BT basekit buffed to 10 seconds

The haste speed was also increased to 10%. Thoughts???
This is good. Would be nice to know if they nerfed BT in the process. If not, it would still be a good Perk to take.
5 seconds was too less anyway, 10 is better. At least you can now consider to not use BT.
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with 5 seconds you can't even run out of the basement.
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too big of a buff. 5 seconds was bad only bc you couldnt make it to shack window from basement, they shouldve made it 7 seconds instead of 10, enough to make it to shack window/pallet from basement, but not enough to make it usable aggressively.
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No you really can’t. That’s why I like this change.
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The basement is supposed to be dangerous. 5 seconds when coming out of the basement is fine.
I think that's fine, but it should stay at 5 seconds when getting unhooked from the basement
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I've not played much since 6.1.0 - does the haste effect run out if the survivor gets hit? I don't recall noticing it when I did play.
Because if it doesn't, 10 seconds of 110% movement speed (coupled with Sprint Burst potentially) is excellent. If it DOES run out on hit, this change won't make a difference.
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I think this makes tunnelling less appealing for sure to a degree, and I agree with them buffing it. I still think it'll happen though, unfortunately - hitting the survivor immediately as they come off the hook is something a killer can do with a 5/10/20/80, etc. second endurance, so whilst it may make them less likely to want to, when a lot of killers weigh up a healthy survivor vs an unhooked survivor, they're both 2 hits to down and one can get removed from the game quicker. After DS got nerfed, I think killers just don't find tunnelling AS threatening anymore.
I still don't agree that this solves camping at all either. They've put it under a 'Camping and Tunelling' subheading but this unhook BT doesn't discourage camping.
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I wonder if they increased the time for counting "safe unhook" score event. Largely that if they didn't this means Deliverance will always active whenever you unhook someone as it's impossible unsafe unhook survivors.
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Finally one good buff for survivors. Basekit BT is strong enough now.
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It at least will help tunneling a little bit. Obviously you can’t stop killers from doing that but this is still a great change I think.
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Yeah I’m happy about this.
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No, it's just fine. Killer's could wait old BT out if they had to, they can wait a whole extra five seconds too.
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why do they keep saying "camping and tunneling" when all they do is buff the post unhook state? How is a 10 seconds BT helping against a face camping Buba? Well, I guess if you BUY the new resident evil DLC you'll at least have the new perk that pauses the hook timing.
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Trapper, Nurse, Hag, Huntress, Bubba, Clown, Spirit, Legion, Plague, Demo, Slinger, Executioner, Blight, and Trickster all have ways to get multiple hits in that short amount of time.
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So in instances where the killer doesn't come back to the basement, is basement still dangerous?
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stacked with bt thats 20 seconds of waiting out. i dont think many killers are capable of doing that without losing 2 gens in the process
tbh the change is just gonna make killers tunnel harder - theyll hit immediately after unhook (no waiting) and just chase the survivor down for a rehook. the bt hit gets rid of the endurance from otr, so 2 endurance gone in 1 hit, the only threat is ds now.
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This will only embolden killers to face camp more often, I assure you. They know if the survivor gets off the hook, then they basically don't have a chance at chasing them, so they'll stick around. It may stop tunneling, but it won't stop face camping.
They should really be looking at new perks to combat face camping. Example, a perk that if you are the hook and the killer is within so many meters of you, the hook timer stops for X amount. I'd call it Entity's Favor or something like that. Maybe even make it a boon totem, anything that can't be abused. Combine it with other hook perks, styptic agent and other perks and survivors should have a chance against a face camping killer.
But this change isn't going to really stop camping for sure.
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Shocked but unsurprised that BHVR has once again decided to cave in after survivor mains cried that they couldn't get an ez unhook for free. In my MMR bracket I have no option but to stand in front of you hitting you on the hook, chasing you when you get unhooked, getting bodyblocked by your teammates, and then DCing when I forget where you went. Otherwise I would simply lose.
Nah just kidding it's a nice change, get absolutely ######### basement hags
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Then let them. At least the unhooked Survivor has a fighting chance if the one that unhooked them didn't have BT.
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Nothing is dangerous. Basement is just an outdated mechanic.
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let me know how that goes for you when reassurance becomes a thing.
*edit to early for me just noticed you said you were kidding lol.
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Very good change
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the issue is theyre nerfing the solution to a problem they made. tunneling isnt fun, but its necessary.
unfortunately, instead of looking into why its necessary, they add more and more things to counter it, forcing killers to tunnel even harder, and then survivors complain more, and killer gets more nerfs, then they tunnel more, then they get nerfed more, and then the entire playerbase would be survivors complaining about long queues since all the killers would have left.
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Interesting. The effect is now basically just giving the older version of BT to everyone. Think it was 12 seconds before, now it's 10 + Haste.
With that change, is it even going to be possible to do an unsafe hook now?
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Camping Bubba doesn't care.
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it is in rare occasions dependent on who the killer is. bubba and huntress can eat 2 health states in time, i think trickster can, tombstone myers can mori through endurance, but thats it as far as im aware
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Why in the hell is a killer waiting so long to hook someone off hook?
Like 1. You were camping the hook which should be a bad play for killers and 2. You could literally just pursue the survivor who unhooked?
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imagine youre a killer with no power - sadako or wraith come to mind. you have 1 hook at 4 gens done since gen speeds are balanced compared to how safe maps are (sarcasm). what are you going to do, chase the person who has at least a small chance of dying so you can get your 1k (maybe more if you get incredibly lucky), or chase someone who will be risk free and have 4 escape guaranteed.
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Down the unhooker instead?!
Stop tunneling.
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Plague when corrupt
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That's like saying: "If Survivors never loop the saloon in DDS, it's a balanced main building". If the Killer isn't smart enough to use a potentially game winning situation, of course it isn't dangerous.
Nothing is safe,. Main buildings and shack are outdated mechanics.
Downing the unhooker is almost never better than getting a Survivor out of the game faster
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yep forgot about that one
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tunneling is necessary? what?
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Some killers playing like their lives depends on it. Tunneling is their only way.
Post edited by ThanksForDaily on12 -
So what do you do during endgame now?
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sit in a corner in basement. survivors won, they dcd the prerequisite amount of times for the devs to make unnecessary changes
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Alexa set the timer to 10 seconds.
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Yes when the exit gate isn't that far and there is 2 survivors around the hooked, one which can fake the unhook and get hit and run away while the other can unhook and body block the unhooked. Good idea.
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play killer, get good at killer to the point youre facing good survivors. or get good at survivor. see how quick the games are at high mmr, and how slow the hooks are (excluding nurse, shes the only one who can compete, but youre gonna get her nerfed soon anyway so it wont be for long), youll see what i mean by necessary
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No, because killers can still grab survivors attempting to unhook. If there are multiple survivors attempting the unhook, it's pretty much the same as before: You might grab one and hit another, but survivors would get the unhook.
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I don't get it. Wait 10 seconds and do what. They move at 10% increase as well your not gonna catch them unless your not near the exit gate and if there is nobody body blocking.
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Does basekit BT apply during end-game? It shouldn't. I would also agree it shouldn't apply to basement unhooks - survivors messed up going down close enough to get hooked there. Every other scenario is perfectly fine.
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bt exists. its a 20 second wait, which is 80m of survivor distance. they get out free now (actually more distance since its 4.4 movement not 4.0 movement with the unhook speed bonus, so my 80m of distance is actually LESS than what they get)
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It still helps a lot and change in right direction but they nerfed reassurance too much which makes facecamping still viable. They should at least increased the range when the perks activates or the timer should be 60s.
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I don't think the DC's were the reasons why but 10 seconds and 10% haste is definitely too much.
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If BT doesn’t work at endgame than it gives the killer a guaranteed kill. How is that fair?
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I do play killer LOL
it's my main role, what are you talking about?
if you're telling me you can't get a 3k-4k without tunneling there might be a problem on your end.
maybe you think it's only fun when you 4k? I don't know, tell me more.
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I was specifically referring to basekit BT. If survivors want to bring actual Borrowed Time, then that is fair. How are guaranteed escapes by a basekit feature in the end game ok?
Edit: It's also not a guarenteed kill. Survivors still have altruism, altruistic perks, and items to prevent a death hook without DS or basekit BT in the end game.
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if it does, it gives the survivor a free escape. how exactly is that fair? oh right, favours the side you play exclusively. got it
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Nothing is guaranteed, why killers think they're entitled to kill survivors at the endgame, I don't get it.