Otz taking a break



  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    And while you all write a lot of words, Otz is streaming right now. He is streaming DbD. He just finished a match with plague, and he chose hag for next match. Just to let you know.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    But he didn't say he was leaving because he wasn't having fun for some reason he specifically pointed out that cheaters and stream snipers have made the game not fun for him. He posted a video on YouTube explaining it. This isn't a case of x streamer has been playing for years and finally burned out its x streamer has a problem with the game and its not been solved.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    He is not able to deliver the content he wants to his costumers tho. A baker can still make bread even if someone enters the bakery and sets the oven at twice the temperature albeit it will be burnt overbaked bread, the costumers may buy it or they may go to another bakery to get the bread they want, and yes, there is a public for streamers getting angry and raging at cheaters/losing his angry reactions are not really that funny (unlike others who are comedy gold), I dont think he can make a fandom out of his frustration.

    I bet you would love to be in his place and would not complain

    I can guarantee you I wouldnt love to be a streamer and have to entertain a bunch of people, streamers not only play the game, they also entertain their public, talk with them, engage with them, having to "Hey randomperson thanks for your X subs, have a good day" every 2 minutes, having to think every single word you say so absolutely nobody gets ofended and you get canceled, etc. Not everyone wants to make a job out of their hobby.

    And for the record, I dont really like the "streamer" profesion for a bunch of reasons I wont cite since the thread isnt about it so Im not defending them because I feel sympathy, but he has valid complains and they are messing with their source of income.

  • EternalSinOfCain
    EternalSinOfCain Member Posts: 132
    edited September 2022

    Survivor Mains like you will do anything in your power to negate a the skill level of Killer players. Not to mention lying about anything and everything to beg for buffs and Killer nerfs.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 234

    The main issue is the rampant cheating. Snipers are one thing and can be combated or dealt with. But sniping cheaters is a whole different beast that can't be overcome with a simple stream delay.

    Hopefully this means the anticheat system gets looked at more and gets more optimized to DbD as that same system is used in Apex, Fortnite, and many other shooter games, all of which have their share of cheaters (cheating in an online game cannot be completely stopped, only dealt with), but those games don't have the same volume of cheaters when considering percentage vs. amount of players. The system works well on those games, which could mean it wasn't optimized for the nuances of DbD.

    With the amount of data now and the knowledge of what kinds of cheats are being used, I believe the system can work just as well on DbD as it does on those games. It's going to be time and work, yes, but it can definitely be turned around.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I did that once for a "Working with the Killer" report, as 4 or 5 short Youtube videos.

    The initial 2 or 3 videos demonstrated how the survivor in question was bodyblocking me at loops, making it easier for the killer to catch me, and the remaining videos demonstrated extraneous player behavior that proved the player's intent was to work with the killer.

    Whoever reviewed the footage never watched past the second video. It left a really sour taste in my mouth, because the latter clips were needed to prove, beyond doubt, that the survivor in question was working with the killer. Each clip was anywhere from 5 to 20s--I editted them down to save time for the viewer--so it was disappointing that they did not look at all the evidence.

    I have not submitted any evidence in my reports since then, as I do not believe they took proper action when I did.

    The current report system requires too much effort from the parties involved, for reasonable action to take place.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    That's how I feel about it. If I see some guy that seems like a juicer that never falls for any mind games and has the map memorized, if it's a Epic Games/Steam I don't feel bad about it, I just assume they're probably cheating. I only respect good console survivors. I wish they would make console only crossplay

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    The reporting system in an absolute shambles and BHVR doesn't seem to do a great deal to tackle cheaters/hackers.

    I made a report last year about a hacking SWF I went against as killer. I had photographic evidence of them cheating (hooking themselves in random places, accessing inaccessible parts of the map, etc.) and filled out the report system with every detail I could give. I heard nothing for weeks so I decided to email to ask them for an update; I just got some abstract response about taking hacking very seriously and they were looking into it. I emailed a further two times and never got any more correspondence on the matter.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    well... otz is live on twitch right now, playing DBD ... just saying ^^

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    I hope he finds a better game to spend his time on but still finds a way to enjoy this game somehow, if thats even possible at this point.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Regardless of how you feel about Otz - I think most of us can agree that the rampant cheating has gone on for too long as it's now starting to seep in like a poison into everybodies mindset. So now we're looking for the "Subtile cheats" as we know they should exist.

    Not dealing with it this long is dangerous. Game is on shaky credibility as it is - this non-action has the potential to tip it completely over.

  • Aubwie
    Aubwie Member Posts: 24

    I wonder why when every third game actually is a hacker and they're almost always subtle

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I like how BHVR literally introduced an option to stop sniping, but people ended up being lobby hacked anyway.

    I wonder if we can get an actual fix for it?

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51

    There's this youtuber who's not very well known, that manages to get 100+ winstreaks on most killers, that the community considers weak, such as bubba, wesker, nemesis, clown lol. Wanna know how he manages to do it? Tunneling/Camping.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    You don't know that for sure though and that's the ######### I'm talking about right there, sure they exist I'm not denying that but just because he gets outplayed by someone doesn't make them a subtle hacker, at some point you've got to admit you made the wrong choice or that a survivor made a good play, I think it's like @Brokenbones said and that the chat and community he has makes it worse than it is, sure hackers target streamers but they aren't always hacking and that's what's ruined alot of watching streamers for me is anytime someone outplays them "they're hacking!" It's just getting ridiculous and if anything sometimes they should think to themselves that if they play the game for a living you're gonna get survivors who know their stuff sometimes abd give you a run if you pay closer attention to your chat than the game

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452
    edited September 2022

    The sad reality of the situation is that nothing will get fixed. The ultimate goal is making money and BHVR chained themselves to an unsustainable release cycle of new characters every three months long ago. The majority of their resources have to go towards that development and I doubt they are part of the tiny fraction of companies that are open minded enough to actually listen to their customers and then put resources into fixing the problems.

    It's nice that they spent time reworking all of the perks to switch up gameplay and break up the meta, but I'd rather have an effective way to actually deal with the cheaters. Give me old annoying dead hard or ruin any day over being flashlight blinded for 30 seconds at a time by a Meg who also completely heals during my attack cooldown.

    We just all need to accept that DBD has peaked and will never again bring the kind of joy that it used to.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,898

    I get the sentiment that people should "use their own brain", but I think a lot of people quote or link content creators because it is simpler, and in reality, just as often we gravitate to certain creators because they resonate with us, not because we need to be told what to think (though some certainly do).

    And not all of us are content creators, or have the time for content creation (or a team to help us craft our thoughts into a nice, clean and readily digestible format).

    I have opinions, and could write a wall-of-text dissertation here, but who would actually read it? It's often simply much easier to find an existing piece of content that is close to my own thoughts and link it. A well put together video will always be more effective than a novel length forum post, regardless of "originality".

    Also, a hot take/hard truth: we all like to think we're unique little snowflakes, but no one's opinions are all that original. Our opinions are all informed to some degree by the collective. If you have a theory/analysis about something, you'll almost certainly be able to find a video echoing that quite easily.

    I'm going to be immune to irony here and mention that Scott did a vid on reverse appeal to authority some time back which sums it up, but rejecting someone's take because they use a content creator's video as support is just as asinine as only using videos.

    As for the topic, it's a bummer because Otz is one of the better (if not the best) high visibility ambassadors for DBD, and someone who at least portrays everything in as wholesome and positive a light as possible, so I think BHVR would be wise to examine why he is taking a break, and what they can do to address the issues that motivated him.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,141

    What do you guys expect? He's been playing and streaming this game for how long?

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2022

    Goes by "Pro Vengeance" on YT. Fair warning though, he's a pretty toxic player, but still a pretty good killer. His chat pretty much worships him, which is pretty cringy as well. Since they argue that he's the best dbd killer player in the world lol.

  • rattus210
    rattus210 Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2022

    Goes by "Pro Vegeance" on YT.

    Edit: My internet went bad for a moment and I accidentally double posted my bad… wish I could delete this one.

    Post edited by rattus210 on
  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    My biggest gripe as a killer is how the MMR system works. Whenever I get a group that I somewhat dominate, I don't know if I should even go for the kills, because I know how much I hurt myself in doing so. Every 4k is 1/2 another sweaty SWFs with busted items that I have not one sliver of a chance against. A killer shouldn't be afraid to kill, yet you get so punished for playing consistantly bad.

    Low MMR survivor is literal hell, we call this MMR hell in the community for a reason, but so is high MMR for a killer. In high MMR all the survivors know what they are doing and they are coordinating so well, that even a single whiff, a single chase that takes too long or a single flashlight save can seal the game for you. My games feel nearly exactly the same as they did pre-big-patch, with people greeding every single palette to the absolute max and press is to hard till the last drop drains from it. If you can't deplete the palettes then you can't create dead zones for endgame. But here you already lost the game, because you chased the one player who can loop and greed that way. Or maybe they all can, who knows.

    Maybe we need something like The Entity auto breaking a palette after you loop it 4 times, like with windows blocking? I don`t know. Yeah, maybe this is just a skill issue, but its making my games miserable. I hadn't had a single good game today. All survivors I versed over 5 or 7 different killers were all sweating like mad, greeding like mad, body blocking like mad and most definitely flashlight clicking like mad.

    This one recent Otz video were he talked about the big variety in gentimes, heal times and hook times, that has a lot of truth in it. The difference between a gen been done in 90s or 35s is, well, staggering. I am sure that it feels great to be in such a well coordinated group and just utterly dominate the killer, but frankly the game becomes again unplayable to me. The only way for me to have a good killer match is to loose a couple of matches and then not killing anyone. So thats making me Clown to some survivors? Scaring them, entertaining them, but not doing any real harm to them, because I dont want to get sued/punished for playing too well.

    Balance is always a fickle thing, camping and tunneling killers at the lower ranks aren't the only thing thats totally out of whack.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    OMG a player takes a break. Let's write a book about it. 😒