Please BHVR, revert Reassurance nerf but change only one little detail

Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

The perk is important to punish killer players who play in a scummy way, which is camping. They are not contributing to the game and I would say "camping" is the killer equivalent of "hiding every time and not doing gens" for survivors.

Bring back the PTB Reassurance but you can change this:

-In the first phase, the hooked survivor can still attempt to unhook themselves. In the second phase, the skill checks are still present (they could remain the size accordingly to the entity's timer). This means if the hooked survivor still misses too many skill checks or doesn't press anything for 2 skill checks in a row they die.


-Make the Reassurance "button" appear for the hooked survivor, so you just get close and they press the ability button to activate it. Now they decide whether they want to stay there or not.

This will address all the issues and keep the perk strong. Gee, I would accept even a bigger cooldown, 10 seconds to 20, or 30, but we really need to use it more than once in a single hook for the sake of the game's health. Nobody likes camping and it's boring gameplay to face. Punishing killers for that is the only option to stop it.

Post edited by EQWashu on
