DC's aren't bad there just badly designed

Hear me out on this I know this will never happen but its an idea none the less. REWARD players who have to play with quitters with a LARGE BP XP boost as well as insuring them a safety pip this way the person who dc can go on with there day and the others don't feel cheated
This was a bad idea wasn't it?
There is just no way survivor would do this in a way where one person dcs with exit gates open to get his swf an extra pip. Nope. None. /s
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I wouldn't go as far as a guaranteed pip since some clever swfs would dc all the time to help their friends rank up, but mabe make it so that if someone DC'd, you cannot depip. That would make it at least a little bit less infuriating.
I would be all for a bp bonus as well, or one gen compensation if the DC happened early in the game (not late game because someone could take one for the team and DC to guarantee powered doors or something).
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What I ment by this is that you are guaranteed to get a black pip at the end of the match so you don't rank down because some one dc
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That what I ment in the og post is that the game wouldn't let you rank down if there was a dc
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I agree that you shouldn't gain a pip automatically, but you should be guaranteed not to de-pip if anyone in the match DCs.
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I love it, you have perfectly caught the essence of solo queue in 2022
Right now survivors can already get ✦ +100% BP ✦ by queuing (in exchange for getting their ass spanked a bit)
Now let's add ✦ +200% BP ✦ on top of it if they have a teammate who DC's within 2 minutes.
Next patch, if survivors face Nurse and lose at 5 gen, they get a reward: ★★ +300% BP ★★
Get tunneled and camped ? ★★ M E G A J A C K P O T +10 000% BP ★★
Much love - BHVR
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You should safety pip if you are in soloQ and a survivor on your team quits, same for the killer. People quitting can actually cause you to lose pips as killer.
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You should be rewarded with 'quitters bonus' points in the altruism field, equal to performing an unhook and a heal.
This should be enough to guarantee you don't depip providing you do the bare minimum yourself anyway, and may even be enough to secure yourself a pip if you do perform well.
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Again, the game needs to be balanced around SWF...
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Alright smartass no need for that and I didn't mean a % boost I ment a flat 20000 bp or smth
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Not a bad idea, but let's punish the DCer anyways so that the goal of this plan is to DISCOURAGE ragequits, not enable them.
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Bruh I have better things to do I my day then get builled by a 4 man swf with clicky flashlight/med kits if I cant dc then I'll refuse to play and sit in the corner
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Then don't play the game. Simple. AFKers can be reported, btw.
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Then killer needs several buffs to make up for the massive advantage SWF gives.
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I know what you're saying, but this would incentivize people DCing.
This is a situation that calls for the stick, not the carrot. Reduce the rate at which DCs decay, and make them only decay if you play out multiple games without DCing.
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Yeah, there is absolutely no way you balance the game around what is by far the smallest subset of the player base, especially when the primary feature of that group is something that's not actually part of the game (comms).
If you did balance around SWF, you'd need to buff killer to a degree that would make the 6.1.0 patch look tame.
No, you buff solo and leave SWF as the outlier.
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Swf = suck while farting
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Killer buffed for SWF, meanwhile solo q is a disgrace to play as
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Great ideas! Let's make that happen.
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Except since solo q is miserable right now, SWF is skyrocketing. Just go to the discord. As of writing this there are 34 SWF just in public discord, and their are probably 10-20 times that in private discords.
I think ignoring they are becoming more and more common is a mistake and that they aren't the outlier you belive.
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You are the one who suggested we balance for SWF. I happen to agree as the advantage is egregious.
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People quitting can make the killer de-pip? I did not know that.
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There needs to be look at why there are so many DCs. I've never seen survivor morale as low as it is now.
Survivors are waaaaaay overnerfed and killers are overbuffed.
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I thought those were great ideas. Plus Bob Dylan didn't come up with those ideas.
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I think swf is currently the majority. I'm getting in a lot of games where the other 3 survivors appear to be communicating while I die on first hook. They save each other but not me.
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Oh yeah, the vast majority of SWFS are 2-3 man's right now though. So even in solo q, you will often get paird with a duo SWF who don't care about you sadly.
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4 man SWFs comprised like ~5% of the active survivor base according to recent stats. There's a looooooooooong way to go before you get to the point where it is something to be balanced around. Keep in mind that between all platforms, you probably have ~100K players at any given time. In that context, A few hundred (or even thousand) SWFs is nothing.
People assume that because they play with friends that most people do, but that is not remotely true. If you play much killer, you know that SWFs are very much the exception, because they stand out.
I'd go so far as to say it's never gonna happen. If we ever get to a point where there are as many or more players in SWF than solo, that would be a scenario in which the game is effectively dead or dying.
Solo is still the closest thing to the default experience, and solo is what needs to be the focus.
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It felt like that last night in half of the games I played. As if they were saying "oh you finished the gens? Bye! Thanks for unhooking all of us!".
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Are you saying SWF players are the minority group? No way fam.
When they last put out such numbers back in 2019 about half of all survs were in at least a two-man SWF, by far the most common of groups. And since then, with solo-queue just so delightful to play, SWF players must have grown greatly.
I do wish they'd put out much more recent numbers though.
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I'm sorry?
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I wouldn't go afk if I felt like I had a chance if winning that's the point of a game to feel fairly challenged but if I don't ofc I'm going to give up and watch some YT so I can actually play a fun match
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Well, enjoy getting reported for going AFK, then.