I think this patch shows a LOT about survivors

To put things to rest immediately, I play both sides equally. I have nearly 3K hours (yeah not as much as you 15K monsters) but I can safely say that this patch shows just how much survivors relied on being overall busted for 6 years straight. There are so many players just not playing the game because they can't get gens done and bully the killer at the same time now and seeing so many people complain about it is honestly awful to see. The reason the kill rates were so low was that survivor was busted for 6 long years. Thinking otherwise is just... Showing how blind you are. The devs finally said "Alright, we're gonna make changes for the better." And now this game is actually balanced! Yet so many players are literally trying to change the stats so they revert it. Unfortunately the only thing to say to these survivors is... Get good lmao. It's as simple as that. Stop being childish and complaining over huge changes that were bound to happen if the devs cared about the game.

