Pretty sure this patch destroyed the game

solidhex Member Posts: 889
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've never had such a strong feeling that a patch destroyed the balance like this time, and i have seen the Undying/Ruin meta and the old Boon meta. I was really happy about the changes but my deepest fears became reality:

  • - doing gens has become nearly impossible with the new killer meta (Jolt, Thana, Overcharge, Pain Res, any combination of that)
  • - the endurance meta is not even that strong, especially since DH and DS is dead now. Killers have enough time to chase through the extra hit

Here is how my ~15 games went (on both sides)

  1. survs start gens
  2. killer gets first down
  3. gens come to a halt thanks to strong perks and killers, if best they/we finished 2
  4. no one even attempts to do gens anymore, because the killer usually has so much pressure that it's impossible

Yes i'm not exaggerating. I won most of my matches as Killer before the patch but never THAT hard (there wasn't a single game today were the survivors made more than 2 gens, and yes i tryharded but many killers will do). I haven't escaped in any of my survivor matches. Yes, not a single one. And most of them weren't even close, most were just stompings (by killers like Legion or Freddy).

Why do you want to hand ez 4k's to every single killer out there? What is the idea behind it? Killer was the harder role yes, but it was an achivement to become a good killer who can win against good teams. Now it's just "take those perks, then chase mindlessly, tactics, strategy? you don't need that here, just run behind that guy there"...

Anyone i've spoken to sees it like that even the killer mains. If you don't react now, you will lose a lot of the playerbase...

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199

    I don't know about any of that, but I play on PS5, so it literally did.

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    I mean, it has to be, right? Based on some really rough numbers, there's something like a 90% dropoff in engagement between forum news that is linked directly to DBD's news page and forum news that is not. It might not seem that way sometimes, but there are going to be a LOT of people who don't know Dead Hard has been changed so dramatically until they get home tonight and try to use it in chase in the same way they always have, then scratch their head over ######### just happened.

    Day 1 of a patch this big is not gonna be a good indicator of where things are headed yet. It's all chaos today.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    i never ran those perks (at least not DH) and those things you mentioned are not good and efficient counters (eg let's just heal endlessly against a Legion who uses his power once per minute)

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited July 2022

    The legion uses their power frequently, but pretending like they push m2 and immediately get every survivor injured and get their 5th down is disingenuous at best. The notion that you shouldn't heal at all vs. a thana legion in the time of buffed botany and Circle is outdated and absurd. You can deny their perks by splitting up and only permitting one or two survivors to be injured at a time. Legion still has the same counters they always did; split up on different areas of the map.

  • tendyhands
    tendyhands Member Posts: 268

    It was "fairly" nerfed? All the main survivor perks (dh, spine chill, self care, iron will, ds) got nerfed to the point where they are useless. The killer perks got minor nerfs. Some of the strongest killer perks like bbq didn't get any nerf in terms of gameplay. The most broken perk in the game (noed) got a minor nerf. I know this was meant to be a killer sided patch but this is a bit much. I'm just going to run swfs and carry with prove thyself. Cannot win in solo q.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    i'm doing just fine in solo q. I also don't know what you mean by killer perks not being nerfed. Ruin and pain res are effectively dead in my eyes. Pop also got hit hard.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    it feels like more than boosting and i personally haven't seen killers doing that bad before the patch. I died fairly often (i play solo mostly) and had 4k's mostly. Only my personal experience though.

    But yea let's just see how it developes in the next days and weeks

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Ah yes, ruin having it's regression halved is a minor nerf. Tinkerer going from being infinite to once per gen again, minor. Knowing where noed is in the endgame: minor. I see.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    The endurance meta didn't last past ptb, if people still think that's going to be a thing then they're setting themselves up to fail. That's just facts.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,132
    edited July 2022

    I wouldn't say holding M1 for several minutes is struggling to escape. Just very tedious and could've been easily avoided.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    I don't think all of the changes are bad.

    A few I don't like are:

    Bloodlust trigger times have been reduced to 15 seconds for Tier 1, 25 seconds for Tier 2, and 35 seconds for Tier 3 (was 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 45 seconds)

    This wasn't necessary. As it is... Bloodlust shouldn't even be a thing entirely. If you can't catch a survivor despite all the nerfs and the lack of inifinites idk what to say honestly. Bloodlust is archaic and needs to go entirely.

    Barbecue and Chili 

    It needs a secondary or something. There's no reason to run BBQ anymore except aura reading. The WGLF change by comparison is great.



    Added: This effect can only be triggered once on each generator. 

    I think the undetectable should be extended considering it only works once per gen. That would make it still desirable.

    Iron Will nerf has just led to showing how busted spirit's top add ons are again.

    Botany Knowledge and Calm Spirit didn't deserve having a downside. The solution for fixing med kits was to specifically address the green med kit. Every other med kit only heals others faster. The green one is the one that was problematic. Instead of addressing the simple fix of just having it heal others as fast the purple but with half the charges... They nerf botany. Calm spirit didn't need to have the totem nerf it was already not a desirable perk.

    I also noticed that prestiging the killers and survivors from the Stranger Things update gave nothing for the perks lol. So that's cool. Why'd I p3 them again?

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Buffing killers is nerfing tunneling and camping imo. Those are pretty boring tactics and when i feel like i dont need them i dont use them at all.

    I havent felt the need to camp or tunnel at all since the patch and i feel like im not the only one.

  • ShyPirate
    ShyPirate Member Posts: 377

    It was an issue with PSN. The timing was bad, but it had nothing to do with the DbD update.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Ruin and Pop got nerfed heavily as well. And Pain Resonance got a sizeable nerf as well, though that perk should still be good.

    The slowdown perk meta in general got nerfed, but instead some of it was pretty much added to the basekit with 10 extra seconds of gen times. That's a good thing. But I do agree that some survivor perks were overnerfed hard. Not sure about DH however. But DS in particular did not need the nerf it got. That and the Self Care nerf are the worst ones.

    I still think the one main problem with this patch is that it barely addresses camping and tunneling in any way. If they would have nerfed at least camping properly, that would have gone a long way, and would have addressed the biggest frustrations survivors, especially solo survivors, have to deal with.

  • tendyhands
    tendyhands Member Posts: 268

    I don't necessarily mind killers being stronger. I do mind legion/plague being completely OP this meta since they are two of the worst solo q killers because nobody knows to not heal against them.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Pretty sure this patch was unbelievable necessary!!!

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Indeed. If I know I can beat the survivors without it, Ill do that. Till now, most of the time you had to do to stay competetive. You could see it at different streamers too (3-4 hooks was normal..)

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    the problem is you can't assume everyone plays nice. Tunneling and proxy camping is still strong. Off the record didn't do a thing against me, especially with me playing STBFL. The "survivor rulebook" was a ridiculous thing that shouldn't have existed in the first place (i mean the generel agreement that camping and tunneling is "forbidden"), but it held the game together. Then killers had to abandon it thanks to MMR and Boons and it became clear how strong tunneling is. They should have invented something to make tunneling and camping not worth for the killer (and not a band-aid fix aka another perk) but also something to give them other forms of pressure.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    I assume some people will tunnel and camp no matter what. Though i still assume most people used to do it more out of necessity than anything.

    Game felt impossible without hard tunneling during COH era. Now imo, there isnt any need and we can at least chill at the start and see how the game goes.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited July 2022

    for me games feel the same in terms of balance , now a bit riskier on the survivor sided for sure , pallets are now more valuable , and certain annoying combinations like tinkerer / ruin on blight, no longer are that BS anymore , this is from a Solo Q perspective , i still dont play killer that much cause people often just suicide for getting protection hits😅 so idk how powerful was the buffs for killers yet.

    "The big problem with the patch is the lack of proper nerfs to camping and tunneling" totally agreed , the amount of tunneling nurses /blights are insane with the nerf to DS , at this point i just suicide on hook when i see those killers just hard tunneling after getting a DS stun the first person they see.

    also about gen speeds , did anyone already try to use Dejavu + Prove thyself + resilience + decent toolbox (GENS GOO BRRR🤣)

    jokes aside ,i was using that build lately and dear lord countering tana with other slowdown perks is pretty consistent and funny , such a underrated combination.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162
    edited July 2022

    I played 3 survivor games today before I realized that the incentive marker was busted. Had a 3E, a 4E and a 4K, so I would agree. Most likely the people who used DH as a crutch without realizing it are crying out in anguish now, but people will adapt pretty fast.

    The killer games felt pretty gppd, though. I got juked way more then before, but I faced just one new DH and wasn't even angry when the David flashed white as I fell for it, because I had halfheartedly expected it. But all those survivors who I stumbpled over out of place, they got hit and went down pretty fast afterwards. Had the first games in what felt month were I could go for 12 hooks without shooting myself in the foot. Also I got way less salt and hate in the chat then expected and quite on the contrary had quite a few survivors commenting on the fun they had.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Yes, couldnt say it better. But as always: Changes are hard for humans.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495

    I think that has more to do with the rank reset more than any other thing. It might not look like that but Survivors are the winners in this patch with the Dead Hard exception.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,492

    If you play swf that does not count. Only soloQ was nerfed but swf remain as strong as ever.