Thanatophobia suggestion - 6% when injured but not Broken or in Deep Wound

The announced nerf to Thana is a joke, so please hear me out...
Legion and Plague are basically the only Killers who can super easily keep all Survivors injured at the same time. When there's Thana in play, for Survivors it's just terrible to play against, the matches stretch out indefinitely. I hate it as Survivor and I feel dirty using it when playing Legion or Plague.
That's why I don't understand the nerf Thana is gonna receive now, which promotes using it on these two and not other Killers even more. I didn't really get the buff in the first place, just because of them two, but I guess I do wanna see it more often on other Killers instead.
What I would suggest is giving 6% penalty to action speed for all injured survivors that are not in Deep Wound or Broken.
That would significantly reduce the usage of the perk on Legion and Plague (the latter getting a bigger hit), who already can benefit greatly from having all survivors injured while it's easy to make it that way, with a slight buff working better for other Killers.
And the Deep Wound condition would also make it less appealing for all Killers to tunnel off hook.
PS. unrelated: The Pain Res + DMS combo coming back, yay! *crying in Spanish*
I don't understand what was so difficult with just making it 4%.
You now get 6% slowdown with 3 injured and still get 20% slowdown when all four are injured.
This is still oppressive when used on Legion/Plague that can actually ensure 4 injuries at once.
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Basically what I'm saying, the original buff was weird to me, because it still unevenly buffed Plague and Legion. Now with the "nerf", they both still come up on top. This is not the way to go.
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It's perfectly fine for some perks to be good on some killers. Like Hoarder on Pinhead or Distressing on Doctor.
The Thanataphobia nerf IS a joke in that they took a perk that was so rarely used already, they gave it a 10% buff. Then, when survivors complained, they took the buff away AND gave it a 60% NERF.
Nobody used it before, at a flat 5% per injury. At 2% per injury that only goes up to its old level if 100% of survivors stay injured for prolonged periods? With CoH still the #1 healing perk in the game? Forget about it.
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My thought would be have the speed debuff double each injury, so 2/4/8/16 for example. Or maybe 3/6/12/24?
Makes it powerful even in small doses but, hopefully, keeps it from being OP out otherwise too oppressive.
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Basically now the perk is only usable by Legion using the Broken build. Nice.
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Best change would be to reduce teh overall slowdown but front load the slowdown
So each injure adds a stack
First stack adds 6%
Second stack adds 5%
Third stack adds 4%
Final Stack Adds 3%
Now the perk is 6-11-15-18% slowdown at various number of injures, from 5.5-11-16.5-22%
Killers that easily injure and keep injured get less value. Other killers get a bit more.