Why are devs so silent on midchapter desaster?



  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Eh? The reception to this seems very negative. Like, the Overwatch 2 beta that had tons of negativity after we got screwed for 2 years and they charged people for access to a game going free to play was less poorly received than this patch. I, like many others, believe the reactions are blown out of proportion. However, objectively, the feedback could not really be worse.

    I believe they are silent on the matter as they do not have a response prepared as they were likely not expecting something as poorly received as a Blizzard update. I do not blame them, really. No way they could have seen this coming.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370
    edited July 2022
  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Remember how many years it took them to nerf keys? Yeah. Not a good sign.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,438

    Well, for one thing they never comment on anything really until a good amount of time has passed. We are all still waiting for a Sadako buff and she came out in March. Theyd have enough stats by now to show how low her kills are (most people would probably in agreement that theyd be pretty low) and perhaps theyre waiting to see how the latest update affects her? But anyway, they make decisions based on game statistics, and those take time. If, for example, they wanted a 5% kill rate increase across the board but in 3 months the stats are showing a consistent 10% increase then they'll probably say something. If they're happy with the stats then they'll probably say very little.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Why wouldn't you hard camp and tunnel. It's a winning strategy. Your choices really are:

    Play extremely fair, lose, and get teabagged & flashlight clicked in the exit gates

    Camp and tunnel and lose, get teabagged & flashlight clicked in the exit gates

    Camp and tunnel and win, zero teabagging & flashlight clicking in the exit gates cause they're all dead

    I know what I'd pick

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Makes no sense. How can more perks be fun as most perks just got nerfed into nothingness?

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    I feel like the patch is really good. Besides changes to BBQ and WGLF - these are terrible and makes me want to quit. Bring back the bonuses in a different or the same form and this will make midchapter patch the best patch in DBD history.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 630
    edited July 2022

    "Hard tunneled and camped 9 out of 10 matches" Doubtful. Those terms have been throwing in these forums like pennies to the poor. I'm pretty sure people like you actually count every chase as "tunneling" and every close to the hooks looping as "camping".

    I literally had one match where I first downed Claudette. And adter hooking her, I went to search another survivor. Other player unhooked her at some point and I was like "Ok fine." And went on trying to find other survivors. I hooked two others and they had done 2 gens at that moment. I was just strolling around and I found claudette again. Chased her for few seconds and downed her. Put her on the hook and went to kick a gen that were next to the hook. Because I knew otjer survivor (Felix), who sneaked behind the little hill where the hook was, I went after him. Chased him for a while around hook hill and shack that was right next to it. During this time, Kate unhooked claudette and they ran away... Or so I thought. Claudette ran straight towards me. I hit her and got BT. Ok fine.

    Went after Kate, because I lost the sight of Felix at that moment. Chased Kate few seconds when claudette ran right at me and took a hit. I didn't pick her up because I knew I was winning the game and wanted to give survivors chance to pick her up... As they did.

    Got Kate on hook. Immediately as I hooked her, this Claudette rans to the hook and starts unhook her while I'm still standing there (I was about to leave, just so you know). I hit her, she unhooks Kate, I hit her again and down she goes.

    I'm like "Fine. If you wanna die, so be it" I pick her up and put her on the death hook. In the end, three died and one escaped (Felix, because he really got me going during the match and played fair. I let him escape because I thought he deserved it)

    Funny thing is, while the match is still going, I'm getting notification on XBox dashboard that I got a message from the caludette player. Read it after the match and I couldn't believe what I was reading.

    "You're bad player. Why did you have to tunnel and camping?" I was like "What? What do you mean?"

    The player said I was camping during her second hook and while Kate was on hook Tried to explain that it was Felix that kept me there. I was chasing him. All I got back was something the lines of "No you just camped me. And tunneled"

    "You ran straight to ME! TWICE!"

    "Yeah and you tried to slug me, too"

    This went for a few minutes and I was like "yeah whatever" and dropped (at least tried) conversation entirely.

    15min later I get yet another message from him "reported for tunneling and camping. Learn to play"

    People keep using those words, but I do not think they mean, what they think they mean

    Edit; I've read your comment again, and I think I've understood your comment wrong the first time. Sorry about that. But I do think people are throwing buzzwords like "camping" and "tunneling" in these forums way too easily for reasons I've mentioned in my story. They see camping and tunneling when it's just normal gameplay and get mad because they themselves played poorly.

    Post edited by Triplehoo on
  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Were talking about the player change since the Midchapter. Thats the last week. It makes no sense to look at numbers from 3 month ago. Your opinion was that the numbers are stable. Thats wrong as the numbers since last week are still decreasing. And i gave you something to think about, cause normally numbers increase again when a new rift drops. Also the anniversary event ended a month ago, those numbers arent interesting anymore as those have already declined over time since the event ended. Maybe youre the one that should learn how to read numbers.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I'm asking you directly, which changes were that from player feedback?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Killers were ok before the patch, now they’re slightly better but not overpowered. It’s working out to be something like a 7-9% kill rate increase.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I don’t know about other killers, personally I don’t bother facecamping because it’s generally inefficient. I don’t have a problem with downing someone multiple times though, ala tunneling, that just makes sense. I’m not standing around the hook waiting for people to come to me but if you unhook right in front of me I’ll definitely take the guaranteed trade and if the unhooked person is still easy to down I’ll do that too.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited July 2022

    Thank you very much.

    That is exactly the kind of response we would like to see. I think it's an impertinence of the thread creator to call this patch a disaster, and it can't stand like that. With all due respect, but all the Solo Q critics ( Fun Fact: and that is the majority !! ) can spam the forum all they want or cry about it.

    They will have to get used to the changes and calm down. If not, well then tough luck. If changes need to be made, it will happen, but many just don't understand or don't want to understand.

    This is very simple ☝️

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Again, I’ve seen solo queue survivors who comment it is ok including really good ones. It’s not universal.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Which really good ones solo q players have said it is fine?

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Why do solo q players need to "get used" to changes and killers can just whine for more nerfs?

    Arent you the killer main who made a thread saying you are a solo q player but then said you only play survivor 30% of the time?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Oh, I’ll often ignore survivors who seem to intentionally want to get hit! After all, if someone is following me around while I’m chasing someone else then I’m keeping two people off the gens for the price of one chase. 🙂 At the same time though if I think a bodyblock is slowing me down I’ll just hit them and make them mend or down them in followup, I’m not averse to making someone go and mend,

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I mentioned Scott Jund and Coconuts for instance above.