24 h ban for Suicide on hook and dcs

I would really like to see people who are destroying matches for everyone be punished. Rainbow six does something Similar. I think it would only be heathy for the game.


  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768

    Go back on R6 then.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    DCs already do get an increasing penalty.

    It's hard to penalize people dying on hook, because what if they never get rescued? Or they let themselves die as the 2nd to last survivor so the last survivor can get an attempt at hatch? Plus sometimes you need to attempt to unhook yourself, because the other survivors are unable to get to (being slugged, hooked, or chased). There's too many situations you couldn't program to ignore the dc penalty that it would just end up penalizing people for dying on hook or people who want to rage quit will figure out how to avoid the penalty.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    The issue is there is not way to penalise this without harming legit cases. What if power goes off in the player's house -- or just the Internet? What if their Video Card crashes and the game shut downs? Then you can say "Oh, they can have a crash log and see if it was a crash or a DC" and players would just deliberately crash steam to leave.

    Hook suicide is difficult too. What if the Killer is facecamping? What if the match is already lost and they want the other player to have a chance to find hatch? You cannot establish a system where there is no control as to why things happen.

  • Marius1234456918
    Marius1234456918 Member Posts: 106

    They should just change the hooks overall. So thats just not possible to kill you self . I mean it cant be how it is atm at least 3 out of 10 matches are time waste because of some survivor who get mad after first hook.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768

    As a penalty collector for my own achievement, when I DCed, I confess, I'm regardless about penalties. I just do it & I manage the waiting time as penalty. I really don't think 1 second about other survivor, or even the killer's game.

    I already have reached the 72h of penalty for that, some years ago. I'm playing R6 until the end of this 'inevitable consequence'.

    So 'Main survivor' ? Maybe just another baby but I don't cry on forums to reduce the penalties time yet...

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    Instead of punishing they can increase BP gain for waiting the full timer on hook and helping your team, like more passive gains ?

    I don't know but punishing rarely works people will afk or actively ruin the game and sandbag their team if they can't leave

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389
    edited September 2022

    If at the same time a Killer gets an uncapped -100BP penalty (starting after five seconds) per second per survivor in the dying state on the ground or a hooked survivor being the only survivor within a 15m radius of the killer we have a deal.

    [edit: in case it wasn't obvious. This is not serious. - DCing/Suiciding on hook is a symptom of an issue (or rather a number of issues). Increasing penalties to a point where people don't do it anymore doesn't solve the issue in the slightest. It just makes it invisible and causes players to leave for good.]

  • Dem34888
    Dem34888 Member Posts: 60
    edited September 2022

    KillersQ take 5 minutes

    SurvivorsQ almost instant

    Also people - let's start to ban those who suicide on hooks

    1. KillersQ will take until tomorrow
    2. SurvivorsQ intensivity will be +999%