For the People + We're gonna live forever bugged

Wasbeertje Member Posts: 2

When using For the People to pick a teammate up from the the dying state and having the secondary effect of We're gonna live forever ready, it does not grant the picked up survivor the endurance effect when they should be getting it.

A video i found that showcases what i mean: (you can tell the secondary effect of We're gonna live forever is ready because the perk is lit up.)

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  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,248

    For the People is not actually healing them, its like a toggle, therefore it doesn't count. It's similar to how no perks (Killer or Survivor) that rely on unhooking a survivor will function with Pyramid head's cages.

  • Wasbeertje
    Wasbeertje Member Posts: 2

    I'm hoping this is just a bug and it will be looked at. I was so looking forward to run this combo since i really like using FTP. I don't think this is overpowered because there is a precondition that has to be met for the endurance effect to apply to the survivor who is picked up from the dying state. You have to setup for it again so you can't spam it. If this gets fixed i'm gonna be really happy :)

  • honestscript
    honestscript Member Posts: 259

    This needs to be fixed! according to the descriptions of the perks, they SHOULD be getting the endurance effect!

  • Someone_lol
    Someone_lol Member Posts: 8

    It should work, especially as it also works with Soul Guard which also states "Gain the Endurance status effect for 8 seconds after being healed or having recovered from the Dying state. ..." and since the verb healed is mentioned in the same way and it also works with FTP i personally think and hope that its a bug and is gonna get fixed.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,674

    FTP does work with WGLF.

    You just have to heal for like .1 second before activating FTP, if you activate FTP instantly before you even put a sliver of progress onto the healing bar it wont trigger WGLF for some reaosn

  • Thund3rstruck57
    Thund3rstruck57 Member Posts: 240

    Still bugged, although I'm going to try @SkeletalElite's suggestion. If it works, I'll use that as a band-aid solution until this gets fixed.

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 627

    For the perk to work, you need to heal about 5% to activate the WGLF effect