COMMUNITY HELP ME! Creating a Quality of Life list

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I basically want to create a list of things that will improve the quality of life of the game for the devs to see so HELP ME!. All suggestions welcome but please avoid talking about specific perks, items, killers balance etc.

Lobby HUD:

  • Streamer mode pt 1. Hide the name of all survivors in the lobby.
  • Streamer mode pt 2. Hide your own name in the lobby.
  • Teammates can see your perks and vice versa.
  • See everyone's ping, survivor or killer.


  • Add deadzones settings
  • Aim acceleration settings
  • Add epileptic settings (remove macro flashlights)
  • Add deaf mode (similar to mobile beating heart etc.)
  • In depth key binding (every action listed so players can key bind each action individual and choose which keys share multiple purposes)


  • Press to claim node (no longer hold)
  • Removal of low tier BP offerings (these are too common)
  • Auto bloodweb?


  • Turn off icon for perk, item/power, addons (these are separate options per category, they arent linked)
  • Change the icon size for perk, item/power, addons, survivor icons and hook counter (we kind have these but they arent all separate and some are joined, make them all different settings)


  • Ability to name loadouts
  • Ability to search for perks
  • Ability to hide/favourite charms (hide the ones you never wanna see or favourite your favourite)
  • Add a 4th loadout slot (suggested)

Pregame/Endgame chat:

  • Allow all platforms to have access to the charts, code a pop up keyboard like other games.
  • Add pregame chat, a chat before the game for survivors to chat (this give the ability to say they working on X challenge or just a friendly Goodluck etc.


  • Ability to sell items, addons, offerings for a small % bp back. This can be a key bind to press X button in loadout to sell.
  • Buy? Questionable suggestion, if added would need to be at a higher cost


  • Create loadouts of cosmetics, change your look on the fly easily to your favourite creations.


  • Ability to view store cosmetics on your current outfits
  • Preview different pieces from the store at once before buying (equip the pieces to see if it suits you, price will adjust to the pieces equipped and can purchase all pieces in one go)
  • Ability to browse the store while searching and in lobby


  • Ability to see rift items on your currently equipped cosmetics
  • Ability to toggle a full rift set as a preview (see it as a set not just individual cosmetics)
  • Ability to track challenges in game, ideally on the pause menu

Custom game/ tutorial

  • Ability to load in alone (test powers/check map etc.)
  • Allow the tutorial to be played as any killer.

Post edited by EntitySpawn on


  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Wow. I'm impressed that someone understands what qol is and isn't a list of flat buffs.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    I would like 2 more loadouts if possible. Most of my loadouts are related to bp offerings. So it would be nice to have one loadouts for each emblem, plus a load out for just a favorite or meta build.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    Also, it would be nice to have a rematch option. I don't think I'd use it to frequently, but every once in a while I run up against a really good opponent and it would be fun to run it back.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    This too: being able to equip a piece of cosmetic in the shop without buying, then equip another piece to see if it fits. So you can see before buying.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    Sorry, every time I hit submit I think of something else.

    This game needs an actual in-game reporting system.

    I'd also like some new/better daily achievements.

    An actual daily login blood point bonus.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Being able to browse the store while waiting for a game would be a nice way to kill time.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    I'd like it to where you can see your rift challenges and dailies in the pause menu during a match

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    FOV slider

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I get why everyone goes to perks etc. But they're all very subjective and I wanted to focus on the other aspects to bring the game up to date, um glad you approve lol

    Thankyou! I completely missed the store section, I'll update shortly

    No worries, thanks for all the suggestions

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    More accessibility options. I saw complaints during last event because using orange on event gens made it difficult to difference between those and the yellow used for some killer perks. Still need hard of hearing and photosensitivity options. I'm sure there's loads of accessibility options I'm not aware of that if they worked with a group that specializes in accessibility in video games (like how they worked with gaymerx for adding LGBT+ content) they would not only be able to help add the needed options in a way that would work in the game but also point out ones that could be overlooked in current or future additions to the game.

    Remove negative pips. Only have 0, +1, and +2 pips. Grades are no longer used for matchmaking, they are just time played in the game. There's no reason to still have negative pips. If you don't do enough to pip then you should just get 0 pips.

    On survivor controls having "pick up item" linked with "drop item" instead of "interactions." If someone with an item dies on a basement hook that item ends up below their body. This can screw up trying to make quick saves in the basement, especially when you have an item in your hand. You either waste time picking up the dropped item before unhooking or get stuck switching items before getting good angle to prioritize unhook.

    Have there be 3 dailies for each side instead of 3 dailies total. Those that play both sides get rewarded with the extra challenges while those that play one always have a challenge they can do.

    Weekly challenges that encourage using different load outs. Make it simple "complete x challenges using whatever perks." Allow survivors to be able to complete the challenge even if they die since that's to be expected using a load out they aren't necessarily used to and encourages them to participate in the weekly challenges even if it's weak perks. Only criteria is use the perks and don't DC.

    Remove end game chat. Most use it to be negative. Once match ends players should move on to the next.

    Change the offerings that only give single category BP to ones that are all categories. Have them be 50%, 75%, and 100% so you actually earn back your BP.

    Raise total BP you can earn in a match to go with the increased gen times/hits in a match. Remove category caps.

    *Hopefully they change this one from PTB* remove 50k BP cost to prestige character, if refuse to remove it then make prestiging optional.

    Ability to set characters in order of preference to make switching between your favorites faster.

    Page that has random stats of what you've done. This will also help to know how far along you are in getting some of the achievements.

    Make it so the last realm the 5 players went to is not an option for the next match. Stop the back to back matches on same map.

    Add a "great height" to all maps since there are consistently "fall from great height" challenges in matches.

    Option to hear the default music for killers instead of the unique music.

    Bring back survivors being able to spin on ground when slugged.

    Bring back Maurice. Make it so you can pet him as survivor or killer. This is most important QOL change.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891
    • Some kind of Epilepsy setting (some environmental lights, audio trigger, clickyclicky flashlights, macros, Doctor), also tone down Darkness to not be as headache inducing without needing the effect
    • toggle only for specific interactions
    • keybinding: multiple keys for the same action and some actions split to be able to use for example different keys for repairing and healing (ever wanted to vault and then suddenly your char jumped into a nearby locker? -.-)
    • Settings for Hard of hearing/deaf (see Mobile: visible heartbeat and other visual cues)
    • modes for certain phobias to make certain skins/noises neutral (coulrophobia, Emetophobia, if they ever make a spider based killer obv arachnophobia etc)

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250


    So many times I have wanted to be rematched with a good killer.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    1. I would love to be able to organize perks by type. For Example if I am looking for an hex perk it would filter just those.

    2. This is a weird one but I always wanted the offerings to be displayed in a way so you know which one is the killers. I want people to know it was me bringing the cake and streamers ๐Ÿ˜ž Im just here to have a good time.

    3. I would love a player profile screen like in overwatch. It would display our game time, stats, character hours, top characters, top perks, etc. Have a toggle so it can be private ^^

    I know I play certain killers lots but i wanna see how much with a beautiful display of data.

    4. A trade in shop for items/ add ons... Too many brown ones. Trade x number in for an add on/ item of your choosing :D

    5. Pretty much all of your ideas above! Good work.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    2. This is a weird one but I always wanted the offerings to be displayed in a way so you know which one is the killers. I want people to know it was me bringing the cake and streamers ๐Ÿ˜ž Im just here to have a good time.

    this is actually already possible in the pause menu in-match, you see the killers offering in a second row. Also the killers one is always the one on the furthest right in the offering screen pre-loading (though thatโ€™s not that definitive..)

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited July 2022
    • Add perk/addon titles in addition to images or ability to set perk/addon view in settings (old view/list/tile)
    • Search perks/addons by name
    • Endgame statistic screen - show character names and ping on main screen (so no need to go to settings and see it there to understand who was who and "John Doe" was actually "Feng Min")
    • Ability to separate buttons for: pickup/break/special action, vault/throw pallet/enter locker
    • Ability to bind multiple buttons on the same action in UI (now you need to edit config file in notepad), up to 3
    • Increase range of sensitivity (e.g. I use same sensitivity in all FPS games, but my sensitivity is lower than 0 in settings, so I had to edit config again and play with scaling)
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    Endgame statistic screen - show character names and ping on main screen (so no need to go to settings and see it there to understand who was who and "John Doe" was actually "Feng Min")

    this one (at least for the character names) is actually coming with the next update and was already in the PTB!

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 564

    A Simple end game statistics for each player would be fairly implementation that would go a long way to showing how a match went to evaluate it.

    For survivors

    People's hooks, time spend on gens, time chased, chests opened, bones broken, when in a match a person died. pallets used.

    For killers

    time chased, gen times, who were SWF.

    The information should be available to everyone. Currently it only shows people's totals scores and can be very misleading and I don't think it would be too difficult to implement something like this.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    Graphics Settings:

    Ultra Low. - A Mode that ensure DbD can be played on very low end computers/ consoles. Like they do on the phone version.

  • spliffysands
    spliffysands Member Posts: 54
    • "Preview different pieces from the store at once before buying (equip the pieces to see if it suits you, price will adjust to the pieces equipped and can purchase all pieces in one go)"

    Interestingly, some months ago it was possible to preview different pieces at once before buying...

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    • A daily challenge for both survivor and killer
    • Ability to see the cosmetics sorted by collections rather than by characters in the store
    • Ability to sort charms by collections
    • Separating in-game sound and lobby sound options
    • A visual effect on the archives' tomes to let you know you haven't redeemed a challenge (without having to go through every single uncompleted page of every single tome to make sure you didn't miss one...)
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited July 2022

    I really wish for a button that gives you a totally random build instead of having to use 3rd party sites.

    Also, survivors should be able to share items/addons/offerings, since they're skins.

    Post edited by White_Owl on
  • WalterBlack
    WalterBlack Member Posts: 190
    edited July 2022

    I've heard that translations (esp. of perks, addons) are rife with errors, making it very confusing for people playing the game in a different language (I've seen threads about translations to Korean and Japanese being wrong, not sure about other languages).

    I think a (text-only) tutorial for and against every killer would be good too. A lot of newer people are surely very confused about all the different powers and their individual aspects.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    • On the customize Charms tab, have a checkbox toggle that allows you to simultaneously apply a charm to a given slot across all your characters of that type. So if you have that box checked then if you apply a charm to slot 1 on a killer it applies that charm to slot 1 on all of your killers simultaneously.
    • Randomize character selection button on the character selection tab. Something like a ? where the character heads are and when you click it it selects a random unlocked character from the list.
    • Randomize loadout button on the Loadout tab that randomly fills in all your slots.
    • Small Daily ritual and Rift challenge trackers in the upper right corner of the HUD during the match. So if you have a mission to, for instance, Break 10 pallets then in the upper right of the HUD during the match is something tracking it saying โ€œ3/10 pallets brokenโ€.
  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    FOV SLIDER and rework of FOV perks. Fov should be a normal setting, it shouldn't cost someone 1/4 of the build.

    Fully customizable UI like they have on mobile

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    with the new grind which is worse imo but we get to keep all are offering,add on,items.we should be able to sell the crappy offering,add on,items we never use.