Pretty sure this patch destroyed the game



  • MaudetteClorel
    MaudetteClorel Member Posts: 83

    As a survivor main with 2.2k hours, I mostly liked the update. And I can't really understand why so many people are complaining. Reading all the survivor tears on the forum I thought escaping as survivor would be impossible after the update dropped, but having played some solo games and escaping 70% of the time I knew it wasn't as bad as people thought.

    I agree, solo Q is a nightmare, but was it any different before the patch? Let's be honest, there's always this one teammate who's hiding in lockers, the one DCing after being downed/hooked, the bush camping Claudie urban evading when someone else's death timer on hook is about to run out or teammates just running around doing nothing... And it will always be like that unless you're playing SWF, because not everyone loads into a match with the intention to escape no matter what.

    The DS nerf is probably the only thing that concerns me since it's basically useless against certain killers now. Even before the nerf, a blight or a nurse could easily catch up to you after the 5s stun as if your DS never happened, now it's gonna be even worse. If they wanted to balance this perk to help out basic M1 killers (which is fair enough), they should've applied some restrictions to the S tier killers who eat DSs for breakfast.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2022

    Thanks for the great advice, I have rarely used dead hard because in my comp team I don't play it. I can pretty much tell when a killer is good or not and deserves to 4k. I also haven't lost a single killer game since the update. So yes, the balance is totally off and maybe you should learn how to play killer instead of thinking that you have always been the next otzdarva but dead hard was the reason you got only 4 hook stages every game...

    And btw if you really think dh is the best perk in the game right now then there is something off

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915
    edited July 2022

    It just shows the mindset of most killer mains. They just want power and the feeling of winning FOR FREE, because they deserve it for picking that role. You really think a 1v4 is balanced if the 1 person has a much bigger chance of winning? Even in a 2v2 game it would be hilarious if they give one side an advantage. Imagine counter terrorists in CS would be stronger than terrorists because they have more modern equipment.

    Why should the survivors keep on playing then, because they're all masochists? Do you really think the game would work this way, or do you even care about the game at all? Killers had better win ratios than survivors, it was fine and only needed slight adjustments.

    I got this power feeling many times before the update as killer and it felt rewarding because I knew I was better. Maybe you should invest in getting better instead of demanding something for free. The balance right now is just off

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 285

    I mean considering every single game besides one who was a nice streamer, atleast one of the survivors has been tunnelled and camped out of a match.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Sorry to hear. Kinda dissapointed in killers. Games are so easy atm that there is no reason not to take it easy and chill, even when we are going for a 4k.

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 285

    I mean it makes sense- if you get full stacks of thana you can just wait out someone’s death as it takes 120 seconds to die on first hook and 110 seconds to do one gen.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    I dont use thana at all but from what i can see, even when im dominating games, players very very very rarely just stay injured. I understand thats not really viable vs plague and legion but even then if the killer is camping, isnt it easy to reset?

    I can see the gen speeds being really boring with thana and pentimento though on a killer like plague of legion. I wouldnt want to just press m1 for 2 mins yeah.

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    I have no desire to get free wins whatsoever. I also have no desire to see survivors get free wins because of having access to broken mechanics like Dead Hard, and dozens of ways to fix their own mistakes.

    The game has not been in the killer's favor for awhile now. This patch finally brought them back to a place they should be. And even with these changes, survivors will eventually adapt and find new strategies. They're just not used to having to actually be skillful, since they're so accustomed to abusable perks and strats that net them easy wins and trolling the killer. Now that's become harder to do, so they whine on the forums about how unfair the game is, even though it isn't.

    In time, the dust will settle. If there are any problems after that, then those things will be adjusted. If survivors are doing so poorly as the forums claim, they'll be looked at, and adjusted accordingly. Just like always.

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 285

    I mean considering every person I know died more than survived before the update, I would had thought it was more balanced then. Now as survivor youve got no time to have fun. It’s gens or camped on hook.

  • MaudetteClorel
    MaudetteClorel Member Posts: 83

    I have no problems with this patch other than it did the opposite of what it was supposed to do. Gen times were increased so killer wouldn't have to bring all slowdown perks and could try out other/different/funny builds without being punished for not bringing the meta.

    But this is exactly and exclusively what I've encountered in every single match. Doesn't matter if it's a trapper, a legion or a huntress. All of them ran thana, pop and/or scourge hooks/overcharge.

    So now I have 30-40 minute long matches as a solo survivor. Increasing the gen repair time was perfectly fine, but I think the devs forgot about 1) slowdown perks still being stackable and 2) sitting on gens is boring as hell, imagine holding M1 for over 2 minutes.

  • NotJared
    NotJared Member Posts: 479

    After four days of consistent playing, survivor is actually quite exasperating to play at the moment. I am genuinely exhausted of holding M1 for literal minutes on end without a single generator getting done between all the slowdown and regression buffs, in addition to chases lasting even shorter than ever so teammates can't distract for as long. Survivor games feel quite literally endless and for the first time since release I do not want to play survivor anymore.

    I know this doesn't come across as the most constructive feedback, but I am sharing how I feel because I genuinely am concerned for the current state of game balance being make the games endless.

    I generally don't mind gens taking longer and chases being shorter, but I think this was genuine overkill. Even as killer I feel dirty running 4 slowdown perks, it works so well I have no incentive to NOT do it, despite the motivation being to remove the need to use them.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915

    Same here, i tried again today because i had one survivor challenge left. 2 good Nurses and a Pinhead with best add ons (the Fang) who found me with Lethal Pursuer in a deadzone and downed me immediately... i was just so fed up at this point again that i used my toolbox (the one i needed for the challenge) and then suicided on next hook. Not gonna bother with this game until they change something. Killer queues are too long for me and its literally impossible to lose right now if you play sweaty. I'm now 100% sure it's not just me or that i haven't adapted yet, but the game is just in favour of killers especially if you play solo (nearly impossible to escape there against a good killer).

    To all the killers who still struggle, it's entirely on you. I have lost one single game since the patch, ONE! And that was with Wraith on Temple of Purgation...

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    :begin sarcasm: Killers just need incentives to not tunnel and camp at-gen-5, that's why this is the greatest patch ever. Now that it's easy to get several 4ks in a row for even the worse skilled killer player, killers have completely stopped camping and tunneling at-gen-5. :end sarcasm:

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 506

    Entitled killer view? Look - your perks and auras stack - Survivor buffs do not. Survivors have to work as a team which in of itself just doesn't happen as much as killers would like to think (rift challenges, daily rituals, people having 'fun' doing their own thing). FWIW DH didn't work half the time anyway - devs have issues when it comes to real-time physics and collision detection.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Which is why I think survivors need a ping system or voice chat. Something like this will help out a lot and bring SoloQ up to at least a close or exact level of SWF depending on the method implemented. I'm still in favor of these killer buffs, but I also know SoloQ needs to be addressed.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    The bit that irritates me is they're feeding into the mentality that Killers should get a 4k to win which is causing the likes of the camp, tunnel and slug gameplay style when that's not even how BHVR classify a killer wins themselves which is a 2k!

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 435

    Player count is now at -30% In July, heading for the record and will probably keep dropping unless they balance the kill rates back to 0.55 rather than what feels like 0.8...

  • colley94
    colley94 Member Posts: 100

    What are you expecting? The devs to improve the game? Nurse is still an option. Look for a new game.

  • Zee141
    Zee141 Member Posts: 18

    I’m killer main and I’d get 4K before patch against solo and swf but this last 2 weeks of playing killer I’ve had a handful of games where a team has been able to do 1 gen the entire match not to mention games finishing in like 5 mins. But as a survivor as I solo queue I havnt won a single game but I was never a good survivor but atleast pre patch I was able to win a few games here and there. I’ve also noticed pretty much every game as survivor the killers would proxy camp or tunnel this is for 80% of my matches. It was never this bad before the patch