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Pls punish t-bagging



  • Member Posts: 1,451
  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Going to spend my dbd time tomorrow t-bagging every killer i Vs just because of this post 🥰

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Ok, as long as we punish killers for hitting survivors on hook and nodding when they down survivors.

    T-bagging is fine. It's annoying and immature, but it's just a emote. It doesn't effect gameplay or balancing.

  • Member Posts: 662

    My only advice is to grow some thick skin. Yeah, it sucks, but it's just part of the ######### behavior people have when playing games. Nothing you can do about it. I will agree however that is extremely grating when people don't leave just because they want to scrub their victory up to your face.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    I made a post about being t-bagged by ghost face a week or so ago and a couple of the comments were saying it's ok because it's a killer doing it, the double standard is real, I think egos are too big so anything small like spam crouching sends them off the deep end.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    No problem, it was a rhetorical question. I already knew the answer and it's not like my response changes what you were going to do anyway.

  • Member Posts: 322

    I mean, when tbagging should be punished, so should be hitting on hook, slugged and let you bleed out while you sit on the survivor, noding.

    But since i see from killers many times "its a leggit strategy" so i use it now too.

    Its a leggit strategy ingame, so the killer focuses it on you. At the exit gate, you get extra bloodpoints for it. If the killer camps you for it, then the other 3 teammates can escape etc.

  • Member Posts: 322


    When us vs them isnt good at all.

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited July 2022

    I very rarely t-bag unless the killer is camping or hard tunneling, but I'm going to do it to literally everyone I play against tomorrow 🤭

    hope to see you in the fog brother.

  • Member Posts: 442

    I don't think t-bagging, flashlight-clicking, hitting on hook, shaking your head etc. is toxic. I think its more like talking crap to the other side. Like in a sport. However, I believe being rude or downright bigotted in the end game chat is toxic.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    No problem, you can gaslight the Killers you come across if they're offended by it too.

    Also, I can't believe some people get offended by comments people make on a forum. I think their egos are so big that something so small as words on a forum sends them off the deep end.

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited July 2022

    I'm offended?

    The fact you made this argument means you truly don't believe that t-bagging is offensive as you're implying I shouldn't find anything on the forums offensive, you've killed off your own argument if you wish to go that route.

    also again, not offended just humoured by the dbd community who are the only ones who could find spam crouching offensive

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Us vs them isn't good at all. The problem though is that the teabagging Ghostface post was made by someone who has vigorously defended teabagging and annoying the Killer so that gives it less weight than a post from someone who hasn't done that.

    Also, saying but Killers hit on hook! is whataboutism. It's toxic but is also BMing. People mention survivors more because Killer BM is not as common as survivor BM and, if you play both sides, you'll learn that survivors are overall more toxic even including the 4 to 1 ratio.

    I'd also add that Killers hitting on hook can be seen as less offensive by some people but not by all since teabagging is literally a virtual simulation of a sexual act performed on an unwilling person (although some don't realize that) and flashlight clicking can set off headaches. Pointing and saying come get me with a gesture isn't complained about even a small fraction as much, because while it can be used to taunt, it doesn't have the same implications as the other two actions.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    t-bagging in dbd is not even t-bagging, it's spam crouching, actual t-bagging is doing it ontop of the dead body of your opponent, and comparing either of these things to actual t-bagging is comical and in totally bad faith as you are fully aware they aren't the same things at all, what an embarrassing comment to make.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Nah,I'm just pointing out you don't get to choose what other people are offended by. It's literally not your call and you're the one who said you're planning on changing your behaviour due to a forum post.

    Also, that's not an offensive picture or what I consider teabagging; it's people having fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Not really; I'd find it embarrassing to be totally cool with using a gesture whose root is simulating a sexual act performed upon a person without consent but you do you.

  • Member Posts: 322

    Toxic intentions are toxic intentions.

    Also i disagree with the fact that i get more toxic killers since the past months than survivors. So its a thing that everyone experiences different.

    And of course, since killers often defend their actions, even tho its toxic (i mean, just because the guy was annoying, doesnt make it better that you are toxic too...), is kinda meh.

    And my point was, you cant say "PUNISH TBAGGING", when killer can do toxic things aswell and thats okay? Sorry no.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    T-bagging is fine but survivors should rather do it when killer is toxic first. Camping and tunneling killers deserve it but however killer who goes for chases and hooks does not deserve it. But there is no way to stop some survivors doing it anyway like there is no way stopping killer from tunneling either. But both are fine I quess.

  • Member Posts: 7,525
  • Member Posts: 2,617

    That's a fair point but I'm not saying punish teabagging. It can't be punished because people need to be able to crouch to avoid attacks. The most I could see is if BHVR put a half second delay on it so it looked stupid.

    I think BHVR should do something about toxicity such as teabagging, hitting on hook, etc and unnecessary actions such as that as it does drive newer people away from sticking with the game. I'd love to get some of my friends into the game but the minority of the community that is unapologetically toxic drives them away.

    My point was simply toxicity is a spectrum though. If I were to rate from most toxic to least I would go slurs and insults in post game chat to teabagging to a tie between flashlight clicking and hitting on hook. Someone else might have a different order and that's perfectly fine and valid; I don't get to dictate other people's emotional reactions.

    They're all unnecessary and toxic though as the only reason why they're done is to upset another person so, yeah, I'm in favour of all those behaviours being treated as such.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Main Ghostface and teabag back.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Even if they removed teabagging people would just find other ways to substitute teabag. I'd avoid any online multiplayer games if you can't handle being teabagged

  • Member Posts: 8,816
  • Member Posts: 3,167

    It is, if its one of those Killers who get mad theyll get 100% certified mad and then theyll jump into the next match in an state that will make them more prone to mistakes thus helping their Solo brethren in their harsh journey, remember folks, Solos watch over other Solos for they have noone else to rely upon, not the SWFs and not BHVR (especially not BHVR).

    P.D. "Gaslight this, gaslight that"... someone has been watching way too much of certain streamer.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    You can always tell the survivor who did the least during the match because they stay until the last second crouch-spamming in the exit gate, obviously disappointed when the killer doesn't care enough to come see them doing it. They think piggy-backing on their teammates' efforts while they stealthed around means they're amazing at the game, and it's truly sad.

    Isn't looking that laughably pathetic punishment enough?

  • Member Posts: 37

    T-bagging has no negative impact on the game, it only impacts people's feelings. People t-bag for a variety of reason that are not all toxic.

  • Member Posts: 379

    Honestly, if you let this bother you, they win. Mommy and Daddy BHVR aren't going to go talk to the principal about it for you either (the entity is the principal.... I guess? IDK... LOL). Its been said already. Ignore it, go break pallets, walls, see if you can catch the hatch when they do leave, or push them out. If someone clicking a button in a video game can affect you, think about this... this is literally a highlight for them... sad right?

    It never bothers me when they do this. I don't even go to the gate.

    And I teabag as survivor... not needlessly, but I do it when I'm running out of the exit gate playing against tunneling trash, or those big bad "hook hitters" LOL. You give me BM, I give you BM,

    Its all in good fun. Its literally a video game that shouldn't add to our real-world problems.

  • Member Posts: 408

    Helps solos, toxic tools banned more often, more funny memes. More interactivity during gameplay. Sounds like a good idea.

  • Member Posts: 412

    I admit tbagging can get under your skin every now and then, but you just need to learn to ignore it. As others have said, once EGC starts just go round finding pallets, or afk until it's over.

    Tbagging to show off and annoy the killer is toxic and the people who do it are immature children, but don't let it get to you. Plus I wouldn't want them to take the feature away as I love tbagging to my mates and other survivors during the game... just to say hi, when making mistakes etc...

  • Member Posts: 469

    Killers can choose to camp and tunnel to be toxic and hit survivors on hook.

    Survivors can flashlight click and tbag.

    I don't see why survivors are only being punished for it. I also don't see this actually happening, it would be difficult for it to be properly implemented and it's not really a big deal.

  • Member Posts: 165

    This emphasizes that Survivors have a lot of free time and that their gameplay is many times easier than that of killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    Tbagging is important.

  • Member Posts: 49

    It is much worse for me when they spam pointing at me. T-bagging is just like a tail swinging dog, that wants to play.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    It is kinda weird as t bagging in dbd doesn't really make sense.

    It's suppose to be done standing over the person you are bagging. Doing it from a distance actually means nothing.

    From a technical standpoint survivors can't t-bag killers. They are doing it wrong

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    Let killers surrender once gates are open, or EGC starts. And make EGC start once 5 gens are done but always last 4 minutes.

    Now if survs wait at gates you can just surrender and move on with your life instead of being forced to wait or getting tbagged at gate every match.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    You can also just walk towards the gate at make them leave as well.

    Devs said it's perfectly fine for killers to bleed survivors out during EGC, I think killers can handle holding W for a few more seconds to the exit gate honestly, I understand it's annoying but it really does have a way to be stopped quickly.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    The whole point is that it's draining to watch yourself get taunted anytime you lose, and that we may as well just add mechanics for both sides to skip that part. Would reduce salt in general.

    You're right that killers have more "control" over the BM than downed survs do though. It's just that this "control" is the equivalent for being 4-1 down in football, but at 80 minutes you get rhe option to walk to the sidelines and get spat on by the other team to let the game end early.

  • Member Posts: 219

    Why would you care about it anyway?

    They are happy they survivef thats all. Hust hit them - force them to leave and move on.

    The hell, people are angry about such things, cant believe

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    Getting tbagged hurts my fragile ego, but I never tunnel, hit on hook, nod or shake excessively as a response or in general.

  • Member Posts: 2,731

    Play death slinger and punish them yourself.

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