Calm Spirit Buff Rework

Here are three possible changes to make the mid-chapter Calm Spirit change a more consistent buff:
- Make the silent actions optional with a different button input (maybe the item button, similar to locking lockers against the Dredge). That way, you can decide if you want to risk the slower action, or you can choose to bypass the silent action if you're already injured and making a lot of noise, or you know the killer isn't around. However, this wouldn't work with blessing, so maybe the silent blessing should be removed altogether.
- Make the silent actions only occur while in the terror radius. This will remove the slower actions when you know the killer is across the map, which is when the "buff" really is a nerf instead. It would be tied to the terror radius because that's the only neutral way to determine if the killer is nearby.
- Remove the action speed penalty altogether. Many people agree that the perk is too niche and already unused to justify the penalty.
Anyone have any other changes to propose?
this perk needs to actually make the actiosn silent
you can still hear:
- loud breathing while cleansing or blessing a totem
- the breaking sound of said totem (dull totems)
- the sqeaking of the chest when you open it
- rummaging is unaffected for some reason
a perk that doesnt make the actions it is supposed to make silent, silent and a downside.
It should just make these actions completely silent with 0 downside. Quick and Quiet makes jumping into lockers and fast vaults completely silent, so why does this perk not do that?
It doesnt need any extra shenanigans, it should just make actions completely silent with no downside.
Not disturbing crows, not screaming and doing some actions silent should not warrent a game long detrimental debuff.
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Very good suggestions. Calm Spirit is really bad after the update, it was way better before without the penalty. Also make it so the survivor doesn't scream from the EGC or Moris.
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That would be a funny change. Cenobite is sending you to another dimension and you simply make no noise LOL.