I think this patch shows a LOT about survivors

To put things to rest immediately, I play both sides equally. I have nearly 3K hours (yeah not as much as you 15K monsters) but I can safely say that this patch shows just how much survivors relied on being overall busted for 6 years straight. There are so many players just not playing the game because they can't get gens done and bully the killer at the same time now and seeing so many people complain about it is honestly awful to see. The reason the kill rates were so low was that survivor was busted for 6 long years. Thinking otherwise is just... Showing how blind you are. The devs finally said "Alright, we're gonna make changes for the better." And now this game is actually balanced! Yet so many players are literally trying to change the stats so they revert it. Unfortunately the only thing to say to these survivors is... Get good lmao. It's as simple as that. Stop being childish and complaining over huge changes that were bound to happen if the devs cared about the game.
Play solo q more and humble yourself a bit.
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I play only solo queue :) Very rarely do my friends and I get together for DbD. So try again please
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Play soloq exclusively and he is 100% correct
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Then how do you "get good" in solo q with this awful matchmaking?
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Please stop generalising
thank you
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*Looks at your post history* mhm sure you do.
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You play selfishly or just don't care about the outcome. That's literally it. I get solo q is the hardest thing in dead by daylight but if you don't think solo q is possible then that's completely on you bud
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Yeah, sure, "I can barely get a single solo queue game without my teammates throwing and killer queue times are too long to switch roles" equates to "get good." That is definitely the problem here and everyone who's complaining is a biased bully survivor main who's never had a thought to actual game balance in their life. You're the only enlightened player who's ever played both sides equally and I bow to your unparalleled, all-encompassing fairness. Something something something.
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"Solo Q is ok if you dont care if you die". Wow, so helpful.
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How am I generalizing??? A huge amount of survivors are disconnecting or dying early in droves
I'm not saying every survivor does this. But it certainly is a LOT considering it happens nearly every game I play killer in.
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Nothing we didn't already know
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Lol, please, tell me more about the way I play.
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I think there's some confusion. I'm talking about survivors who complain that killer is too strong now to the point of just disconnecting every game. I don't mean every survivor. Though alot are doing it. The survivors who want the patch reverted are the ones who need to "get good".
4 -
Your entire post is generalising people who play the survivor role
You should be talking about ragequitters/people who give up themselves
This is like me making a thread called "Killers need to get good!" then going on to detail that certain killer players need to stop complaining about SWF because xyz
There is a lot of frustration going on and I'm sure that's why people are giving up/DCing more frequently but that doesn't mean it's the survivor role itself, it's a certain kind of survivor. People gave up and DCed before DH was nerfed.
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When did I say it was okay???? Don't put words into my mouth lmao. I said you can get good if you simply don't care.
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The reason the kill rates were so low was that survivor was busted for 6 long years.
Last time stats were released, kill rate was at 55%. The time before that, 68%.
Very low kill rates, yes.
7 -
If that were the case the numbers would be increasing, except they aren't, they numbers have consistently dropped since this patch. 7/20 when the patch came out this game was at a 83% positive rating on steam. Today 11 days later it's at 75%. So your logic is flawed, because if it were more balanced it would have either remained the same or went up slightly. Instead it dropped like a rock, because it isn't more balanced it's squarely killer sided now. And everyone who played this game honestly can attest to that and have. Because it's not 1 thing, it's a bunch of things that resulted in a wildly unbalanced and bad experience.
And just in case you think those numbers don't mean anything here are the numbers on steam charts to show you just how relevant this data actually is https://steamcharts.com/app/381210
They went from a June average of 96k to a July average of 68k, that's nearly 1/3 of the population leaving.
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This last patch has really shown that survivor mains are vindictive, vile and vainglorious. Keep the facts rolling, Killer Bee
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I don't think you read everything in my post. I did end up specifying people disconnect to try and change the stats to get the devs to revert the patch
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You said survivors need to "get good" so clearly, it is fine/okay for you, people are just bad at the game.
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They were low enough on the devs stats 🤷
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By realizing that in order to increase your MMR you don't have to escape. Just do good in the other 3 areas of the game and you still "win" IMO a pip is a win so even if i don't escape if i pip, that means i did well for my team regardless of what the rest of my team did.
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I'm pretty sure the "survivors sabotaging the stats" is a conspiracy theory. People have reasons for giving up midgame, and those reasons are outside of just reverting the changes.
I also think it is pretty unfair assuming that such a significant proportion of survivors had "bully the killer" as a side objective.
13 -
Ah, then there is. I thought you were talking about the ones who've stopped playing DBD because of this patch. The ones who are ragequitting can go and fellate themselves.
That said, I do think there's issues with the patch. Either they need solo queue buffs and a change to how MMR works so that you aren't punished for altruism (the gameplay trends this is creating are not positive), or they need to expand on the 5s BT and weaken tunneling and camping now that killer is generally more viable.
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I mainly play solo, though I haven't played for over a year. I'm downloading the game again to see if it's as bad as people claim. But from what I've experienced solo isn't that difficult.
So we'll see.
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To increase your MMR you do have to escape through the gate.
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lol no it hasn't
I read your whole post
There is no concrete proof that's what's happening. People are giving up/quitting mainly because they are frustrated. To give you an example, I just saw a clip from a big killer streamer where he's being given a good chase by a survivor but then the survivor DCs bc their teammate made a bad play and sandbagged him
I'm not denying there might be some ppl out there ruining games on purpose but the vast majority I'm 100% sure is frustration at the game, not some conspiracy to make the devs 'revert' the patch.
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Get good lmao
Stop being childish
Behold the duality of a killer main.
14 -
Wow relax.=) I understand the frustration of playing with randoms, but still the guy has a point.
"Current DBD" is no where near a "DC worthy" even with soloq.
OP has a point, killers has to deal with more frustrating things before, and it's not even a survivors, it's their unfair perks.
Soloq DCing and playing badly - the reason you think it's unplayable, killer mains have nothing to do with it.
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Oh yeah solo q does need buffs. I'm not denying this. But the thing I want everyone to understand is that I'm talking about the players who are all crying to revert the patch. The devs wanted to give the power role more power and they did. The survivors who relied on second chances and dead hard all realized that they couldn't do it anymore so they're trying to cry again.
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I don't know how you find 20 minute games balanced but.
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I mean, I play both sides equally. Not sure I can main one side if I play them both
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That "killer main" was removed from the church of bubba for reasons i cannot say
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Sure, ignore all the basekit buffs killer got.
Someone please post the bart meme.
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Personally I don't think you can play both sides equally, you 100% have to chose the prefer role.=)
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Post-patch thougts:
Killers deserved the buff. Especially M1 killers with no power to help them control the map.
Solo Q needs more attention and tools to even be half as good as SWF is rn.
DS 5 seconds nerf was unasked for,since now it deactivates in end game and that's what killers usually complained about - free escapes through the exit after using DS.
DH is fine now, requires more skill to time it right so no more "boosted" /carried by DH survivors.
Nurse needs a rework/limit to her power.
Camping still has no real counter and the "just do gens" argument doesn't work anymore with 50 seconds on top of overall gen repair time. Make it more with thana. Make it even more with dead-lock.
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There's no 20 minute games. Sorry but that's just you exaggerating. Yes legion with the 2% buff thanatophobia that isn't noticeable is annoying and 10 second longer gens is such a horrible time loss but really this game is the most balanced it has ever been. I've watched this game grow from creation and this is really a step in the right direction. It will take time to get used to though.
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I think this patch shows a LOT about some killer players.
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Yeah I'm ignoring the base kit killer buffs. Cuz that's not the problem here lmao. Killers needed a tiny buff like that. The problems in this game revolves around gens going too fast and holding W being way too good of a strat. The buffs on killer gave every other killer that isn't nurse or blight a fighting chance. In fact these buffs mean almost nothing to the top 2 killers. This was literally a buff to all lower tier killers.
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Guys, please realize that this patch is MORE survivor sided than killer sided in their changes, there have been more killer nerfs than survivor nerfs in this patch. If we compare both we can clearly see that killer nerfs don't compensate for all the survivor nerfs. And the menu music is really nice, so waiting for a few minutes is not that bad for killer games. And survivors have their queues untouched, so we all win with this patch.
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Of course it isn't equal but I don't prefer a role. I love both the same especially now. Survivor is actually difficult and killer is just a little easier.
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I play both sides and prefer neither. Try again next time alright kiddo
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This is wrong though
You're forgetting two things:
1) The survivor post-hit speed was nerfed, meaning Nurse, Blight and Spirit all gain benefits from this because their mobility focused powers are even more oppressive
2) Decisive strike, a perk that at 5s only barely slowed down Nurse/Blight now does literally nothing against them. A nurse and blight can basically tunnel someone from 1st to 3rd with little resistance. Off The Record helps but it's also telegraphed, a killer will always know if someone has it because of the built in Iron will. Grunts of pain = No off the record
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I can't tell if this is a joke. The patch was 90% killer sided
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So play like most of the killers, who tunnel, camp and slug at 5 gens.
Play like scum.
Nice to know you're one of main problems with this game.
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There's no way anyone who actually read the patch notes thinks this.
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Both points are wrong on your end as you're going against blight and nurse. You were dead at the start of the match to begin with. No amount of shift W or decisive strike is going to help that
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I see the solo survivor main lol
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Do you really go into someone's post history before making a point? Wow
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My dude, I see a lot of survivors now saboing the hooks and not giving any chance for killer to hook a person at 5 gens (first hook).
Does it mean... If Survivors do that - they playing like scum?