Pretty sure this patch destroyed the game



  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,477

    It will be fine. Killer was always harder so the most skillfull players are on that side. So when they balance the game better now survivors have some trouble. But now they have to adapt and will get better over time. It was needed because as solo survivor I see so many survivors escaping with no skill at all..sit at a couple of gens and make a dead hard play, that could be enough to escape even as solo. Now they will have to learn how to mindgame better, to run loops etc. This is good.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Are u a priest, predicting how the world will be? Or a politician?

    Survs will adept, Survs will find a new meta, Survs will win games after the patch too.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Use a Toolbox and Built to last. Use Prove Thyself. Whatever. So many options

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Killers were overbuffed before the update, now they are like god mode. Survivor is not only less fun with so many nerfs but killers have too much advantage.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Wait you think BBQ is one of the Killers Strongest perks .... Wow I hate to say this but if you think that I hate to break it to you then you'll have nothing but a miserable time because before the patch Killers only really used it for the BP gains and information second.

    I won't go into why NOED is not broken but now can be found alot easier since it gives off a if you use like Small Game... Detectives Hunch...or a good map then NOED will not be a problem to cleanse out.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    You are right. Repairing is the most boring part of playing survivor.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Overbuffed before Patch? #########? Most of them were punching balls for good teams.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Only for a very bad killer. Balancing for extremely bad killers is ruining the game.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    I do. Every month Iri 1 and still playing, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends. I like it, but killer was stressful. I think this patch is a good thing. Of course, things must be watched and maybe changed in 6.1.1

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Yea, even the best had to tunnel and camp to get more than 4 hooks, when they dont run Nurse or Blight.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777

    I'm seasoning my French Onion Soup off that other guy's posts.

  • limefiasco
    limefiasco Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2

    man I just don't understand why all five of the matches I've gotten to play has had killers camp and tunnel off hook. Are ya'll trying to push the tunneling to its limits because "now its safe for survivors" or whatever? It's really ruining my games today. The haste effect isn't even close to strong enough to stop a killer from downing you if they are close to hook when you get unhooked. If there isn't a window or pallet literally within a few steps of the hook and the killer is within 5 meters of you when you get unhooked then you won't make it before getting tunneled down again. I have no qualms about anything so far except every killer tunneling and camping (all 5 matches in a row!) and it being incredibly easy for them to do so. I don't and did not run meta perks, I'm not toxic, and I play solo queue when survivor.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    They should be able to win every game, but it should demand on the player, his mindgames, his game reading abilities etc.

    If.a killer isnt able to win a game, its not balanced.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    So survivors playing well is supposed to lose regardless?

    A killer playing well shouldn't be entitled to a win. Right now the game gives killer the game by simply knowing a little what to do. Very unfair for survivors.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    I dont feel so. I played survivor mostly today (or yesterday) and I won and I lost games.

    I think we will get infos from the devs how the killrates increase in the upcoming weeks and then they will adjust in 6.1.1 I assume, if the kill rates are too high.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Sounds you got very lucky you probably got tree man swf as your teammates and faced bad killers. I will not touch soloQ it was hard enough already I stick to killer instead.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    I would encourage you to try and least a few matches. People are exaggerating how bad the buffs and nerfs are.

  • SirBenley10
    SirBenley10 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2022

    I feel this update gave killers things they could of otherwise gained by putting time and effort into the game. (Skill) I don't really care about the nerfs to Survivor perks (with the exception of Iron Will) and I'm a Survivor main. Killers could still get 4ks against me and my team all day long. Not enjoying this update.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915

    i think the Iron Will nerf is alright because this perk was stronger than many people realize (entitled Spirit main speaking), but besides that i think they only needed to nerf DH and maybe DS (but one second less stun would be enough).

    Imho the biggest problem is the Bloodlust buff. Now killers who can't mindgame and just chase mindlessly get easy downs because it's impossible to loop for longer. They should just delete this mechanic or cap it at level 1. It's training wheels for bad killers.

    They did a good job with the 2% gen kick regression (finally kicking is worth it) and the smoother gameplay thanks to lesser stuns and cooldowns. The rest is just training wheels mechanics. Making survs hold M1 for longer and bringing back "forever" builds wasn't the right direction. They should have just invented something for the late game to give the killer more time before the gates are opening.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2022

    I am happy you feel that way, but there are still enough people that will resort to camping and tunneling, at the latest when they notice that the match isn't going to well for them. It doesn't matter in that case if they had a fair chance to win or not, and simply didn't play that well. If they feel like they are losing, they are going to resort to these cheap tactics.

    Buffing killers is a good way to incentivise them to play fairer. That's true. But camping and tunneling also absolutely need to be nerfed as well.

    I went against a basement camping insidious bubba and a camping Trickster yesterday already. Those people will still keep on with these strategies as long as they work.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,492

    Good killers could not consistently win if they went against good survivor teams. Matchmaking surely helped them, no doubt, but that's much less an issue of balance.

    This patch was definitely also made to help high level killers compete against high level survivor teams. That's generally where most killer complaints came from. Gens being done too fast and killers not having a fair chance if the survivor team was very good and efficient. Especially SWF survivor teams.

    The problem with this patch is that survivors didn't get anything proper in return. No solo survivor buffs, no camping and tunneling nerfs.

    And a few slowdown perks were overbuffed. Thana and Eruption didn't need the buffs they got. Eruption would have been fine just with the regression buff, and Thana shouldn't have been buffed at all.

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    I think people need time to learn how to loop without Dead Hard or relying on Decisive Strike to get themselves out of a bind.

  • BubbleBuster
    BubbleBuster Member Posts: 387

    another comment here saying that a lot of changes have been weird:

    • gen times are absolutely unfun
    • tunneling and camping are better than before
    • some perks have been deleting when all they needed were slight nerfs (DS, IW, Pop, Ruin)
    • some perk "buffs" have been complete nerfs (Calm Spirit, Pharmacy)
    • some perk "nerfs" have been buffs (Spine Chill)
    • some perk adjustments just nerf the perk in the wrong way (Botany Knowledge)

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    Your MMR is still propped up thanks to your reliance on Dead Hard. Dead Hard was, and still is, an extra health state that regenerates over time automatically. Dead hard was, and still is, the best perk in the game, however it now requires much more skill to use.

    After you lose a few more games, your MMR should be adjusted appropriately to your skill level. You will start escaping more often when you are matched with killers who better match your skill level.

  • JohanChimney
    JohanChimney Member Posts: 16

    After 24 hours as a soloQ player with this update, it's been pure misery. Every game someone is tunneled off game and killer perks Thana, Sourge hooks, DMS, Corrupt etc. seem stronger than ever with this playstyle. None of my games have had anyone escaping and I'm an experienced player, of course not knowing my MMR tho.

    For me the most broken perks before were Dead Hard and Hex:Ruin, they needed some nerfing and DH was especially totally unfair. I'd have liked to see how the gen speeds and overall gameplay would have changed if they just "deleted" DH. IMO this could have been the answer to balance the game, as the chases would have been more fair and shorter in average.

    What this update did was they forced the survivors change their meta, and did basically nothing for the killer meta. Killers can run the same meta as before, and with the base kit changes the old meta is even stronger. They claim they dont want to encourage tunneling, and then they nerf the strongest antitunnel perk DS into being just a minor inconvenience, even when all the killer mains say DS should be closer to 10s stun. Then introducing Off the record as the new meta perk, but it doesnt work either when all the gens are done. It's frustrating to see that survivors cant use these strong perks in the endgame, when they managed to do the main objective which is doing five gens. Maybe they should also deactive NOED when the last gen pops (sarcasm).

    Also for me Iron will was the funniest perk to run, and as I agree they should have added normal breathing noise while injured but not the grunts as it is, now I'm just trying find other things from this game to make it fun. Or I'll just find another game, simple and maybe not a bad solution after all these years. :)

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    I ahhh, im honestly having way too much fun with the game atm to do any of that but i feel like if the killer is struggling like 2 gen left with a single hook or something, they are absolutely welcome to tunnel and camp. Unless of course they are just vibing and dont care about winning or losing or kills all that much.

    Though yeah camping and tunneling are crutches and need to be nerfed or hit with a nuke. I feel like if you stay within 24 metres of the hook for more than 20 seconds total the hook timer gets an extra 30-40 seconds and if you hook the same survivors 3 times in a row they go into struggle because of their grudge/spite instead of being sacrificed are fine nuclear options that i would love to have in game.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Dead hard is not at all the best perk in game atm lol. Thats probably OTR. Complete silence (old IW) plus 1 minute of automatic hit protection. Dayumn

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,337

    I'd barely call making m1 killers viable instead of pallet eating + holding w simulator training wheels. I'm super confused how people can justify how terrible the majority of the killers were in chase do people just want to go back to free outs?

  • HoopyK1
    HoopyK1 Member Posts: 48

    So in DBD only killers will left? There are 4v1 where 4 are survs, and id like to paly both survs and killers but if survs in soloq are unplayable i should delete game and find another game? Really nice solution of the worst update in DBD hisotory.

  • HoopyK1
    HoopyK1 Member Posts: 48

    Horrible killers are now doing kinda well by camping and tunnelig. It is fun for them to be just overpowerd with 2 sbfl stack on basekit and with other buffs. Killer with 200 hours in game kills 2k+ hours solo survs. Kinda balanced guys 🤙

  • HoopyK1
    HoopyK1 Member Posts: 48

    It would be enough to simply rework EEE. Without 3 health stage there are no need to camp, tunnel and worry about genrush, cuz extra health stage no longer take killers time at all. But no, now survs sucks from horrible killers

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,337

    Whole separate issue they talked about adding those icons forever ago yet we're here. It doesn't take a rocket science to put something together to let people know ######### is going on with your teammates.

  • lambdabr
    lambdabr Member Posts: 19

    Look, as a survivor main, i never won so many games like i did yesterday. I really don't know where this negative feedback is coming from. I loved not being tunneled till death. Everyone can now play.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    Let me list the reasons why Off the Record is not as good as Dead Hard.

    1. You must have been hooked and then unhooked before it will activate. Meaning you can only use it a maximum of twice during a match, and when you come off the hook, you already have the endurance effect for a few seconds anyways. Dead hard can be used many times during a match and before you are ever hooked.
    2. The perk is turned off when the exit gates are powered. Dead hard does not have this limitation.
    3. 1 minute of automatic hit detection is not as good as it sounds. The effect is cancelled prematurely if you perform a Conspicuous Action. If you aren't doing anything for 1 minute, that is great for the killer.

    What does OTR have that is better than Dead Hard? Well, I don't think it matters at all. Because it can only trigger twice during the entire match and it is turned off if you perform a Conspicuous Action.

  • HangryMogwai
    HangryMogwai Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2022

    Nah, as someone Solo-Queued 95-98% of the time and went out of my way not to use meta perks (switching things up by using different characters with different perks), this isn’t the issue. I’d survive a large number of my games pre-patch without an exhaustion perk, using mostly loops. Post patch, the loops still work well enough, but it’s damn near impossible to counter the Gen pressure of any killer, let alone those that can teleport, without comms to coordinate and preserve which Gens you’re doing to keep enough distance between the generators.

    The issue seems to be that the patch gave killers an easy mode without penalizing face camping, tunneling or slugging. Meanwhile, I was able to pick up the Evil Incarnate trophy (supposably the hardest killer trophy) after 3 tries as Michael Myers having never played him before and an achievement that I planned on doing last, after I’d Prestiged all other killers. I was able to pull it off with just his three unique perks to boot without I using any of the aforementioned toxic win strategies either, suggests the pendulum swung waaay to far in the killer’s favor.

    I hope to be able to Solo-Queue again eventually, but I guess I’ll finally be working on killers and playing Survivor in SWF groups until they fix it?

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Its better than dead hard because the new dead hard is #########. Half second of parry isnt a good exhaust perk.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    Dead Hard now requires more skill. Of The Record is the low skill, poor man's Dead Hard. You don't have to do anything to get value out of OTR, while dead hard requires you to not suck.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Not only does Dead Hard require you to not suck, it requires killer to kinda suck. The animation is obvious and the killer can even drag out the hit animation to skip the parry or intentionally miss to bait it out. Its the billy perk now, too much effort to get a use out of and not enough reward.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    Tinkerer? I love tinkerer. But it doesn't require skill. It only lets you know a gen is almost done. You are better off taking something that regresses the gens more, doing that will take more skill because you have to figure out which gens need to be defended with less information.

  • whereismykebab
    whereismykebab Member Posts: 228

    The patch that was supposed to counteract camping and tunneling made camping and tunneling a lot stronger and frequent

  • HangryMogwai
    HangryMogwai Member Posts: 52

    Somehow guessing you’re in lower ranks of play yet for matchmaking. Seems like there’s only sweaty tunneling, face camping and slugging at iridescent ranks (save for one match). Giving up on SoloQing as a survivor for a while and prestiging my killers in the sort-sightedness of this patch.

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    Killers are supposed to be the power role. That means that they shoukd have the tools to be capable of emerging victorious if they play well enough. If they capitalize on survivors' mistakes, they should be rewarded for doing so.

    This whole "2 escapes, 2 kills" mentality is ridiculous. That is a draw for both sides. The correct result should be 1 escape, 3 kills on average, with exceptions for good teamwork and communication.

    Survivors are mad because their broken crutch perks were taken away and made either less useful or simply require more skill and precision to use. They've been on top for so long that they believed they shoukd remain in an overpowered state. Obviously, the devs disagreed and adjusted balance accordingly. It probably needs some tweaking, in the case of DS being kinda too weak with a 3 second stun, but for the most part, this patch fixed alot of issues that finally made Killers the power role once more.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,023

    Dbd is a real horror game now

  • tamsmi
    tamsmi Member Posts: 30

    i really miss bringing meme builds. theres no room for fun perks like diversion, flashbang, deception after ive equipped all my gen rushing perks to counter these longer gen times. and my killer games were boring too. 4k's at 3 gens every time. rip