The True reason survivors are threatening to quit and find a diffrent game....



  • MaudetteClorel
    MaudetteClorel Member Posts: 83

    If I was the one to quit, I would do it because a game against legion with 4 slowdowns (thana, gift of pain,pentimento etc) as a solo survivor now takes 30-40 minutes on average.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    So how Killers have been for the last 12 months? Oh We are still playing, the world hasn't ended.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Nothing changed for SWFs, if you think they aren't still bullying killers you aren't playing against SWFs. The only thing that is changing is you are having fewer soloQ lobby's to que into. If you think this patch hurt SWFs even in the slightest you are delusional.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    That’s true. But also you can think then that pentimento for example is a 120% decrease speed, thana is 60%,..

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    The reason survivors are threatening to quit is because of the unnecessary changes. Dead Hard and Iron Will deserved their nerfs. Self-care did not. DS only needed to deactivate after the final gen is done.

    The developers reduced chase times and increased gen times to inflate kill rates. Camping and tunneling are stronger than ever, too.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    You have a very weird idea about how the math works. 30% slowdown across all survivors is still 30% slowdown. You don't add them up like that

    100% slowdown would mean you can't make progress at all. 120% slowdown would probably crash the game

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    I didn't run crutch perks and entice the killer into chasing me. I never relied on swf. As someone who could do very well as solo survivor (I've been playing since 2018), this update indeed has made it awfully miserable for us. I'm not complaining, but Jesus some dev at behaviour must have been getting owned as a killer main and decided to make it easy for themselves. 😄😄

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    Lol. At times even your friends in a swf game don't communicate. But, yeh,solo sucks.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I find it hilarious that you think that solo is on same level as SWF.

    This is what high-level swf LOOKS LIKE. your telling me solo's can play at this level and coordination in the game. Your saying that your average game of DBD solo is 6 minutes long with coordinated body blocking? Your either joking or are completely oblivious towards the problems.

    Also, BVHR even says.... that high-level swf in comparison to high-level solo have 15% higher escape-rate.

    STBFL is not busted. from playing against it as survivor, you only get punished by it when you are in deadzones. that's the way it should be. you should get punished as survivor when your playing poorly. In most cases. I still get to pallets from a health-state if my pathing and positioning is good.

    The chases changes are step in right direction and so are generator speeds. I highly doubt that good loopers have a problem in looping killers. Generators do not take long when the entire team makes a team effort to do the objective. Generator only take a long time from soloq time-inefficiency.

  • zgameboy
    zgameboy Member Posts: 79

    Communication literally invalidates trapper as a killer you can literally tell other people where his traps are.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited July 2022

    Not? So, if you have a ghostface or bubba camping you, and you can tell your teammates they dont come to a save and do gens instead, then communication doesnt mean anything?

    If you can tell the team where the killer is going, and the survivor on that gen has enough time to get into a good hidding spot so he isnt found, that doesnt mean anything?

    Telling your team that the gen the killer kicked was 90% done, so they go and stop regressing it, doesnt mean anything?

    Telling the team to work together on the last gen while one loops instead on splitting up on gens doesnt mean anything?

    I am not sure you know what this game is about. Its not just about running in circles the whole game.

    i played this game as part of a 4 swf, and there was one good looper, the rest was just decent. And yet we won most games, no matter the killer. Because of communication, because the bad looper can hide in time, and you dont waste much time.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Ah, Sluzzy. Always a pleasure to read you. The best of this forum.

    Well, but that's what they want though. Did you really think they ever wanted an actual competition to begin with?

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    A few years back, a group of dedicated players made an effort to test how strong SWF was with or without communication. They did 100 games with comms, and 100 without. They considered 3 people escaping a win, and this was back during when Rank 1 was a thing.

    I don't remember the exact results, but they had over 90 wins both with and without comms. A good SWF doesn't actually needs comms to win if they know how each other plays and they run builds that provide the necessary information for good teamplay.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I never said communication is more important than 4 strong loopers. Having those loopers might even eliminate the need for communication.

    But i belive that most teams don´t consist of those 4 strong loopers. And yet, those team can still kick the killers ass because of communication. And i think that is true for the majority of swf you will find in this game. And that makes it everything but meaningless.

    Taking an argument that is only true for a minority of players, however, is mostly irrelevant to the player base as a whole.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561
    edited July 2022

    IDK it sounds like you're antagonizing too lol

    I feel like there is truth to both sides, all the things that were changed as a collective are too much but a lot of it is necessary. As it is right now it's easy to do strats which are close to griefing still (Camping, tunnelling, slugging deliberatley just because you don't like a survivor), and the horrible networking this game makes us put up with causing jank hits for both sides.

    We should be working together as a community to get rid of the things both sides are struggling with who need the help right now, Solo Q and Killers who deal with SWFs.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    are you saying there is nobody good at looping in soloq for survivor? I am sure there are many soloq survivor that are incredible skilled at looping. You would be actually very surprised that before this patch,... you could be pretty bad at looping and escape against vast majority of killers in most games.

    in fact, in a couple of matches, you would sometimes not loop the killer very well but still escape as survivor simply because your teammate were efficient at the generators and second chance perks. collective efficiency just win games. It is just how the game is. its why swf is strong.

    Looping is more important now than before because the objective takes longer meaning that surviving in a chase longer is more important than before. 4 potato friends is a 4 low MMR SWF. Its like 4 low MMR solo survivors. Being in a swf doesn't automatically make you strong. It just gives you an advantage in efficiency over solo survivor(in the same skill bracket).

    Being good at looping is just baseline-mechanic to be good at survivor and looping in SWF is really no different than looping in solo. Basically what I'm saying is that you do not need SWF to find good loopers. You'll be paired with good looping if your good at looping as survivor via matchmaking(from MMR). Its just that gens will be slower in solo and teamplay will be weaker in solo.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 564

    That's an.... interesting pov

    You can't bully killers like you used to. The base meta kit to bully killers was gutted. And you hate it.

    Nope. If I wanted to bully killers I could run head on with flashlights with my friends and click my flashlight. This patches changes nothing of this. You think people who are going out their way to make you upset, which is different then people paying to win, care? Even if this game did take away their edge, they would go play something else. If you are truly encountering less "bullies." Its more likely that you were never facing bullies, you were just facing competent players and have now been buffed to compete with them with less effort proven by your last point

    The extra 10 seconds? Forcing you to cooperate instead of antagonizing the killer into chasing you.

    That just means survivors have to focus on generators more not less.. which I thought killers didn't want. Basically matches will fall under two categories. Survivors know they need to focus on gens and therefore gen times ill change very little as 50 seconds a match isn't that much. Or survivors won't do gens because an extra 50 seconds of gen repair is pretty boring, meaning they are more likely throw matches for entertainment.

    The 2% cooldown on attacks? Forces you to pick your unhook time a bit better.

    Just.. no. Why would you ever make it easier to camp. It would be like buffing survivors who drop pallets early. Its not good design to buff something that is easy. Otherwise why would anyone do anything but camp.

    The increased bloodlust accrual? Forces you to try and and get creative in losing us for a chase.

    If that's going to be a thing again, losing killers in chases, can we please revert the lighting back to the darker lighting. Before killers threw a fit that it was unfair because survivors were using the danker lighting to lose chases, so they had to make everything brighter.

    Because you can't bully killers into quitting anymore, many are throwing a fit. However, look at this patch like this;

    I'm quitting because I don't want to repair gens for a minimum 90 seconds per gen a match.

    It gives everyone experimentation amd freedom to practice characters and perks they've never tried because of the previous Meta.

    That is such poor design. So you want to both win, but you don't want have to try. That is serious entitlement. How can you call DBD balanced if you are going against plyers who want to win and bringing in their best things and you don't need to bring your best things to compete? If you are experimenting it means you are inexperienced. You should not be winning matches that you are inexperienced with, you need to invest time to earn your wins. If you are now winning while getting to run weaker builds or killers that you have little practice with. Demonstrates less of of your own skill, and more that survivors cannot deal with the base game mechanics.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Just look at oracles game. The generator are done in 5 minutes. there is barely any looping. do you know why? Because you don't need to loop very much in swf. Solo is the one that need loop more because their average tend to not be 5 minutes long. they're usually like 6-8 minutes long with back and forth where you often work hard to get 2 survivors escaping.

    If anything, looping in DBD is overrated in some sense. you can still have some quick games as solo, but its typically the star-aligning. SWF can do this consistently. its not star-aligning. its just normal balance of the game.

    anyhow we're in new patch so i'd say old games cannot really be applied to new patch. just that old patch is flashback to dbd's past.

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  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But that is not true for the majority of swf. not even the truth for the majority of 4-people-swf. Its just the strength of 4 good loopers that decide to play swf. If the same loopers came together in a game at random, the outcome woulnd´t change at all. (unless communication was a bigger factor).

    For all other swf the outcome would change if they were random without communication, because communication is where they get their advantage from.