Why are players like this not banned
Thats it? There not getting banned because they didn't break any rules
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It's to get around Xbox's reporting system.
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ah i see.
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not to side with the guy in the screenshot or anything like that but replying to these sorts of people just gives them the attention they want, not to mention posting on the forums about it
honestly if it bothers you that much turn off endgame chat or just learn to take it. i like responding to salt by just saying "gl next match" or something similar lol.
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This is low-tier banter at best.
Just close the chat my guy.
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I've been in games of league where people legit call each other the N word among other slurs and none of them get banned.
The level of toxicity that goes on there and what you shown are nowhere close to the same. I know you say you don't like hearing it, but for real, you need to grow thicker skin if what you screenshotted genuinely bothers you.
Again, just close the chat
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I've gotten way worse than this. This is super mild. Nothing ban worthy
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There was nothing worth banning anyone over in the screenshot you posted. I hope you never have to interact with truly toxic players because this is very mild compared to things I've seen before.
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There's banter, and then there's being a gigantic bully and kicking people when they are down.
You don't need to have the gold standard.
Just...some standards would be nice. I don't know why people like yourself support making other people miserable unnecessarily online - to me, that speaks to severe personal issues that you'll have to deal with sooner or later. Because this stuff always escalates.
Franky, if this sort of player quits - good damn riddance.
It isn't 2008 anymore. People get turned off by terrible communities. Hell, I remember League of Legends before and after Tribunal, and it was...oh, just so much better.
Yeah, they absolutely do get banned for it. League's automated tribunal is even more fussy than the player driven version. It just escalates, so you get a warning, then 1-3-7-14-perma.
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I've done worse.
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I'd agree some players who blatantly trash talk should just get banned 🤷♂️.
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Okay, so what you do to these types of survivors is that you ignore them. They did not even say anything interesting. How could you possibly humor them? I commend you for finding a way, but it was such a waste of your time. It was just a generic "you so bad" which you get when you 4k them at 5 gens, by the way. Not sure if you were aware as you seem relatively new, but that is like their basic defense mechanism. And also lol at mods saying this is not against the rules but penalizing me for calling survivors Mickey Mouse types. I guess I should just get more vulgar and maybe I will be fine.
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I hope you learned better then.
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Not sure why you have a problem with tbagging. “Tbagging all game long is weirdly contended as OK” so? Lmfao. Do you honestly honestly think that somebody should be banned or even suspended for 5 minutes for tbagging? Lmfao that’s ridiculous. If tbagging offends you then maybe you should stick to games like Mario or some offline game lol. But anyway, those messages weren’t really that bad and I don’t see them being bannable. If you consider curse words as bannable then maybe you’re not old enough for this game (idk some people are literally 12 and play this game so it’s possible) or maybe you should stick to offline games where nobody can hurt you with their words
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But you can teabag in Mario. The good ones, at least. Horrible suggestion on your part. You have to recommend a game without crouching. Disco Elysium was the last game I played without crouching. The ending is awful though, I would rather get teabagged than relive that horrific writing.
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I meant the originals like super Mario bros where you don’t verse online people and go through the levels yourself, thats also why I said “offline games”. Dbd is a forced online game, super Mario bros isnt
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I take it back, his best course of action is to purchase Ghostface and take back some respect with the superior bags. He can't run from this, he has to face it, D2night.
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Lol yes he can do that. It’s always fun messing around and being a jerk back to people. It’s what online gaming is. There’s no way you can play dbd and not ever take a match competitively.. and when things come competitive, gaming talk becomes relevant in those situations and like others said, it’s stress relieving sometimes. So while the tbagging as ghost face will help to reverse the tbagging done from survivors, OP will still be upset by the chat afterwards. So I think OP should just come back with some one liners in gaming talk to combat those people. Just please don’t use the “but you died” one lmao I hate that one. “Why hit me on hook, I looped you for 4 and a half generators, you’re bad ez game” - “but you died”. it’s so annoying
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People are salty if they win and people are salty if they lose. There is no pleasing them. Ive seen worse insults and ive gotten worse insults. Just kill them with kindness never lower yourself to their levels. Sarcasm and kindness works and they usually quiet down :)
I do still think the game should apply a mini ban to people like this. Some insults and slurs we get here are horrible and some people might be in bad headspace to take them.
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I absolutely don't get the MM part.
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It's true that some apathetic reply or a nice one with some <3 can take them by surprise and disarm them.
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It is a common misconception that people like myself behave this way to make others miserable.
It is sensationalist behavior--seeking nothing more than a reaction.
Don't think I speak on behalf of those who make personal and intolerant comments.
While I might see little wrong with the behavior OP shared, I do recognize a line that can't be crossed.
Some people do come from a place of ignorance and hatred when they make comments in-game, but it is unfair to put us all in one box.
I don't expect you to understand. I just want to make you aware that this behavior is a form of entertainment for some people.
Trash-talking predates modern history, so it's not like this is a new phenomenon. I expect those who can't tolerate a simple 'gg ez' to acknowledge their limit and mute chat--it's a tough pill to swallow, but we can't ask society to walk on eggshells because of our own short-comings.
OP had multiple opportunities to leave the conversation, and instead stuck around the poke the bear. It's hard to garner sympathy when the whole situation is completely avoidable.
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The very first time I ever played DBD, someone sent me a voice message on PS4 and told me I was trash and blah blah blah lol
I also responded "lol!" because I genuinely laughed. I couldn't believe someone would do something like that, let alone think it would bother me. Of course I was terrible! It was my very first time 😂 And so what? Being bad at a game has no bearing on my worth or confidence.
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I've found that most people who are jerks will respond to LOL in one of three ways
- They'll keep mocking you, in which case you just keep saying LOL and they get more and more unhinged
- They leave
- They get SUPER pissed that them being a jerk isn't having an effect on you
At least for two of those three, I get to have some fun with it :D
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They always go to option 2 when I laugh at them. Which is unfortunate because I only hit them with the "lol" if they were actually funny. I did not want to scare them away! 😩
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Am I missing something?
This is like the least offensive chat I've ever seen someone complain about
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Just don't engage with them. Behaviour would be swamped if you could report players like these. Also as said by an official of Behaviour themselves these people did not break any rules so therefore nothing will happen. Just forget about it and move on.
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boggles my mind how many people replied to this being like "you should have thicker skin" and not "we should definitely have rules and moderation that at least try to cultivate some kind of positive environment in game".
if any of these messages were posts on this forum they would have been removed. and honestly i'm disappointed that so many of you turn a blind eye to this.
this isn't healthy. these people should be removed from the community, not tolerated or welcomed as a part of it / a fact of life. what the hell, guys.
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It's mission impossible. Millions of players, using many languages ... there is enough work with the really bad cases without caring for kindergarten crap.
In Europe I get the insults in many languages (I understand most of them).
As for an automatic filter idea? Impossible too: words in one language don't have the same meaning (at all) than in others (including English).
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Turn off chat. Problem solved
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Here's the thing though.
You know that you're making other people miserable. Otherwise - you wouldn't do it, you'd say something funny or outrageous instead, if all you were after is amusing reactions.
This isn't attention seeking.
It's...sadism. Bullying. Extracting enjoyment from upsetting people from a position where they have no way to strike back.
That line is subjective. What matters is more the intent - you're taking a chance to kick someone while they are down, and try to take them from feeling defeated to feeling useless. I don't see why you think this is something worth defending as a moral good.
And yes, it's 'entertainment' for those people, but there are lots of things online that people do for 'entertainment', and that doesn't mean that they are universally acceptable.
Believe it or not, I do understand - the psychology of bullying is something I'm quite familiar with.
There's also a difference between trash talking and being obnoxious. Trash talk is generally mutual, between two opponents who know each other, and occurs before the match.
What you are describing is more like slapping someone's hand away at the end of a hard fought match when everyone else is shaking hands. I'm not sure it should be bannable (I certainly wouldn't be sad if it was though) - I'm more in favor of a system to award good sportsmanship, because your community is, after a certain point, what determines whether your game is niche, or popular. And most people don't want to have to deal with the butts.
It's one of the reasons why FF is flattening WoW these days, and why Blizzard are now going too far in the other direction - which tends to be what happens. Minor toxicity becomes major toxicity, people leave, then - rather than a few tweaks, the developers go for the nuclear option.
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What else can you do? Behavior says this behavior is fine. Of course they are wrong, but it is not like I have any input here.
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You know that you're making other people miserable. Otherwise - you wouldn't do it...
You completely misunderstand me.
You might just have to accept that this is a character trait you'll never understand, because I don't think you're going to believe what I'm about to say next...
I have multiple gaming friends whom I've known for 5+ years now, whose first interaction with myself or another one of my friends was trash talking--saying things significantly worse than what OP captured in his screenshots. Whether it was during a game or after, both parties hurled insults at eachother, one thing lead to another, and then next thing you know they're in our Discord becoming great friends with everyone. Fast forward several years, and these same guys are meeting up IRL for ski trips, bar crawls, etc.
Not everyone is going to respond to this kind of banter the same way, and that is fine--different people draw the line at different places. But why should I have to draw the line at 'gg ez' because you refuse to accept that there wasn't an intent to harm?
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Not at all.
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I mean, you're just giving him the satisfaction by chatting him up, just say gg and leave
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The intent to harm is plain though. The only reason to say 'GG EZ' is to rub salt in the wounds of someone who's probably had a really tough game. There is no positive or neutral intent there, because otherwise you would have said something positive or neutral, or said nothing at all.
The only intent is to belittle someone and make them feel worse about the loss. It's understandable why someone might need to dump a bit of salt when they lose, but 'bad winner' is really just another name for 'bully'.
As to your friends...yeah, I frankly don't believe it. I can't prove it's rubbish, and I doubt that you're going to be able to prove to my satisfaction that it isn't.
However - I've been a gamer since PvP was something you did at arcades because dial-up wasn't even a thing yet. I'm now still a gamer, and in my 40s.
I've never once seen a genuine friendship bloom over someone being nasty to a stranger, either in real life or online. I've seen plenty of banter, but amongst people who are already friends. The only relationships I've seen form out of interactions like this are either delusional (see: mild to moderate forms of Stockholm syndrome) or sycophantic.
But okay, let's accept that your...pretty outlandish story is true, for the sake of the argument. Keep in mind I'm speaking generally here, I don't know you or your situation.
This creates two possibilities, looking at this from a basic psychosociological perspective.
- Unpleasant people tend to cluster together. This is why the schoolyard bully usually has a posse of followers and me-tooists. These all tend to be, when you get under the crust, deeply unhappy, deeply discontented individuals - and they project this outwards, often without even realizing it.
- People attempt to 'suck up' to the schoolyard bully, in the hopes they're left alone - or, on some occasions, because they want to be the schoolyard bully, and this is the closest they are going to get.
I'm not your therapist, but maybe give it some thought, in addition to why you need to make other people unhappy in order to gain enjoyment from gaming. Because it's not healthy for you, or other people.
The only reason someone derives joy from the suffering of others is - again - personal issues, generally discontent/helplessness in their own lives, and this can quite often be amazingly deeply repressed. Well, okay, and neurological issues, but that's a different topic entirely.
They've been bandying around a 'good sportsmanship' incentive for a while now, and I think they'll go that way.
Because I know for a fact that when I attempt to get people to try, the two things that put them off are:
- The initial grind and investment.
- The notoriously awful community.
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Play on console - no end game chat
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So, let's say I write this kind of things in this forum too... Am I allowed to do this without getting moderated?
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End game chat and the forums are two different things, there is no competitiveness on the forums, a match isn't being played, literally every video game allows slight digs at people, considering this game is for like 16+ I think we can get over someone calling us bad or saying their 4year old sister could play better, lol.
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And this is why I always have post-chat off.
Nothing good from having it on.
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This community is awful. I play David a lot, especially since it was revealed that he's part of the LGBT community and I actually got a lot of insults from one of my survivor teammates the other day.
I didn't even do anything to the guy... I guess he didn't like me playing David and using the pride charm. This stuff doesn't bother me, but I don't get why people have to be this way. It's just sad to be honest.
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Toxicity and respect are not just a forum thing. I don't care if you are my opponent in a videogame. You shouldn't be allowed to mock anybody. Forum or not.
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i STRONGLY disagree. Lack of respect is something that shouldn't be allowed in the 1st place. for that logic then you can disrespect everyone just because yes, but i was forgetting that we are talking about a company who put a censor filter in the endgame chat that won't work correctly (a lot of normal words will be censored for no reason, and for that people can misunderstood things) and do more harms than benefits, we are talking about a company who doesn't ban people for extremely bad insults and mean things said in the endgame chat (did various reports in all my hours on dbd both in game and in the official site, mostly death threats, wishes that me and my families die of cancer, racism, etc etc) but guess what? noone of those players was banned (a couple of them were also streamers so it wasn't difficult to see what they were doing). If you are convinced that this is normal then you won't have troubles to have people keep insulting/mocking you all the time... well, good for you i guess
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I have only pity for the little bullies who feel the need to be rude like that in the end game chat. (For many reasons. I can't go there without going pretty dark so I won't.)
However you should be allowed to mock anybody. Nothing is sacred.
To be clear is just that sentence I can't agree with.
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Death threats are a little different to "gg ez", and yes death threats should absolutely be actioned on but terminating someones account over GG EZ would be ridiculous.
I give you props for trying to imply I would want that kind of language to pass by simply because I don't think what's in OP should be bannable, also I literally have a recording of a streaming going live and getting banned after I report I made, do you know what they said in EGC to get banned? "I killed your friend because they're gay". They were given a 3 day suspension, afaik BHVR work on a 3 tiered system, 3 days, 1 week, perma'd. So just because someone said something to you and wasn't immediately banned does not mean they were not punished for it.
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Y'all get so pressed about anything really, dude could have gg'd and gone next yet sat there and replied back to them just to come to the forums and moan about it, banning these people wouldn't make the game any better, hide chat if gg ez is upsetting to you. I think every time I've seen someone complain about EGC they've sat there and argued with the other person and then screenshotted it, you'd have a better experience if you just moved on.
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From what I can see, this is the classic "I won, you noob, get better" situation. It happens everywhere. No need to make a report on that. You need to only report very important stuff like Death threats for example.
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Which they do nothing about. Did it several times. Not a single response from them. There is literally no moderation in game.
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Ok so now it's op's fault for not quitting the chat. Unbelievable.