Why do people genuinely want nurse nerfed?



  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    Save the best for last.

    Mad grit.

    "Every rule" ? What rules?

  • Sybarite
    Sybarite Member Posts: 49

    man, so many angry people in here.

    I would do a slight nerf to her range add on so you don't get a speed boast from it. Also make her blink attack count as a special attack but thats it.

    one carzy thought for the high mmr players. If the kill rate for killers is low at all levels at the moment and you are often only seeing the same two killers, blight and nurse. Do you think small nerfs will to either of them will change the meta and you will start seeing more M1 killers? Nurse does need small nerfs but it need to happen with buffing other killers or I hope you have fun waiting 20+ mins for a match.

  • Sybarite
    Sybarite Member Posts: 49

    one other small note in my play region (Aus) I only really see Blight and Huntess players. Rarely do I see anyone else, and I would love to vs other killers on a more regular bases.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    Because they just look on their stats and see nurse has the lowest killrate… but we all know that’s only cause new players have a hard time to play as nurse.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Yeah... I've never seen gameplay from any of the nurse mains in here, but I gladly offer it whenever asked.

    Twitch: Omansonion

    I never delete any videos, my youtube is attached. You can see every video you want. So you go watch it. Or don't, I don't mind much, and then try telling me to get good again... Lol

    It's almost like if people actually see how these nurse players are playing everyone else will realize they really shouldn't be talking on the subject. Otherwise why do they never offer up footage of themselves playing, while still asking other players to show how they play?

  • TeleportingTurkey
    TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589

    If you want every match to be a sweatfest with S-A tier killer, then that's what you'd end up with.

    Killers would end up being minmaxed monsters with ultra oppressive chase/map pressure power because that's what most of them have and believe me, it wouldn't be fun.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081


    Plenty in there. You don't want to search? That's fine with me.

    Still waiting on any footage from any of the regular nurse defenders in this thread.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited July 2022

    I actually made a thread a while back showing off how busted range add-ons are compared to the rest with more precise calculations

    I took a baseline scenario to compare the advantage you get, and I did it by assuming both blinks are used. With one single blink, results are even more busted

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    "Most balanced killers in the game." Okay so you're trolling that's good to know lol

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Nurse is a relic from an era of DBD that no longer exists.

    The average player is not able to deal with what Nurse brings to the table (the complete disregard of every mechanic the game drills into you) and I do not believe she fits into DBD's current balance.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Because it would be a sign that the game will actually balanced one day.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    Oh gods. I was puzzled by the comment of @BrokenSouI about the baby killers you versed. I've finally gone to check your twitch channel.

    You cannot seriously expect someone to watch even a single 3 hours video to find footage without pointing to it directly with a timestamp. I wouldn't do that for Otz, Tru3, CocunutRTS nor even pretty Rayoxium.

    However, among the Huntresses and Bubbas, I've found one short video of the Nurse, from 2021/03/04 (nothing easy to find earlier). I certainly hope it was your first game with her.

    Feel free to point to a few videos, with timestamp, where you play her "better than everyone defending her on these forums". (I'll watch, promise). Videos where you verse her would be nice too.

  • syain
    syain Member Posts: 440

    she's bs.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    I can't be bothered to do that. I've offered up my profile to show that I play at a very high level, which is simply true.

    I've offered this up which is much more than any of the people defending nurse are willing to do. Maybe if any of these nurse players showed any of their game footage that would help a lot. We could see where they are struggling, and maybe even help them.

    Like I said, I have about 6k hours in the game, the vast majority of which is streamed. I don't care enough to go through my footage and timestamp things, but it is there for anyone to see. If you want to be proven wrong in how you view nurse, then you are more than welcome to find it yourself. If not, that's fine too.

    I assume the video you are talking about is in highlights? Yeah.. I don't highlight nurse videos. It is embarassing playing a character so much stronger than the other team.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    On the contrary its embarrassing complaining on the forum about a killer you hate simply because you suck. :)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I've always had the opinion that Nurse is only balanced out by Dead Hard. Now that it's getting nerfed (and also DS) I think she needs a change.

    I don't mind basekit Nurse being strong, so long as her add-ons don't make her stupid. Imo her add-ons (range and recharge) need looked at. I also think Blights add-ons need nerfed also.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619
    edited July 2022

    Just to start, I was wrong about one thing. I had checked another profile when I've checked yours and I've mixed the Nurse numbers: you have 3957 registered blink attacks, not ~6k like I believed. Not that there is a lot of difference. (I had checked another profile that day and I've mixed the numbers).

    That game from a year ago was way less on the expected skill scale. Overblinks, barely any game sense ... I couldn't bear to watch. I would be in bad faith if I didn't give you the opportunity to show what you really can do. If you don't want to after such display, Occam's razor tells me you cannot.

    And no, you have shown nothing. Pointing to a haystack and telling there is one or two sticks of slightly different sticks of hay to find there is obfuscation, a pretty common tactic when claims wouldn't stand scrutiny.

    You are the one telling you are so good by the way, nobody here is telling they are better than the others, only they don't struggle or they enjoy it.

    Showing your Nurse plays would be proving a positive (possible and reasonable, and the plays would be easy to analyze against all but the most inept survivors). Asking to prove a negative will never work though. The bad-faith counter will always be that the versed Nurse wasn't good enough. (This is why asking you to show how you versed her was only an after though, and only because you claimed, once again, you were better than everybody else.)

    Do you realize how transparent your evasion is?

    edit: fixed a grammatical ambiguity

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    I understand that perfectly. I've got this habit to push people to be their best (and then appropriately exploit their skills in my team, when it's a work thing). Liking or not isn't a factor : efficiency above all.

    Oh yes, that match. I believe we have talked about it. It's a fine example of good plays and the mistakes (in insight) and how to fix them should be easy to understand to any player with enough experience.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Sluzzy, blight is not stronger than nurse. Huntress and demogorgon and wraith and all the others you complain about (Sadako?) are not stronger than nurse. If you're truly committed to being a survivor advocate then you have to respect that your favourite toy going in the bin is very high up on the survivor wishlist.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    From a design POV the Nurse is excellent. Powerful, creepy, unique. The sort of thing that I would watch a movie about TBH.

    However DBD is no longer based around style, but balance. In that sense there is no justification for the nurse.

    1. Her counter does not exist. For people who say "Do this to counter Nurse." just... no. Nurse no longer has a counter. Her original counter was stealth. Using the mist, combined with the darker lighting gave survivors the ability to blend in with their environment. That's why survivors could beat 8 blink Nurses. Although TBH it wasn't really enough. But that's how you beat her. You never let her see you, and if she did, you need to break chase before she hit you, using the darker environment. Maps use to be bigger to justify this. With maps reworked and lighting much brighter the counter to Nurse, simply does not exist anymore.
    2. game balance is held back because of her. The entirety of DBD, needs to be based around ensuring Nurse is beatable. Which is bad design, when she is so far above the rest of the killers. Perks that are perfectly balanced, become way to overpowered, just on her. Infectious fright, starstruck. These sorts of perks are fine on most killers, sure they are better on some, then others. But nurse is the only one they are overpowered on, and killers are held back on the buffs they need because some killers like Nurse are simply so far removed form the norm, they have to remain weaker, holding back the weaker the killers. Survivors are the same, but survivors need the overpowered perks in order to beat her.
    3. The current strategy to beat a legitimately good nurse is to gen rush. Its the only method to counter her downing speed. You simply do the gens too fast for her to get the hooks, thus Nurses have started running infectious fright to counter this and slug everyone until they all go down and get one hooked.

    She is bad for balance and is holding DBD back from natural progression, despite the legitimate fun I find with her.

  • JakeParkSimp
    JakeParkSimp Member Posts: 35

    Every nurse uses the same, broken range addons that make her impossible to react to. I'm on the verge of quitting dbd until they are changed in some way. I suspect I'm not the only one thinking this and if I worked in Behaviour I would try to fix this ASAP before players start to quit in droves. Pretty much daily threads about nurse tell their own tale as well.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Away, troll.

    Why does it look like you have such a hard time moving your mouse and looking backwards? Are you playing with a controller on PC? I'm not even trying to joke..that's exactly what it looks like. I would work on the most basic parts of character movement, first. Obligatory "even a decent nurse would destroy you..."

    LOL. Oh my god. Found the video you're talking about. So you're just lying on the forums to save face. That is...sad. 5 generators left, 4k with nurse without using her undeniably broken purple range addon. Only missed blinks were due to survivors using their exhaustion perks. I'll use a bit more game sense next time and make it a 6 generator 4k, just for you. Not even my cleanest nurse game I can remember, but undoubtedly leagues better than you. Ready to show your gameplay?

    I'm honestly disappointed. I doubt anyone will bother clicking to watch the video. I certainly wouldn't bother. But they absolutely should. This guy just blatantly lied.

    Just nurse things, I guess. Shouldn't be surprised when that‘s how they try to convince the devs not to nerf nurse.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081
    edited July 2022

    You did a single good juke. At the tree. At around 4:45. One single decent juke. One single good play. Against a nurse. And you honestly think it was you running the nurse and not the nurse just...not being good? At several parts of the video I was left wondering how the nurse lost sight of you when you didn't run behind anything, you kept on a straight path with no coverage. Maybe the nurse was using a controller to move the camera too..

    Sorry, but yeah, we're done...

    Yes, my 6k hours on stream and comp tournies and practice KYF with other comp players are all against bad players. Nevermind that the Korean server is known for its top killer players.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    "Every Nurse uses the same, ..."

    Absolutely not, case in point:

    You'll also notice from the comments quite a few survivors enjoyed the matches, and at least one attests I'm not too bad playing her.

    ( no such thing as a god Nurse: )

    I have pages and pages of end games with that build, I even have some without anything. Oh what the heck, here is one:

    (And my valorous opponent here was right of course, trying to pressure the gens works against Nurse as against any other killer. It could have worked.)

    I trust I've made my point.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    As a console player who has cross play on, I only ever have an issue with Nurse when a sweaty comp style PC nurse decides to make solo Q casuals an absolute nightmare.

    I don't think she needs a nerf though. I just can't beat a high level PC nurse while I'm on console haha

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    In case it's something you aren't aware of, Nurses are weak to 360 and console players tend to excel at it. Granted it works less and less against the more experienced players but sometimes a slight edge is all that's needed.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    And I have several videos on YouTube of myself doing a challenge of waiting 2, 3 and 4 minutes AFK at the start of the match and still getting the 4k.

    What's your point?

    Probably around 90 percent of nurses at high MMR use the same perks/addons that make the match even easier for her.

    And since you're sure to bring it up, I looked for the last game I played against a nurse. Didn't bother to cherry pick a super carry game. It is in my second to last stream. 20 minutes in on the swamp map. A bit clunky first chase, but more than enough to show how to play. Please. Learn.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    The point was pretty clear but here is a tip: read the comment I've replied to, it shouldn't be too hard to understand.

    I will not deign to comment about the rest. Getting a stream and not giving the timestamp is being immature, it's the last time I waste my time on you.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Must be hard to judge the gameplay of others from a gamepad. Are you using a controller or not...?

    Are you joking? Comp DBD is an absolute joke. I only did it because I was asked to. Both sides have to be handicapped, the only way the killer (not nurse and Blight) can win is getting a fast first hook and getting a good first hook spawn. That's it. It's so boring. I didn't have interest in it while I was doing it. I don't now. I'm sure the footage is somewhere but yeah I have no idea where.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    They do not have a point actually.

    All you have to do to win with Nurse is have the muscle memory for Blink distance. That's it.

    You don't need to learn how to run tiles.

    You don't need to learn how to mind game survivors.

    You don't need to even care about actual map layouts. Just blink through walls and floors as you please.

    Nurse just existing bypasses the actual intended flow of the game and the way its supposed to play out.

    Nurses' perceived skill floor is lower than a lot of people think. And its her low kill numbers because of this intimidating learning curve that protects her. But she's not okay, and the reason that you can tell she's not okay is because there hasn't been a killer like her since and no part of the game has evolved since her inclusion to also allow characters to so disregard the gameplay mechanics.

    At worst we have the anti-loop characters like Artist where it's easier just to run to another tile, but you're still running from tile to tile and she still has to follow you and work around these same tiles.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    Sure, you don't need to know every spot of the map to blind-blink to them properly and stand a chance. Nor do you need to learn the dead-zones. It's not a thing, at all.

    Spoken as a true connoisseur. /S 😆

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    The comp gameplay itself is mindless and dull. If you are not already a skilled player, however, you won't be invited to play. This is common sense, no? There is a reason DBD does not have a respected comp scene. And that is why.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2022

    Any good Nurse is going to bait DH out to make it completely irrelevant. Which means anyone that says that DH has any impact on Nurse just isn't playing a good Nurse

    I watch a lot of streamers and they very rarely ever go up against many Nurse's, and even the Nurse's skill is often pretty debatable. So I don't quite understand how everyone on these forums seems to play nothing but Nurse, and also every time she's a god who 4ks in 2 minutes with the same addons and perks, every time. Well, is that surprising? What killers don't often use what's best for them? I'd say the only people running into "nothin but nurse" are probably SWFs, and I suppose I would be upset if I couldn't easily win against non-top tier killers with my friends, too.

  • Impailer
    Impailer Member Posts: 97
  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    It's not.

    Just having her Blink perfected automatically on its own just negates a majority of the gameplay. You don't need to be a long distance blind blinking ace to consistently win with ease without having to worry about conventional looping, vaulting, pallets, or map layouts.

    And this is before you throw on all the Aura Reading Perks you want to negate walls, ceilings, and floors for the purpose of "blind" Blink Attacks.

    Not to mention that an attack after a Blink counts as a Basic Attacks and carries all of the benefits of the Perks that work with them.

  • Impailer
    Impailer Member Posts: 97

    This post sounds emotional. Upset because a good Nurse can’t be bullied, maybe?

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    The face some people dont understand why Nurse needs to be nerfed is hilarious.

    She is the best killer in the game by far and there is nothing you can do againts a good Nurse.

  • Impailer
    Impailer Member Posts: 97

    I was right “emotional damage”. Dismissing someone’s opinion just because you don’t like it, doesn’t make it valid.

  • Impailer
    Impailer Member Posts: 97

    Must be very coincidental that every other killer is ######### on in this game besides Nurse and Blight because of 16x second chances. Just saying.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    That's the problem. Learning to blink shouldn't mean you can beat everyone you go against. An analogy would be if the Trapper won every game he played just from learning how to place traps.

    There are survivor players who are much better than Nurse players getting stomped by the Nurse player because she ignores all the stuff every other killer has to deal with. How is that fair for all the other killer players. Maybe all the other killers should be able to walk through walls, pallets and windows so they are on equal footing as the Nurse.

    She's been top killer for too long and needs to be put down on the bottom of the list for a while.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    It takes a lot less skill to place traps, that's the point. Trapper should be less successful he's easier to pilot. That is what a skill cap is. Show me a Trapper rework that introduces more skill/knowledge into placing traps and I'll be the first one to say sign me up, I'd love it of every killer was nuanced enough to justify higher performance.

    Survivors have tools and strats to beat Nurse, regardless of whether they refuse to use/learn them.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Where did I say I wanted that?

    I would prefer if Nurse and Blight got knocked down and all the C-D killers got brought up to B tier if all the killers were A-B tier I think that would make the game the most healthy.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Either way, Nurse has been at the top to long. It's time to rotate her out of being a top tier killer and let some of the other killers shine.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Nerfing Nurse does NOT help other killers get their chance in the spotlight. Killers are not competing against Nurse, they are competing against survivors.

    Buffing other killers was and is the much needed solution.

    Additionally given that she still has the worst killrate, her time shining is questionable.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Nerfing Nurse and buffing another killer to at least Blight level would rotate out top tier killers, so the meta doesn't get stale. League of Legends does this exact thing because they don't want people getting bored of the same character always being the top tier character.

    In fact, I'm pretty sure every competitive game where characters have different strengths does this. DOTA, Overwatch, Super Smash Bros, League of Legends all do this.

    I think players are tired of always seeing Nurse as the number 1 killer.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited July 2022

    Again, given her kill rate, and her pick rate, who is she #1 for? The absolute top echelon of survivor players in a system already marred by horrible MMR? I have no doubt Nurse performs well when played incredibly well, that's part of her appeal, but you have to look at who's having these games to decide if she's worth nerfing. Survivors who lose to Nurse because they refuse to utilize all their resources effectively, or adopt a meta that is more favorable to beating Nurse, is not a Nurse problem. It's a survivor problem. People who want Nurse nerfed need to pick whichever they believe to be the reality:

    • Nurse has a horrible kill rate because so many people try her and give up on her - Great, should we make the entry level even worse? That's what'll happen when she's nerfed
    • Nurse has a horrible kill rate because the reality is she doesn't really ever overperform, and most survivors are losing to Nurses who, and no surprise here, also lose some of their games to better survivors - I think this one is the most likely outcome, but neither of the above justify nerfing her.

    It really sounds like you agree with me, but you just want her nerfed anyway. DOTA, Smash Bros, LOL, and Overwatch all have ginormous balancing issues of their own. Let's not source another games drama.

    Going back to my original point, you can't just buff other killers up to blights level. Part of why Blight and Nurse ARE at that level is because of their design, you can't just pick them up and spank with their power. You have to spend a lot of time amassing a lot of knowledge and muscle memory to make the plays they're capable of making.

    How do you do that with a power like Trapper's?

    Edit: I still clearly want these low tier killers buffed/reworked/made loveable by more than just the core constituents who refuse to give up on them, but that has nothing to do with Nurse, and all these unloved killers should be getting threads, not Nurse.