Bonus Prestige Levels

When does this 2 bonus levels are applied?
- Your character is lv 50 AND less than prestige 3?
So if you have a lv39 P1 dwight, the bonus does not apply.
- Your character is not lv50, but less than P3.
Any prestige 3 or lower get the bonus lvs
- Your character is lv 50 OR less than prestige 3?
Anyone receives bonus lvs if they hit lv50
It's less about how they are now and more about how they were at the time of the update.
If at the time of the update, your character was level 50 and either P0, P1 or P2, then it gets bonus prestige levels.
I know for one that I had left my Legion and Hag on Prestige 0 level 50 because I didn't want them to lose their anniversary flans.
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I have most my killers in P0 lv 40 because i barely play them, would they receive the 2 prestiges?
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They would not. This feature only grants prestige levels to characters that could have been prestiged, but weren't (e.g. If you were taking a break from the game at the time and didn't log in to prestige them before the update). Since you can't prestige at level 40, they are not eligible.
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If at 6.1.0 roughly half of my killer roster was at lvl 50, prestige 0 - and then I prestiged them later in the patch (everyone that was p0 is p2 right this second), am I still going to get those 2 prestige levels when the midchapter drops?
Just like to confirm if I should be spending bloodpoints on them to get to p3 if I am gonna get some extra prestige levels later. I launched the ptb and they were still just at level 2, so I wasn't sure if I should have expected it in the ptb.
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Peanits, sorry if this has been answered, but the special portraits, one of my survivors who didn’t have one when the prestige update was first implemented now has one - she’s P7, now P9 during PTB - is this intentional, and if so, what level should a killer/survivor be to gain portraits? Thanks in advance if you have an answer :)
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If you were P3 Level 50 beforehand are you also getting 2 additional levels or no? It wouldn't really make a difference since you would already be above P9 but I am curious.