Why do people genuinely want nurse nerfed?

TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589
edited July 2022 in General Discussions

Like, I don't understand it.

EDIT: I also forgot to add that one of the reasons Nurse is top tier and should remain one is because she is a free character, which doesn't force devs to purposely tune down newly released killers in attempt to avoid Pay2Win scandal. The strongest the game provides is free.

You have a killer that once in a while makes you genuinely nervous in a horror game that stopped being scary for you many thousands of hours ago and who provides you with a unique chase gameplay which is always refreshing after having countless matches that can be boiled down to running in circles and holding shift+w. Not only that, each Nurse is different because of the skill differences on the player who uses her and winning against her is especially rewarding, because if you win against her, you have genuinely outplayed her.

Not only that, but she's a killer whose pure existence justifies so many things survivors have and others killers don't have, meaning the game is easier against most other killers. SWF, many survivor perks that are not nerfed because they'd help against nurse, a lot of killer perks that would've been buffed if not for Nurse. You have so many indulgences because devs don't want you to have unfun game in that exceptional scenario where the nurse is actually god. Nurse also does the same with the mindset of most players as they know they can't win every time, but if they'd want to, they can always change to nurse, but while they are not, they can play for fun, instead of trying hard.

Speaking of god nurses or "good nurses that are unbeatable", that is the same kind of mythical creature as a "good survivor" who allegedly doesn't make mistakes and thus can't be beaten. Everyone talk about it, nobody has ever seen it in real life. At least not that often for it to be a problem because it happens once every 100-200 matches and those are over in

It's the same as 4 man swat SWF, that is allegedly supposed to demolish every killer, but reality pretty much every SWF is just people having fun playing the game and not trying hard to win or anything, however the mere fact of their existence makes the opposite side so worked up and nervous, they feel like the game is rigged, while nothing has changed at all, if not for the better for them.

Nurse also does everyone a favour by concentrating pure tryhards on her, so they quickly rise in MMR and stay in their reclusive tournament tryhard club where they ruin games for each other, while other killers are already playing with a chill mindset.

If Nurse is gone, there would be never enough of killer buffs to justify her being gone, because nothing would ever match with mythical 4 man deathsquad, so no matter what devs would add or buff, most killer players would still feel robbed and dissatisfied, so it would end up with you having to deal with a lot of S-A super oppressive killers and perks, that are still not as good as a mythical god nurse, but already beyond beatable levels for most players. Same for the survivors' perks or general strength, +10 seconds of gen times would feel like a joke to you, as devs would keep nerfing and nerfing survivors for the sake of compensating nurse removal.

So yes, love and cherish Nurse, she's a necessary evil, just like SWF, to keep things in check and balance.

Post edited by TeleportingTurkey on
