Does Wesker come with a tunnelling/camping agreement?



  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    And what can do survs if there are more than 1 gen left and only 2 surv alive?

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    Keep alternating between working on the gen, and leading the killer away from the gen so the other person can do the same. It generally has a much better chance of working if both survivors actually try to do it, but if one gives up and starts waiting for the other to die then they kinda wasted the opportunity. Obviously works best with 3 or 4 but is still more possible than you might think with 2. Lot of variables can make it possible or not, as well as viable or not.

    Its an uncertainty that relies on hope, which even makes it nice and lore friendly :)

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357
  • Kirahie
    Kirahie Member Posts: 354

    A killer using their power from across the map is camping.

    I've seen bait on these forums before but this is just insulting.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited September 2022

    You have those same standards for killers too when they Camp/Tunnel or are they just skillfully standing by the hook or coming back to it? Maybe they should have a perk that allows you to Camp or Tunnel.

    Yeah didn't think so.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Wesker will play out like pyramid head, where if you let him infect you, he will tunnel you. The sprays cannot be done in chase, so if he just sits near the hook, you are screwed. The infection with certain addons will also lead to a down very very quickly after an unhook.

    I am starting to think they should take some sprays out of the match, but have infection reset on hooks. Because, yeah, tunneling will be a joke for him.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Depending on the killer that's nothing. The strongest killers (Nurse, Blight, Spirit) can easily bypass the haste and the BT. So that "You deserve to be camped and tunnelled" is relative. I would like to see you play solo Q consistently and easily avoid a tunnelling S-A tier so you "don't deserve to be camped and tunnelled".

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I'm really not sure what you're trying to get at, idk if it's because I just woke up or what

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    2nd part is on the money, if MMR is going to average your killers, then killers should be able to swap in the lobby/queue. You see the same name same cosmetic 4 survivors, you bring your A-game killer.

    1st part is dead wrong. DS, one of the best tools to counter tunneling off of hook when it is used or not, was nerfed into near uselessness. Now killers have no fear of activating it, if it even is equipped. The replacement, OTR, is countered by people that commit to the hard tunnel and refuse to wait out BT, or just want another STBFL stack. Also DH which used to not be endurance based, could be used in concert with other anti-tunnel mechanics. So the old best/worst case BT into DS into DH into dead is now basekit BT into just dead. For the mechanics to be fair or equivalent, anti-tunnel endurance procs need to not provide Deep Wound. That way the triple anti-tunnel can happen again, with BT not Deep Wounding, OTR not Deep Wounding, then DH Deep Wounding. Also with the basekit 10% less distance gained by Survivors, killers have it all the easier in continuing their chase on a tunneled survivor.

  • Xanderino
    Xanderino Member Posts: 23

    They literally give you a 10 second haste + BT as basekit. I don't know what to tell you man, but if the survivors unhook you in sticky situations, definetely the killer is not to be blamed. Also, camping is only viable as Bubba, and kinda hillbilly. And well, RPD makes it easier to camp, or at least secure trade hook with the unhooker since RPD kinda incentivises camping since navigating the map is so damn hard that you may try to move to a gen upstairs that you remember there were survivors there or something, and just because it takes ages to navigate they unhook and you lose all your momentum. So yeah, screw RPD.

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    All the people that used to main Nemesis have swapped to Wesker.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    DS was overnerfed. I've said that numerous times before.


    • Baseline BT
    • OTR buffed
    • Baseline BT buffed
    • Reassurance

    Are all targeted changes to make tunneling and camping weaker, so it's dishonest at best to say 'BHVR holds killers hands to make it easier'.

    I tried it out earlier, and unless you're on Nurse or something, the speed boost granted by the buffed baseline BT is more than enough to reach safety or get a bodyblock.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Reassurance was nerfed into near uselessness against non-SWFs, as the killer can just camp out the extra 30s with solo-q teammates thinking they still need to go for the rescue, losing the value it was supposed to add. That forces each individual solo-q player to leave their gen, check if the killer is camping, then go back to the gen, which on average loses the 30s you stand to gain. With the PTB version at least one player could stealthily camp the hook with the killer, forcing up to 5 uses per hook stage.

    You mention all of the endurance buffs, but did not counter my assertion that before the perk shakeup, there were 3 levels of anti-tunnel in BT/DS/DH. Now there is only 1 in the worst (usual) case, 2 in the best case. 1 with a basekit BT proccing the endurance, 2 being the speed delays the hit until over 10s, in which the OTR endurance procs. It doesn't matter if they added 42 anti-tunnel/anti-camp endurance conditions, since only 1 can be activated between mending. With all that in mind, there is effectively only 1 max anti-tunnel feature instead of the old max of 3, severely buffing tunneling.

    As for camping there were no basekit fixes, so survivors need to "pay to participate" in worst case scenarios. In a more realistic scenario Reassurance in it's current form is better as a killer perk, since it forces someone to get within 6m of the hook and then leave, forcing 2 players to provide pressure on the hook without telling the non-Reassurance player they need to do that. Often times a survivor trying to use Reassurance gives the killer a free hit anyways. The only time Reassurance is objectively useful for survivors is endgame facecamping, which I believe is the opposite time where the perk should get value. If a killer facecamps at endgame and you buy 30 extra seconds, that is basically enough to fully heal 3 injured survivors and get into position for a rescue.

    To make tunneling properly nerfed, I would make anti-tunnel endurance not set you in Deep Wound (basekit or perk BT/OTR). To make Reassurance much more fair as an anti-camp feature, I would suggest it lasts 60s per activation (still 1 per player per hook stage), and disables and can't be used again after all gens are completed.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    LOL Reassurance is useless in Solo Q.

    All Ive seen of it are poor team mates who stupidly bought Rebecca running at me being camped to press their button.

    The Killer will just camp it out anyways.

  • whampyri
    whampyri Member Posts: 68

    If a squad dont have coms its not needed but if they do theres no other way to win. Theyd have 3 gens done before your first down

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I had to sign the agreement before unlocking him, on console. Not sure if PC players got the same tunneling terms of service notice or not, but I literally couldn't buy him until I accepted it. I did not read it, naturally, but I definitely signed it.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    I heard they can legally sue you if you don't say "Poor performance indeed!" out loud every time you get a down.