devs were too careful with him they added locks to hinder his teleport, they added a directional audio so you pretty much can always hear him and see him clearly in nightfall but you already claimed that bubba is op in another post so I can't really take you seriously lol.

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305
    edited July 2022

    Girly, what isn't OP about a constant one-shot you don't have to earn that people abuse? It lasts too long and is way beyond a Deadhard lunge in annoyance. It lasts too long, goes too far, can curve and given how jank lockers are . . . it's hard to time on getting out of them without getting grabbed or somehow swiped by an attack that ended like 1.5 seconds ago. Or somehow getting injured when you've been in the locker for nearly 2 seconds.

    and see if he earns it just by teleporting he doesn't have to do anything. That's my point. x_X He doesn't have to find anyone or hurt anyone he can just teleport all over the place and earn it then. I may not have known how he earned it but it's still too easy for something that lasts S O long and cripples EVERYONE.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    The amount of time nightfall lasts for, which is the only time his teleport is actually useful, is already far too short. Teleporting outside of nightfall is very slow, and has a long cooldown, so he is not 'doing nothing' by charging up nightfall via teleports, he is actively not progressing his main objective. This is similar to Myers, stalking a survivor isn't actually accomplishing anything, but once you've tiered up, you get a powerful effect that makes up for that sunk time cost.

    If it was localised just around the Dredge, then it would defeat the entire point of his power. You'd know how far away he was by the relative strength of the nightfall effect, completely negating any sense of danger or his ability to catch you off-guard with a well-timed teleport.