My personal feedback about latest patch

DbDPlaya Member Posts: 79
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

As of (7/19/2022) with the 6.1.0 patch, developers took away how some of us used to play. If you take away something, you should give something back in return. This patch gives nothing but insignificant tweaks here and there. I'm just glad I had the time of my life when the game was fairly new and it was just getting popular. The developers don't even know how to properly execute things.

Dead Hard did not need a nerf, everyone pretty much knew how to play around it. And if it were to change, it should have never applied Deep Wound status effect. It should have worked like Mettle of Man where it negates the killer hit, gives you speed boost without giving you Deep Wound status effect. Dead Hard was meant to assist the survivor, not turn the screen darker and waste one's time by having to mend. It's not even worth taking up perk slot anymore.

Spine Chill was completely changed into a useless perk. Its purpose was to give survivor an early warning to getaway (that's at least how I used it). Now it lights up based on terror radius and if the killer has direct line of sight on you. (??? What the hell is the point of that?) On the other hand, Whispers, aka the killer version of Spine Chill remains untouched and works the same way the old Spine Chill did. See the hypocrisy there?

Iron Will, one of my all time favorite perk has been nerfed because of people insisting not to learn how to play against it but demand an easy solution by modifying the perk.

Self-Care, a perk that was barely alright-ish if you were playing solo survivor is now completely useless. I can't remember know how many times Self-Care saved my life regardless of when I was playing either solo or in swf. I pulled off so many plays taking a hit, healing myself away from the killer and jumping back in action either to tank another hit for a team mate or to rush for an unhook while being healthy to take a hit after unhooking my team mate. (wasn't much fan of Borrowed Time). Not to mention Self-Care countered Franklin's Demise really good not having to worry about losing a medkit and being unable to heal yourself in case you thought about bringing a medkit.

These 4 perks were my unchanged perks for many years. Now BHVR wants me to play differently and I am not going to play differently. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. These perks were never broken and they functioned the way they did for years until recently.

I hope queue times to find a lobby as killer will take a huge impact and increase over time. I'm expecting player count drop and interest to play survivor is going to decrease over time.

After 3130+ hours (Devotion 13) since 2018, I've come to a conclusion that I am uninstalling this game because of developers not nerfing but killing perks. I never thought there would be a day that I would consider giving up playing DbD. This patch marks the day.

Good luck catering to new comers BHVR. Nothing stays forever. Time for me to move on to something else.

Note: I'll leave my DbD stats link for those who think I only played survivor because I know there will be claims. (

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Llokki
    Llokki Member Posts: 24

    By all reports, Spine Chill was actually buffed, not nerfed. It lights up if you're within a set radius from the killer (32m I think?), regardless of them being undetectable or not, and then additionally (and separately) gives the action speed bonus if they have a clear line of sight to you.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,328

    As a Leon main, I miss IW SO DAMN much. Guy's loud AF 😥 It would've been fine if they had nerfed it to just the 75% loudness, but not working when exhausted? Makes it utterly useless. Or heck even kept it at 100%, but have their breathing be audible.

    DH should've stayed at 1s without the weird animation because some of us are being put in lobbies with killers with ping from another galaxy.

    Agree on the rest.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Dead Hard absolutely needed the nerf. You would see it almost every match across the average to high skill levels. Iron Will needed to be nerfed, 100% noise reduction was too much.

    Spine Chill, on the other hand, actually got buffed. The developers understood that the counterplay of crab-walking was awkward, so they were going to change it to LoS only but then everyone started talking about how the hard of hearing use it as an accessibility option.

    The perk filling up and draining based on TR Strength was a great addition to the perk and works for accessibility purposes. Removing vault speed bonus from Spine Chill was also a good move.

    But here's where things get wonky. Instead of Spine Chill activating when the killer is within however many meters it was previously while looking in your direction, it now just activates when the killer is within 36-meters. No counterplay. Unaffected by Terror Radius.

    DS and Self-care need to be reverted. Thana needs to be nerfed and gen speeds need to be brought back down to 80 seconds. You can't have shorter chases and longer gen times to artificially inflate kill rates.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Dh was better than 90% of killer powers. Survivor was unironically the power role. Game is more akin to what it should be now.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,625
  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I agree.

    BHVR has without a doubt ruined the game. Survivors are apparently not supposed to have fun which was obvious to me even before this patch, this one finally woke people up.

    What they have done to survivor perks are a crime.

    And then turned around and gave killers a mouth kiss.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Spine chill was buffed did you miss that? Dead hard very much needed that nerf it was unfair in many ways. Iron Will is still strong. Self-Care you should not even use that perk so making survivors bring medkits or Inner healing instead is only good for survivors.

  • DbDPlaya
    DbDPlaya Member Posts: 79

    I guess I missed that but that doesn't make much difference at all. Overall all of the perks have been butchered.

  • DbDPlaya
    DbDPlaya Member Posts: 79

    I never made Dead Hard a problem when I was playing as killer. Same goes for Iron Will. Both perks were never an issue for me. I figured out how to play around both.

    The future of DbD isn't bright, I just wanted to say.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    The future of DBD isn't bright, but that's because of how easier it is to camp and tunnel. Dead Hard was problematic. Iron Will needed one of these but not both (75% or exhaustion disabling it).

  • kaskader
    kaskader Member Posts: 283
    edited July 2022

    ''Dead Hard did not need a nerf''...

    Ok enough dbd forum for today

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 628

    At that moment, I also stopped reading, and realized that this was just a player who had never played as killers against the same survivors

  • TheMruczek
    TheMruczek Member Posts: 191

    While I think some perks where changed in weird way or overnerfed like Spine Chill, Ruin, Self-Care and IW not all of them were terrible.

    Overcharge and DH were for the most part changed in good way (and no, DH needed to be nerfed. It was overpowered perk that did let you extend chases, gave you second chance in basicly all situations and had no counterplay).

    DH is not very strong against let's say Freddy or Trappet yet against Nurse, Blight or Huntress it is still good perk that is worth a sloth.

    Still i really hope we are going to see buffs for SoloQ in next Midchapter.

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 499

    Sadly I agree - 5500+ hours and the camping/tunneling is even worse. I'm playing much less as a result - just not fun dealing with coward killer after coward killer that has to camp/tunnel or run 3 aura perks just to play.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited July 2022

    Not only were games saturated with Dead Hard, it was also not being used as intended by the majority of players.

    That latter bit is a trend I've noticed in Dev updates. A lot of Ghost Face's rework, for example, offered more incentive to Mark Survivors rather then just use his Stealth by itself.

    The current Dead Hard still does what the devs intended for it to do, allow a Survivor to potentially survive a hit that would otherwise down them. Now it does so in a way that doesn't give that Survivor an extra unintended advantage.

  • nelsonmthome
    nelsonmthome Member Posts: 1

    This patch is terrible, the killer knocks out all the survivors with 5 generators and they still keep coming back to the hook, worst update ever, I want my decisive strike and dead hard back, revert this patch please I'm leaving the game already there was tunneling before, it was hard to get out alive, now it's impossible.

    Many loyal players who are always playing will lose.

    Not everyone likes to play assassin.

    And all assassins already know how to wait for the time of the dead hard and decisive strike.

    The reduced speed of the survivors made the game even worse.

    I'm really sad about the direction the game has taken.

    I will be leaving the game, playing since 2020. 3,500hrs. on steam.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Dead Hard did not need a nerf,...

    That's all I need to read in this post. Dead Hard definitely, DEFINITELY needed a nerf. Whether the new version is useful or not is a different question, but the old version was really, really overpowered. There's a reason 70% of above average survivors used it and it's not because there aren't other decent perks available. It was a really solid effect of lunging for distance, which could be a really good perk in its own right, combined with invulnerability based on attack animation which is also a decent perk effect, all rolled into one.

    It needed a nerf.

  • LunaticLizzie
    LunaticLizzie Member Posts: 29

    I mean, on the IW thing,

    You could just not use exhaustion.

    Leon is loud af tho lol

  • Fuzzycube
    Fuzzycube Member Posts: 252

    There is some serious issues with the latest patch, I'm a killer main who never tunnels or camps and I HAVE YET to get a match where I didn't get 4k and have had several games with survivors haven't completed a single generator, I'm honestly starting to think there's matchmaking issues since even without Dead Hard survivors I used to play against weren't so easy to hit in chases.

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241
    edited July 2022

    "...developers took away how some of us used to play. If you take away something, you should give something back in return."

    While I don't agree with everything you said, survivors definitely need something.

    In the current game-state survivors are genuinely lacking. I have been maintaining an 80% kill rate since the patch dropped and I have not had more than 1 survivor escape since the patch dropped. (I usually let the last survivor go if they played well, but if a survivor throws their team under the bus I'll go for the 4K). I also have yet to see survivors finish all 5 generators (as killer).

    However, I believe survivors should be buffed in other ways than restoring perks such as Dead Hard back to their former glory.

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 244
    edited July 2022

    I 100% believe people when they say this

    I mean, how do you play around Iron Will?

    I'm a crappy newbie killer, and I don't think you need to worry about it any more, but I can give you pointers. What particular part of it were you struggling with?

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    DbD is still doing better than February, March, and April.

  • LDominating
    LDominating Member Posts: 23

    Anniversary update plus big patch promised which should corelate now if it's that good or bad.

    -15% which might increase as survivors leave and coming back killers will quit because queques are bad?

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    Here is the trend for July 12th - July 24th where we see no real change except for the hours around the patch.

    Everything is mostly static except that from July 12th through July 18th the peaks never exceeded 50K. While, After the patch we've had peaks exceed 50K. (The spike down is when the patch was being installed).

    So, we're not seeing an exodus of players because of patch changes. If anything, survivor players switched to play killer after the patch dropped. Killer queue times increased, and gamers still feel it's more worth their time to play killer.

    If any assumptions are to be made, it's that killer is somewhat overpowered right now. We can theorize that because gamers are willing to wait 15+ minutes for a killer match and don't feel an incentive to switch sides. (Where survivor queue times have been 10 seconds or less).

  • LDominating
    LDominating Member Posts: 23

    Mate scroll a bit and see the 15% less players.

    It's on this month which has less than 6 days now left.

    It's 3rd time,I think,when the highest drop in players happened.

    Overall the nerfs to killers should come sooner for SoloQ.

    Killers and Developers have taken to nerf the survivor side for SWF balancing.

    It is in our mutual fairness we should also balance all killers around Nurse performance,which at it's lower level of veteran players it's a meager 5 generators 4 deaths.

    Therefore we can see how powerful the killer side is.

    Idc how many players play her,you didn't care that more than 50% of players are solo and still went through and encouraged these changes.

    Killers are too OP,even lower ones,NERF them next patch!

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    The 14.5% drop has nothing to do with the current patch. DbD is still doing better than before the 6th anniversary event. There was always going to be a spike at the anniversary followed by a dip. 42K average players is great for DbD historically.

    You can scroll down and see that most of DbD's history is under 30K. Recent changes have brought players back to the game and patch 6.1.0 hasn't had a significant number of players leaving the game. Most likely, just a switch from survivor to killer. Time will tell though, if players truly get burned out they will start to leave. but the days before and after the patch are equivalent.

  • LDominating
    LDominating Member Posts: 23

    I'm not here to argue with you,clearly it's your way or the high way.

    You go with these numbers..congratulations but why did you bring them in here,I think I mentioned survivor playerrs leaving.

    And there were events and still AoT event is on,not event but skins,that could bring the outside players.

    Now to me freaking ending this conversation.

    On EU servers across all hours(for some reason ppl really brought timeline in here as an excuse)i'll be in a game as a survivor is maximum 30 seconds.

    As a killer?

    Atleast 20 minutes just to find a lobby.

    Checkmate killer main.

    You're a killer main because you want easier time with a skilless role,has been since 2019,nothing to prove as,the only challenge was SWF,don't argue.

    I'm a survivor main because I want to play the game instead of waiting simulator.

    We're not even comparing here.

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241


    "If any assumptions are to be made, it's that killer is somewhat overpowered right now. We can theorize that because gamers are willing to wait 15+ minutes for a killer match and don't feel an incentive to switch sides. (Where survivor queue times have been 10 seconds or less)." - me several posts ago.

    There's just no evidence of a player drop from the patch. Players switched roles, lmao.

  • DbDPlaya
    DbDPlaya Member Posts: 79
    edited July 2022

    The fact that players have switched roles is still bad. The interest or excitement to player survivor is decreasing because of this patch. I haven't played the game in a while and I don't miss it at all when I think about how I will mess up in a chase or whenever I want to dodge Trapper traps or get out basement/reach to the exit, and there's no actual useful Dead Hard to use anymore. I've been playing other games like Forza Horizon 5 or Dying Light 2 with friends and even though they don't replace Dead by Daylight I still don't look back. However though, if in the future developers decide to revert back these changes I will be playing frequently.

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    Yeah, playing survivor is stale right now. I know some folks say it's fine, but it's not. Like I can escape, but it wasn't fun doing it. It's too easy to just think up a build with any killer and 4K at 4 gens. The game state shouldn't be perks = victory for killer.

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    "The population from 01 July to today was bipolar with a steady decrease which exploded in a 16% over the course of the month overall,AFTER the anniversary which is pretty worrisome."

    You can see the anniversary flan wave come to an end on June 30th.

    "You GO PLAY survivor and tell me you enjoy it,actually I'll private message you my discord so you can stream to me,I need to see someone enjoying survivor,otherwise I'm losing my mind,DBD is a frustration simulator.."

    lol sorry, I'm going to pass on talking with you in Discord. BTW I play survivor quite a lot. I know it might be hard for you to believe but I play solo survivor, swf, and killer equally. I play survivor twice as much as I play killer.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    If it's being used in 95% of matches, doesn't that mean that nerfing it severally nerfs survivors. You can expect a perk used in 95% of matches to not be needed by survivors.

    BTW, it's actually 75% of matches, from the developers data.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495
    edited July 2022

    Same happened with Twins, Spirit, Deathslinger, etc. All meme m1 killers now.

    Also Whispers, it does not compare to Spine Chill in the slightest, I don't think you used it much. Or at all.

    You are quitting (see you in the next match btw) because you feel powerless.

    Killers are like that most of the time, devs have been handicapping Killers so many times it's ridiculous. They had to allow minimal buffs.

    Dead Hard was broken, not the only one. And were an absolute abuse late game with DS.

    These two changes in particular are super healthy for the game. Players like you, probably not. IMHO.

    Basekit BT is super powerful and I think it's fair even if screws me as main Killer. But again, already being abused with OTR and the actual BT perk.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    "Dead hard didn't need a nerf"

    Sure and first down moris were ok

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Of course it does, and that's why it was nerfed, a perk shouldn't so impactful.

    I was just using a hyperbole to symbolize that dead hard is basically used every match.

  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 83

    It's fun to watch how nerf to dead hard will kill the game, because it was op ######### everybody used to and made it games way easier. Eventhough killers lost so many slowdown perks and got minor buffs (10 %). People can't play without it and now it's noticable how one perk carried whole community.

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    It means I've been talking with someone who wants to claim they're right regardless of the situation and without reading comments to completion.

    You're free to have your opinion, that survivor "sucks ass" for you.

    Your opinion that the drop might increase, has yet to be backed by data (It might next week, just not today). And this doesn't change my initial assertion that DbD is still doing better than February, March, and April. This all started with your response to that.

    That's what this means for me. And, this will be my last post on the subject of whether DbD is still doing better than February, March, and April.

  • LDominating
    LDominating Member Posts: 23

    I mean sure you might say that,but the loses are still there,it's not like the game has peaked..

  • DbDPlaya
    DbDPlaya Member Posts: 79

    I'll give it 1 more week to come to a final conclusion but yes, the game has not peaked and killer queue times prove that the interest to play survivor has decreased significantly.

  • LunaticLizzie
    LunaticLizzie Member Posts: 29

    I know this reply is probably super late in a thread that's probably been dead for weeks, replying to what's more or less an exaggerated joke stance, but regardless,

    I've never really liked Exhaustion perks all that much, ngl, even back when Dead Hard was one spooky prospect for killers, even when my main survivor (Feng Min) comes with what I consider one of the better ones - They just never did it for me. And in the long run, I honestly think my bull-headed closed mindedness about Exhaustion helped me, because now,

    I can run Self-Aware, Lightweight, Prove Thyself and Kindred, AKA no chase perks (unless you count Lightweight but I consider that more stealth than chase), and still get some pretty decent loop time, nothing spectacular, but probably a lot better loop time than if I was Madame Elizabeth Deadhardington pre-patch and was suddenly dropped head first into a world without Press-E-to-get-extra-30-seconds-out-of-chase mode.

    So what's the point I'm really tryna make here?

    Beats me, but if you can glean anything useful from my rambling tangent here, let it be this:

    Sometimes, getting wrapped up in the META can not only make you a worse player over-all, but suck the fun right out of both your experience, and the experience of those around you. Count your blessings, don't be afraid to experiment around with your build or playstyle, and most importantly, have fun :)