i promise i’m not an angry survivor main… just a bit annoyed at this update

so recently we have had the 6.1.0 midchapter and along with it came so very nice changes. some of these changes though were very controversial.
let’s begin.
first change, tunnelling. the change bhvr gave it was that survivors gain the endurance status effect and haste status for 5 seconds, i would up this to 8 seconds just to make sure survivors have an easy getaway from a killer and make it so that within 5 seconds they aren’t down again.
next make it so that killers that camp, will; lose bloodpoints for camping too long, will be unable to use their power when within a 12m range of a hooked survivor, survivors gain a base kit kinship for killers that stay within their vicinity for more than 8 seconds.
and other QoL changes that make it so that survivors aren’t dependant on perks to survivor and rather make it so that the perks work WITH them, not FOR them.
a change that i disliked was the ds nerf. now it deactivates after the gens are done, and it makes the killer stunned for 3s instead of 5s. i personally wouldn’t have done both of these changes and did either or, but that’s just me.
the dead hard nerf, i would have kept it the 1s endurance like in the ptb rather than 0.5s. it’s just a bit silly that they made it 0.5s.
the spine chill nerf was another one i looked at and went, what the f**k. i would have just kept it the same as it was before because it had no problems with it whatsoever, it wasn’t op nor was it bad. it was fine.
these are just the things i’m most angry about, there are still some other things i’m angry about, but i don’t want to keep you all reading and reading.
Spine chill was literally buffed. 1s dead hard is excessive as it effectively disabled lunges vs. it, .5 actually works just fine.
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lunges last longer than 1s and spine chill literally was nerfed. read the patch notes.
the only good thing about spine chill is the terror radius thing. nothing else. you can’t even use spine chill for what it was originally meant to do. seems like a nerf to me.
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I think most people regards the terror radius thing as the buff. I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse at its intended purpose (detecting a killer close by regardless of stealth) but I get the impression it's considered a buff since you can't look away against it.
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It can be annoying just getting tunnelled after all the gens but it literally made some kills impossible since the survivor had guaranteed escape in endgame with decisive strike.
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that’s why i’m saying, either or.
either the 3s stun, or the disabled at endgame. it would be fine if they just had disabled it at endgame, instead of doing both.
which was slightly over the top in the grand scheme of things.
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Spine Chill went from having extremely awkward counterplay before to having 0 counterplay now. It wasn’t nerfed.
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i think it was a nerf personally, wether people think it was or not. i just prefer the old spine chill, just an opinion. also yeah there is counterplay, play a stealth killer :)
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Stealth killers don’t counter it. The icon lights up when you’re within 36m even if there’s no terror radius. There’s no counter to that.
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wait what? was it not to do with killer terror radius?
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It’s both.
If you’re within 36m of the killer, icon turns on. If not, it turns off.
If you’re in the terror radius, then on top of that it shows you the red gauge signifying the TR’s intensity.
If within 36m AND in direct line of sight of the killer, then the 6% action speed bonuses apply.
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now you see why i consider it a somewhat nerf to the perk? i don’t even see why they removed the vault speed… if i’m honest. but what do i know, i’m just a stupid dumb survivor main 🤷♂️
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Regarding the punishment for killers within range of a hooked survivor, I would say some changes would need to be made. First off, never disable a killer's ability, especially for the next change I would make, which is to disable said penalties if an unhooked survivor is also within that range. I can't count how many times I've hooked a survivor only to immediately have to track down the other survivor who followed me and tried to hinder my hooking. I don't deserve to be penalized because another survivor decides to loop me in range of a hooked survivor. If you disable the killer's power but make it so that penalties don't apply when an unhooked survivor is within the range as well, you are giving the killer a free notification as to the presence of the other survivor. If you keep them without a power, then you gave that survivor an unfair advantage against the killer.
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but then you look at it at the flip side, face camping bubba/billy. it really ain’t fair thag one survivor is punished and is basically not able to be saved for the rest of the game because the killer is so heavily powerful when it comes to camping. now that’s an unfair advantage. and other killers like trickster, he can literally laser someone who’s going for a save which is completely unfair and in by no means should be apart of gameplay. this game shouldn’t be survivor or killer sided, and camping is a very very very annoying and stupid aspect of this game. i respect your opinion, but i still standby my “disable power within hook range”