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With the new meta will you continue to SWF?



  • Member Posts: 8,330

    They've said several times they have no plans to include bots in matches outside practice matches. All their streams are on YouTube so you can go watch them to see if they ever mention it since you are the one curious for that answer. Here's the link to their page on YouTube in case you have trouble finding it.

  • Member Posts: 8,330
  • Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2022

    Or it could be that it was actually NOT intended. And you are just believing their tales. Blindly.

    I repeat, they never had the option to decide if voice comms were allowed or not. They did not include it natively, a red herring.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Based on this comment from Peanits solo won't be getting anything until after next anniversary because they're already booked up this year. 😔

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    It's not cheating. BHVR determines what is cheating, and they have determined that comms are not cheating.

  • Member Posts: 2,507

    See my previous post for how voice chat usage could have been prevented completely and very easily:

    I don't see any reason why they would lie about their expectation of voice chat usage in a livestream (on May 12, 2016) shortly before launch (June 14, 2016).


  • Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2022

    Again, they never had a say about expectations. People were to use voice comms if they wanted.

    They just said the only thing they could say. What did you expect them to say?

    "Hey folks, play with friends, although don't use Discord that's too unfair."

    That argument of yours is just childish.

    SWF brought new players, prevented the game to die and is a source of money. They don't care if you cheat either as long as they earn cash.

  • Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2022

    "Just stop arguing and making sense" *LMAO*. How old are you friend?

    I don't like to repeat myself but I will do it.

    1) BHVR does not have the power to prevent voice comms. So they don't have a say. So they just acknowledge it even if some perks don't make sense or it is unfair to Killers. They can only decide to allow SWF or not. Nothing else.

    Discord is not up to them. Your monitor brightness or filters are not up to them either.

    2) Why is it not cheating exactly? Because someone says is on a stream? Such a childish argument.

    Ask yourself: do you nullify killers and their perks? do you gain free perks and better coordination using voice comms than without it? Do you get free information on what the killer is doing and where he is?

    If yes -> you re pretty much cheating, use whatever other word you like. Though.

    You may as well then run a soft hack, stretched resolution, etc.

  • Member Posts: 854

    It's not cheating. Just because an option to play the game with a random queue exists, does not mean that the intended cooperative mode is somehow cheating. Behaviour wants people to play together and communicate.

  • Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2022

    No they don't want it. They cannot do anything but to accept it.

    The perk design and the core game mechanics immediately disregard what you say.

    Now, let's accept people want to tolerate it, how about allowing it for solo-q? Even as an opt-in, natively supported rather than with third party tools (you may as well use your phone or Walkie-talkie lol).

    If you want swf and comms, then drop the perks than make absolutely no sense and don't claim to be balancing the game when Killers are by default at disadvantage.

    Again, let's remember people say Nurse breaks the rules of the game. I haven't seen devs saying that using Nurse is cheating either.

  • Member Posts: 854

    You've literally got a company rep telling you in this thread that it is wanted and expected they just aren't going to host in game communication their selves.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Can pretty much gather from this thread that the devs put very little importance on solo queue survivors.

    Solo queue has already needed help for a long time now. With this new patch it will be even worse. Solo queue help nowhere on the short term or long term road map.

    I think maybe the devs when they do testing only do testing in groups? Never as solo survivors? Otherwise they couldn't possibly think solo queue is in an acceptable state, could they?

  • Member Posts: 5,304
  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Thanks for the videos and timestamps.

    It's a nice spin too, even if it means the exact same thing in the end: it's all about the imbalance and the weakness of so many killers and solo survivors.

    Thankfully, it appears the devs are trying to make these better. I for one am eager to let the Nurse aside for a bit to try my weakest killers in 6.1.0

  • Member Posts: 138

    So maybe make this information available to ALL in the campfire lobby - including the killer? I would really love to be part of a test that would see how that might work. That way SoloQ and Killer would both be able to deal more fairly with a SWF.

    As a killer main I don't mind SWFs so much. Sure, it keeps me from getting Iri 1 rating on the 13th, but at least it keeps the player numbers up. I get used to not being able to climb the MMR too much as I just get stomped but at least there are real players to go against.

    Another thought: Maybe when they release bot survivor feature, put a bot in as the last spot for a 3-man SWF? Bots don't have desires, goals, feelings, or any form of self-respect.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Comms are not cheating, period. If it is intended gameplay, which it is, then it isn't cheating. Whether or not it's balanced is an entirely separate matter. The game also not having built-in voice chat is also an entirely separate matter.

    The thing about information is that it's only useful in the hands of survivors who are good at the game. If you're bad at the game, then all the information in the world isn't going to fix that. Solos could be better coordinated with informational perks made basekit, but they'd also have to know what to do with that information.

    Stretched Res, on the other hand, is an exploit that provides an unfair advantage. Voice comms are intentional.

  • Member Posts: 115

    so everyone who disagrees with you is stupid or a cheater and the devs are liars. got it. honestly, dude, i don't think you've ever played in a swf on voice comms because half the time we're making dumb jokes or making a conga line in a far corner of the map. if you seriously believe that talking to your friends while playing a party game is cheating and there's this massive conspiracy by the devs to deny it, you may want to consider going outside.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Voice comms clearly aren't cheating per BHVR, but they are hella unbalanced, and I don't feel like it's in the spirit of the game (or does the entity provided walkies so survs can communicate cross map?).

    And while comms are most powerful in the hands of good-great survivors, they confer an advantage to any team using them, from potatoes on up.

    Information is power in DbD, and even poor players will play better with context. Even the noobiest noobs can call out basic things like the killer's location, what they are doing at a given moment, etc., and even that much info confers a nice advantage.

    But comms aren't going anywhere regardless, as BHVR has no way to police that even if they wanted to, short of disallowing SWF play (which they will never do). So these discussions are largely academic.

  • Member Posts: 464

    I will always play solo q, solo q is not bad with survivors with basic game sense and that use kindred, the fact that the meta was dead hard every match and that swfs are constant shows how must of the playerbase want a easy braindead match instead of using a 10/10 perk like kindred

  • Member Posts: 35

    I'm sorry but I just don't believe this. Ignoring that there's no in game voice or even no in game text chat, why are there at least a half-dozen perks that all become unnecessary when in Discord?

    Kindred for example, is given to SWFs for free, and you could argue other info perks like Alert, Bond, and Empathy are as well.

    If you expect survivors to all be on comms, why do perks like Kindred exist? Shouldn't they be removed, or given to survivors for free?

    If you would argue that survivors getting Kindred, Alert, and Empathy for free, getting essentially seven perk slots, was overpowered, doesn't that by definiton also imply being on comms is overpowered?

    As long as BHVR keeps adding new info perks, that you don't need if you're on comms, I won't believe that the developers intend for the game to be balanced around comms.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    nobody mentioned balanced, this discussion is not about balance. And no the game is not balanced about voice communication and it never can be - or should be. Perks such as kindred exist because not all players want to play in a SWF, there's the solo experience there as well which has been discussed in this thread.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    New patch wont impact my solo q/swf rates.

    But I may play a little more killer again. My anxietys been a bit bad lately.

  • Member Posts: 464

    The patch just encourages most seasoned players to SWF more unless they just want to meme.

    So no, if I want to get anything done like archives or get Iri 1, I'll be 100% SWF'ing now. Solo is going to be way too painful.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Great detective work! Woot! Good thing that comment wasn't offhand lmao.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    I'll stick to solo que, swf continues to be the worst way (for me) to experience survivor.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    I fail to see how not showing the survs lobby would prevent comms. On Xbox all I'd have to do is check the recently played with list that tracks peeps for a couple of days. I imagine the PlayStations have something similar.

  • Member Posts: 4,154

    Does BHVR think voice communication is a fair advantage or an unfair advantage?

  • Member Posts: 18

    One call out is still more than solo queue players have, and one more than the game is balanced around. It is the most fun way to play the game, but it also inherently is a competitive advantage.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Boohoo. keep crying lol you're really making that big of a deal out of it. it's a game. get over it

  • Member Posts: 18

    It is a game, and thus it should be fair for everyone involved. SWFs have an inherent advantage that solo players do not. There isn't any way you can deny that.

  • Member Posts: 2,002
    1. Playing solo is a choice. If you choose to play solo (which I do sometimes until I get tired of shite for brains randos), good for you. Again, the gameplay is more enjoyable and less frustrating when you have friends to play with.
    2. SWF does not makeup for raw game skill. I have multiple groups of friends I play with, some better than others. No amount of shared info can make up for their inability to loop or use mind games. Solo experienced players will always be better than SWF players with terrible mechanics
    3. Like I said, it's just a game. Play, have fun. Get 0 kills or get 4. Die once or die 100 times. The idea is to have fun. If you want to worry about competitive advantages and other crap, go play in a professional sport or pro e-sports team like Faze or Cloud9 or something. A couple of friends getting together to enjoy a game they share a mutual interest in isn't the problem
  • Member Posts: 1,723

    you should see the survivors I get paired with. I'd be baffled to learn that any of them are ever actually trying to do anything other than get me killed.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Yes, comms are inherently advantageous to any team and anyone can communicate what they're doing and what the killer is doing, but an individual's ability to make use of that information is a different story. A noob, for example, is not going to be able to loop the killer long enough for their team to pop the final gen.

    Sometimes they also refuse to do gens inside a terror radius despite knowing that the killer is being looped, so a 60+ second chase ends up with no payoff.

  • Member Posts: 745
    edited July 2022

    "This doesn't fit the narrative of my imaginative theory, which I developed myself in my own bubble. There for, it must be lying and/or fake, even though devs themselves said it in an interview."

  • Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2022

    Thanks Mandy. I am assuming that we have also this feature coming for Killers too?

    Do we know where on the roadmap are with regards to Killers being able to choose among the two "experiences"?

    It would be nice to have an actual option in the UI (like a toggle option) where - as a Killer - you can choose between these two amazing experiences: "The Solo-Q trial" and the "SWF+VoiceComms" experience.

    At the moment, Killers cannot decide who they play against and cannot adjust their builds accordingly either.

    Nor you can hear what Survivors say; even voice communication is not native to the game and requires third party tools (also on console). It would be wonderful if Killers could also opt-in for listening what Survivors chat in order to improve everyone's fun and make the most of the chosen experience.

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited July 2022

    It is off hand though, the wiki guardian can't show me where they said it, he just said "they definitely said it" but has absolutely 0 source, he thinks that's what they said.

    If he didn't add the comment for 4 years after release of SWF how can he confirm it was definitely said if he couldn't cite the source then and can't cite it now?

    For example, if I put in this thread that I KNOW you called me a survivor main, but I couldn't show you where you said, I can't prove you said it, but say I definitely KNOW you said it, did you honestly, really say it? I think you'd dismiss me pretty fast, also, you said this thing 4 years ago but luckily I just remembered you said it and reminded you about it and nobody else can find where you said it but I'm saying I know you said it just because I think you said it.

  • Member Posts: 659

    The call-out "Sorry I wasn't listening I was doing a dull totem... PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA?!!?"

    Cheaters /s

  • Member Posts: 192
  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Ah right, you know I'm correct, good rebuttal.

    Me - can post clip of devs saying that SWF was always intended and not cheating.

    You - This is BS

    You - Can't post a single clip or post, or quote or comment saying that SWF was only added because of demand despite what a wiki writer "knows" they said despite not being able to post it anywhere

    You - This is perfect!

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited July 2022

    Really showing your maturity there bud, keep it up!

    Edit: Just realised I woke up to three different nonsensical replies from you in threads that I wasn't even replying to you in, little weird and obsessive maybe?

  • Member Posts: 732

    Well I'm not re-subbing to your channel now. I was your biggest fan.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Hi, I'm sorry, I'm a little confused. In the first post I quoted, you said that you expect SWF's to be communicating and to expect it as part of the game, but in this post, you're saying that SWF's communicating is not balanced and never can be - which seems contradictory. It seems like it's a part of the game that's supposed to be there, but it's also unbalanced and not fair. Why is an intentional game mechanic then intentionally unfair? It comes across as saying "We know SWF is unfair, but you have to deal with it, sorry."

    I'm fully, 100% supportive of bringing up solo-survivors to the level of SWF's and then balancing Killers around EVERYONE having the same level of information. But it's been 6 years this has been a problem and half a year since that player survey went out judging people's interests in giving free info to solo survivors. I'm skeptical this will happen until ~2024 and I guess Killers are just supposed to "deal with it" until then.

  • Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2022

    If Survivors have two experiences ...

    1. "Solo Q Nightmare Mode" Solo Queue
    2. "Eat Pizza With Your Friends on Comms" SWF+VoiceComms

    And we know both have different balance, and that SWF+VoiceComms provides advantages, and there is no intention to change that, at the very least I think it would be fair to make it so that Killers can also choose the experience they want, and not having to play against a bully 4SWF squad that swaps to flashlights last second in the lobby.

    Now they might come with another diversion such as "that was referring to perks". Well, the point still stands. There are two experiences one gives you free perks the other one denies you the advantage others gain. Either way, the Killer always loses.

    It comes across as saying "We know SWF is unfair, but you have to deal with it, sorry."

    It does not come across, it´s EXACTLY what it means. Which was always known anyway, people kept pretending otherwise just like the "devs say it´s not cheating" - whatever, use another word or mechanism to sugar coat it. If we want to tolerate it, allow for Killers to know who are they playing against - even if as a kind gesture. Still unfair though.

    Everyone says they don´t use the comms to get advantage, fine, then allow Killers to opt-in and listen to that chit-chat. However, not possible cause not built-in mechanism. Also, sometimes it would be useless as not everyone speaks English but still... you could "opt-in" or not.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Devs sadly will never add a true solo-queue - the game has a decent playerbase but probably not enough to support two queues. Devs could AT LEAST give killers double BP after a 3 or 4 man SWF - but I guess that's too difficult to implement. Oh well.

  • Member Posts: 27

    When people complain about SWF i doubt they mean the group of friends of varying skill just having fun because theres really no difference between that experience and solo Q to the killer. If people could see they were against a SWF theyd probably realize a lot more SWFs are average to bad than they'd think. The only time people really know its a SWF is when they face a full meta DH, DS, BT, UB X4 with 2 brand new parts and two flashlights. That is miserable not just because you lose but a SWF like that is almost always a bully squad and super toxic.

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