New Mori system, less special

While i applaud the devs for trying new things and changing up the game, i think the current system with the moris is fine, i think when the killer brings a mori or a perk that can mori you results in fun tension for the survivors, and the fact that doesn´t happen every game makes it special, seeing a hidden offering and speculating to be a mori , or having the devour or rancor prop up in match, it really catches you and leads to great tension. I dont feel like moris are toxic, they almost feel like a challenge, like now im really gonna tryhard, because this guy is serious or silly photobombs. Idk i just feel that the new system might make mori just an ending animation that you need to watch just so you get to the next match, like rubbing salt in the wound.
About the slugging changes, probably problematic in someways, but i guess the ptb will tell how people feel. I know this change probably took a lot of work to produce and i dont want to be the guy that just doesnt like change without trying, im just afraid that we might loose some interesting situations without gaining much in return
I don't know you but from my experience, every time a killer brought a Mori it wasn't nice. What happened was that the killer, in order to get the Mori, would tunnel every survivor one by one.
It's not really fun to be tunneled all match. If the killer also use a Mori on you it just makes you quit the game and call it a day.
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The proposed new system wouldn't change that. If the killer wants to Mori, they will need to tunnel out 2 survivors, then slug the remaining 2 until they get them both on the ground at the same time.
And killers will be incentivised to Mori due to; the BP bonus from the offerings that require them, the ability to bypass hook states, or just the desire to secure a 4K.
So from when this goes live, every time you see a Mori offering, you know that you're either getting tunnelled or slugged. Before it might have been likely, now it will be certain.
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If a single person is tunneled all game, how do you not finish 3 gens in that time? Why would a Killer using a feature of the game make you that mad??
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This new system will suck.
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I like it as well, I don't know why Survivors assume Moris are somehow toxic.
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