KiLLeR iS eAsY mOdE nOw

Where's this "killer has become super easy" "every match can be 4k'd easily" thing coming from? So dbd has become killer sided overnight now? Sure playing killer is easy when survivors play dumb, don't do gens and give up on hook, like they now are. Talk about overreaction. The teams i'm going against (not swfs) are still slamming out gens and playing normally. You can just tell they are good survivors who have already adapted, while the ones that relied on second chance perks are throwing tantrums. I'm surviving just fine in solo queue, the only difference is i'm not expecting to survive almost every match like before. The only thing i'll agree with is that Blight and Nurse benefiting from this patch should be nerfed, apart from that it's all just survivor mains overreacting to get the patch reversed.
I am happy for Pig buffs. She feels good
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Yeah finally i can enjoy my main. Because the red glow mind games actually do something after the dead hard nerf.
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it's just kids bro...
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Dead Hard's nerf was best part of update.
But they nerfed Calm Spirit, Pharmacy, Botany for no reason. These perks were so rare already. And Self Care's nerf is joke tho.
But worst part of patch was nerfing DS twice. End game part is fair but it should be 5 seconds again.
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It's not very hard to 4k against average teams now especially if you run meta 4 slowdowns build it's pretty easy, escaping in solo Q is just harder and that's it, of course if you're playing Pig it's still not very good
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Different opinions = kids now l m a o
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Yes, the game became heavily killer sided in minutes.
Do not adapt to this easy auto pilot playstyle because nerfs are coming 100%.
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The issue is that solo is even worse and camping and tunneling wasn't adequately addressed and with the baseline increase in gens and new slowdowns its an even more viable strategy.
It's unfair and can get the killer easy wins
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It's the solo q mentality that drives me nutz. There is no doubt in that killers got significantly stronger but alot of survivors act like it's impossible to escape. It's not. In my opinion you just get punished much harder for making dumb plays. Stop unhooking in the killers face. Stop running into the killer just because you got OTR. Stop giving up so early into the match. JUST STOP THROWING FFS.
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Killer right now is a equal experience as surv.
Now I feel the same I can breathe playing killer and not sweat my butt off like before
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The main reasoning for the sudden torrential downpour of "Killer is too easy" and "Killer is OP" posts, statements, and testimonials galore is from survivor players unwilling to adapt thinking that if they make enough of a scene that the developers will hike back some of the killer buffs.
From my perspective Dead by Daylight is fairly balanced overall, minus The Nurse, The Blight, along with the maps. If you get a Blight or Nurse on a smaller map then you're in for a very rough match. However, if you get Nurse or Blight on the Red Forest Realms then with the sheer scale of the levels suddenly their powers lose a lot of their strength. Of course, if you get Trapper or Leatherface on those maps it's now miserable again, etc.
The one problem plaguing Solo Q at the moment is a lack of skill and coordination. Survivor was the power role for such a long time that they were chosen as the "casual" role. We've all probably heard Dead by Daylight players saying as much in the past, I know I have. So it's only given that survivors that never needed to coordinate, strategize, or actually make an effort to win would be caught off-guard in this new Dead by Daylight.
For a while I have opposed the in-game coms system as I personally don't want my illusion of a mature fan-base shattered instantly by a squall of the shrill screams of children threatening to unhook themselves if they aren't being saved. However, given the match I just came out of, I doubt a ping would have done a darn thing. How are you supposed to tell your teammates to stop trying to save you and that the killer is in your face? I had Kindred III, and yet my allies who had thoroughly run a Blight around Red Forest repeatedly just tried to unhook me in the killer's face and got torn of the hook with a grab over and over. How could a "show me the other survivors" ping actually help.
As much as I positively LOATHE to say it, the SoloQ update might need coms, or at the very least, a preset text chat. Like Chivary or Mordhau where you press Z or X then a number to select a prompt from a list. That way you can't BM in the chat. Add a 3-4 sec cooldown so one player can't spam and have all messages be presets and that just might work.
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None of those were nerfed.
Calm Spirit got a sidegrade so that you do actions totally silent but they take a little longer because you're being more careful.
Pharmacy can now proc as many times as there are chests in on the map, that's a buff.
Botany Knowledge got a buff to 50% and its 20% item reduction is just to keep you from making it even more ridiculously overpowered with Medkit add ons. It's certainly not too much to ask that you have to equip a charge quantity add on to make up for the extra 50% healing speed Botany Knowledge is going to give you with a medkit.
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Play killer, now, its better, but not easy, if you go against people with your similar experience, match could be more fair now, and both sided can fun. This game is not anymore survivor sided, but, still not killer sided. the best update until now
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Pharmacy was nerfed.
Pharmacy gave an unconditional 80% faster chest opening and reduced the sound of opening the chest by 8m. Now you only get that benefit while injured and since old iron will doesn't exist anymore that means killers will easily hear your injured sounds.
And while you can in theory loot multiple med-kits now, you have to hope your teammates haven't opened the other chests to benefit from this.
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Still proclaiming that the patch isnt so bad? Its getting old and is still wrong, as everyone halfway decent knows.
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That's, not a nerf to Pharmacy. As a killer I can hear chest opening sounds through walls,ceilings, and floors, better than I can hear grunts of pain not to mention if I hear a slight grunt of pain the survivor could be anywhere, but if I hear the chest sound I know exactly where they are.
So, this is just a wrong way of looking at opening a chest while injured.
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Additionally, you can use Street-Wise, or Built to Last if you're fancy to counter the efficiency penalty.
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You are really thinking Calm Spirit and Pharmacy buffs were so good to add penalty? These perks are garbage now, worse than before.
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Do you mean Botany Knowledge? Because again, Pharmacy did not get a nerf. It works multiple times now with the same effect. And yes, a 50% increase in healing speeds that works with Med Kits is really damn strong. A 20% efficiency penalty to make it a bit more expensive because you need to factor in a charge add on is perfectly fine.
Someone with Botany Knowledge inside a Circle of Healing just gets a normal 16 second heal on their self. Combined with We'll Make It, that's 150% healing speed after an unhook, with WGLF that's 150% healing speed on someone in the dying state with the ability to give them Soul Guard after they're healed.
To say nothing of the universal benefits of combining Botany Knowledge with Autodidact or Desperate Measures.
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I wouldn't say pharmacy is really nerfed unless you're using it very situationally. If you were only using it for the chest speed/noise bonuses then yes it's a nerf, but the only halfway decent reason to use it for that alone is if you were combining it with plunderers. I think the use of the perk changed rather than it being nerfed, because plunderers + pharmacy builds weren't very common, and I've never seen anyone use pharmacy to hide from the killer while opening a chest.
I've been using it a lot since the update and I've been really enjoying it. Botany I think is still useful in combination with 2 medkit charge addons, built to last, or no medkit and combining with CoH. I prefer old botany but it still has decent uses. Calm Spirit is just useless.. it was useless before and made even more useless now, it needs to be reworked.
While I think calm spirit is still absolute garbage, I think botany and pharmacy are still good perks after the changes. It's just that the intended usage of the perks changed that throws people off. If you're using them the same as before the update you're 100% going to be disappointed
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I especially said "Calm Spirit" and "Pharmacy".
The plan was to make this perks more viable, so we would see more in trials. But both perks have penalty now. Calm Spirit is now gives you 30% penalty on totems and chests. And Pharmacy is working only when you are injured.
Now, who is using these perks?
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You play pig then wonder why people slam gens….
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Yeah Survivors are overreacting because this Patch was Killer Sided since a long Time even After the patch i still have Games where Survivors destroys me but no most Survivor now overrreact and start Throwing Games because they Hope that the Devs are going to revert the Update .... I Really Hope die Devs dont listening to that Toxic Survivors and Never revert any Change except the DS Stun nerf
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I've never used Calm Spirit but I use Pharmacy all the time to save on Medkits and add ons. I save up coins and use one for an extra chest and then bring Pharmacy. Being able to get multiple Emergency Medkits during a match when you want them is better than being able to get just one.
Also just because I bring it doesn't mean I'm necessarily going to need it and it's nice to be able to have a chance of getting other things from a chest if I want to open one while healthy.
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Buffing would indicate the perk is used more.
If you played survivor adequately enough, you would never say Calm Spirit and Pharmacy were buffed. They're both useless perks that had some things changed around. They're not better and they're not worse, they're just suboptimal perks, that are greatly overshadowed by other perks. They're only fit for meme builds.
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No its not easy mode at all! Not everyone plays with Blight and Nurse!
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5 gens in 5 minutes with short chases. Yep so killer sided. I only face super meta tryharders rushing or players suiciding themselves for no reason. So few funny matches.
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I already said I've never used Calm Spirit.
Pharmacy is definitely not useless. Now I've had matches where I couldn't get much of a benefit out of it because you've got that one person in the group that just has to open every single chest one after the other but there's nothing you can do about that.
But if I bring it I bring a coin to add a chest and I always get a med kit when I need one. It's nice to have in your pocket when you're not playing with friends and you can't rely on coordinating for a heal.
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I strongly believe the people that say pharmacy is useless or worse than before haven't actually played extensively with the new pharmacy. It's far from useless. I'm not saying that it's meta or an amazing perk, but it's good enough that I've been using it in my loadout for the last 20 matches or so and I see benefits from it in almost every match. The only thing I wish they'd change is maybe add a short range aura effect, similar to plunderers but not quite as long.. cuz I'm terrible at finding chests on some maps (mostly indoor).
Before the update I would only bring pharmacy if I want to stock up on green medkits so I can use them later with full healing builds. Now after the patch? I use it as a way to stock up on medkits like before, but now I use it as an actual healing perk and on average get 2-3 heals from it per game without coins. It's way more viable than it was before.
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ON A GOOD NOTE... 1v1 me? i love pigs but people rarely play her and when they do they never actually use her ambush or bait it, they just go stealth and then play weirdly to try and catch me off guard
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It's almost like different people will have different experiences...
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Do you seriously not realise how much easier the killer experience is now?
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That short term reaction seems to be muting a bit. Games the last couple of days apparently seemed a bit normal based on some of the forum posts and my own games yesterday and today. No ragequits for me the last two days, survivors actually trying to win and I lost a few games as well as Twins and Trickster who I’m kind of klutzy with. (But I’m still a good enough player with them that if the survivors aren’t at least trying to win I’ll still beat them.) So hopefully survivors are starting to settle into the new environment and not just flipping the table when they get downed as much.
Overall the stats I’ve seen from a player data submission site indicate the kill rates are up about 9% or so since the patch. My guess is ultimately it’ll end up being something like 55% kill rate post-patch on that site versus 49% pre-patch since killers did get buffed, but it’s not as much as that initial reaction the first day or two or three where the kill rates were about 15% higher.
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When you compare Pharmacy to Circle of Healing, Self-Care & Botany and Inner Strength, then yes, it's useless. You don't use the worse perk to play with when you are wanting to win a game, you choose the best perk. Sure you can use it when you are messing around but it's not the optimal healing perk to use and the changing it around didn't do anything to improve it.
Pharmacy is by far, not the best perk and the rearranging of some abilities the perk has didn't improve it.
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Can all the killer mains in this thread pls queue for survivor? play 3 games and then we will talk again. Ez to say survivors are overreacting when you dont play that side. It is very bad right now. Experience it, before saying something you dont even play
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Pharmacy and Botany are overall buffed. Sure, you have to be injured to get a green medkit, but you can get multiple. And Botany has a 20% efficiency penalty. So what? It's a 50% boost to healing speed, man.
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Noob survivors: KilLuR tOo eAsY.
My brother in christ, you make up the killer's difficulty!
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People are saying it's "ez 4k" because they can't stand the idea of killer in general getting buffed. Suddenly characters like Ghost Face and Freddy are S tier I guess, because they can't be beat. They're probably switching to killer, which they never play so they're MMR is low, so they get a bunch of 4k's. Or they just got lucky to face bad survivors over and over, which is entirely possible hence the "100 win streak on killer" MLG pros. The truth is the game hasn't changed much at all for 90% of the killer cast; they just can't be bullied as hard as before. Survivors have to exercise just a little caution when toying with THE KILLER.
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Which killer doesn't do that to people tho? I hear that argument for every single one
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Circle of Healing still requires you to find a totem, just like Pharmacy still requires you to find a Chest. A killer is more likely to run Thrill of the Hunt, Shattered Hope/Pentimento, or Thanatophobia than they are to run Hoarder, and they get a big sound notification for when a Boon goes out. Not to mention you have to enchant the totem and stay there to heal.
Other survivors are more prone to cleansing totems than opening chests as well.
Self Care combined with Botany Knowledge is fine if you want to use two Perk slots instead of just one. But that's still around 30 seconds give or take since I believe the combing of the two puts the healing speed at just above 50%.
Inner Strength requires cleansing a totem and standing in a locker.
Grabbing an Emergency Med Kit from a chest, and using it, also takes less time than any of the above, 10.66 seconds.
I'm not saying Pharmacy is "better" than all of these, but none of them are universal, all have their drawbacks, and there's nothing "wrong" with any of them, Pharmacy included.
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My killer experience is basically the same as before.
I feel like I am either a black sheep or everyone is exaggerating.
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i think it is due to just about every killer running 3 slowdowns
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"Sure playing killer is easy when survivors play dumb, don't do gens and give up on hook, like they now are."
This is where the sentiment is coming from. You answered your own question right after you asked it. That is happening basically every game for me as killer and survivor. It is really taking the fun out of the game at the moment.
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I rarely run DS because I don't always get tunneled and I hate missing the skill check. That said, if you don't have to use it until end game (or purposely save it) why should it shut off?
I see a lot of people saying what you're saying, but I just haven't heard any reasoning other than "I get why it stops at end game", which isn't really a reason. Again, not saying specific to your post.
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skill issue, just DH / DS nerf alone make the game way easier without talking about other countless buffs
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To prevent a literally free escape. That design is horrendous. There needs to be counterplay to an "I win" button for the sake of fairness.
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But even if it is skill issue how is my experience not easier if killer is easier?
And it is not an issue if I'm satisfied with my games. I lose some and win some just like with survivor.
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Nobody wants all the changes reverted. We just want some. Reduce the slowdown perks. Nobody wants to spend 2 minutes doing a generator. And then having to do it again because of regression.
Calm spirit should lose the downside, and speed self-care a bit. Make DS 5 seconds again because it's useless in it's current state.
Then actually buff solo queue information. It would take maybe a week to make kindred basekit and give all survivors a chase indicator. They already have one for the obsession. The icons can come later to let you know what your teammates are doing. But those things alone would massively help solo queue without doing much for swf.
The problem with this patch is that they made solo queue more unbearable and barely gave them crumbs in exchange.
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I played Artist on Midwich today. Downed 4 people the entire match, which I'll admit was my fault. The survivor were very good. However, I lost all 4 people to flashlight saves that I couldn't stop. Two people were running yellow flashlights (both with yellow add-ons, one with bond). The guy with bond followed me the entire match and blinded me whenever I picked someone up. When I went after him, the other guy came in. The classrooms and hallways were open enough that I couldn't look away, and there was plenty of room to run away from my birds.
No. Killer is not a cakewalk. It's easier, but not nearly as much as people are making it out to be. And before you mistake me for a noob, I've been playing the game for several years and have gotten as high as iridescent 3 rank for killer, gold 4 for survivor.
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What do you mean? Pig has a great slowdown, if she plays her cards right