no way out should be disabled during end game collapse

the only way this happens is with one person left and hatch is closed your just screwed the killer gets notified and you cant do anything for a minute if stuff like ds and OTR are disabled so should NWO
If killer managed to close the hatch with no way out they deserves to win.
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That would mean the killer dominated the game with one perk doing nothing for him. Deserved.
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Why do you think you’re owed even a chance at escape?
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i never understood why perks get disabled in the endgame
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You know what, I actually think this is a fine change. At that point in the game, Killer has basically already won. I don't see the point in adding insult to injury for the last Survivor. Luckily, clearing that up it is as simple as changing "When the Exit Gates are powered" to "When the last Generator is completed."
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%100 agree.
A perk shouldn't %100 guarantee your win during the endgame.
Just like DS and Off The Record are disabled because they shouldn't allow ''free escapes'' NWO should not activate if only one survivor is remaining.
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With that logic ds and otr should not be disabled because why do you think you're owed even a chance at killing?
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It isn't 100%, the killer has to find and close the hatch before.
DS and OTR work the entire match except endgame. NWO only activates once per match, it doesn't make sense to have a perk that does nothing the entire match.
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No Way Out is never a 100% win. It also depends on the map, how the gates spawned and how many stacks the killer got.
So there is still a chance you can sneak away to the other gate.
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You mean the perk that only works at the end of the match is equivalent to the perks that are designed to punish tunneling throughout the bulk of the match?
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You have already won at this point.
NWO is just overkill at this point - it's fine as a last defense mechanism if they managed to complete all the generators, but you absolutely don't need it to crush a team that has already lost even harder.
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I...actually agree.
There's no way for the Killer to lose unless they MASSIVELY misplay.
Reminds of of old DS in the EGC, it's just a free win
20 -
So you are saying that that 4th perk that was disabled during the WHOLE game and was doing nothing should be disabled when it is finally supposed to activate ? No. If the killer played with 3 perks and counted on the 4th one to prevent anyone escaping it should absolutely serve him once it is time for it to do so. Like other have said there is still a chance to escape even if it is small. If you could not win against this killer who was running with one perk less , just accept defeat.
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I don't get the comparison to OTR and DS. Those perks provide (theoretical)value the entire match, NWO literally only works a single time at end game. You can turn NWO off at EGC as soon as it can do something early/mid game to help killers like OTR and DS can.
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thats kinda the whole point of the perk; to crush any hope you had of escaping.
The game is asymmetrical and is balanced around a 60% kill rate, so there's no need for it to work any way like DS or OTR.
At what point can you use No Way Out at any point in the trial itself? You can't. It's your Ace in the Hole.This is it's one and only job.
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Alright, if survivors finished gens then they deserves to keep OTR and DS. They should back to old versions.
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Buff No Way Out to also block hatch when attempting to escape through it. Keep it true to its name!
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I don't think it's necessary to nerf it in this way, but I wouldn't be opposed to it, I guess.
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OTR and DS are design to stop tunneling early and mid game.
If you want to make them work in endgame, then disable them before end game collapse (playing with 3 perks only like NWO) and then it will be even.
OP is whining because he is camping the gate with wake up and sole survivor and got his easy escape denied.
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so you agree that DS and OTR should be enabled during egc? you know since your argument proves my point.
So you are saying that DS perk that was disabled during the WHOLE game and was doing nothing should be disabled when it is finally supposed to activate ? No. If the Survivor played with 3 perks and counted on the 4th one to prevent anyone from tunnelling it should absolutely serve him once it is time for it to do so. Like other have said there is still a chance to kill even if it is small. If you could not win against this survivor who was running with one perk less , just accept defeat.
Sounds familiar :)
7 -
And NWO supposed to work after all gens finished, not after hatch closed. If killer killed 3 survivors and closed hatch, this perk should not give them free kill. This perk is makes escape imposible for the last survivor. But i think you are asking for free kills and you are okey with it?
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Lol what? That’s the whole purpose of the perk. It’s literally called… NO WAY OUT. It is an endgame perk. Which also means.. it is a perk that did absolutely nothing for the killer the entire game. That’s a no for me.
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But you can use those two during the trial though right ? Can you use NWO during the trial too ? DS and OTR are used during the generator phase and NWO is used during the endgame. I see no issues. Both have their use. It's just that your perks gets much more use than NWO. And you want to disable it even further. No dice.
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I think a happy medium would be that the length of the endgame collapse is extended based on the time the gate is blocked. That way, the killer still has a chance to find you but you also have a chance to open the gates. Everything still happens as normal, it's just that EGC is slightly longer. Otherwise, it's a guaranteed win, which it shouldn't be. It should only guarantee a notification and a delay, NOT a win.
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It’s not impossible, but it is very difficult. A key and/or stealth could come into play. Survivors have four perks that help them open exit gates faster all by themself - and there are altruistic perks to assist on top of that.
NWO encourages going for unique survivors throughout the trial for maximum value. Do we really want to nerf such a perk - especially for a niche scenario? It’s actually one of the best designed perk styles in the game; which is why although the BBQ nerf was understandable, it was immediately dropped by a great deal of killer players.
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Where does it say that? It says once the exit gates are powered. That's either when hatch is closed or when all gens are done. Rancor is an example of activating when all gens are done, given it's specific word usage "Once all generators have been completed." If we're gonna use this logic then I assume you're also fine with adrenaline and hope not activating once the hatch is closed right?
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They already got their use before the endgame. Now NWO gets to see its use. Are you agreeing that NWO should have an active purpose during the whole game too beside the end ?
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Remember Me is also a free win unless the killer massively misplays.
Also rewarded by tunneling :O
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And i am asking nerf for it? It should not work after hatch closed, it makes lose - lose for the last survivor. Kill should not be free? Like what DS & OTR did before their nerfs.
Remember Me & NWO should not work after hatch closed, they should work only if all gens finished.
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Nice how you just ignore the fact that ds and otr work the whole game and nwo only in the end game
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They are working if you are tunnelling the survivor. So by your logic, tunnelling is not tunnelling anymore because it is end game :)
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Only survivor perks are disabled but the game is still survivor sided 😂
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Yep you are right the second the gates got powered there is no such thing as camping and tunneling cause what do you want the killer to do patrolled the gens?
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So here's a pro-tip:
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??? what XD DS is once per game your argument makes no sense if it is saved for egc then it didn't get used.
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You are comparing an endgame perk to anti tunneling perks. You either don't understand how this comparison makes no sense, or you're being intentionally obtuse about it.
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Nah they think tunneling and camping is bad at endgame too
go patrolled some gens!!
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so then those perks mean absolutely nothing except wasted perk slots if all the gens aren’t done? That makes no sense.
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So you can tunnel and camp at end game too? What is different?
Ah i know answer already, nerf them if they are survivor perks :d
If gens did not finished, this means you have 3 kills and win. What's problem?
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Not the kind of healthy attitude that many, many (not all/the majority) swf have displayed throughout the last six years, hm?
Killer on the backfoot or mismatched? Oof have i seen some stuff coming from the survivors my way.
So, sorry if I have absolutely no sympathy for this problem now.
Post edited by BoxGhost on2 -
Why do you guys feel the need to turn everything into an Us VS Them strawman?
Don't you see how stupid that is? You don't even present any argument, all you do is cry over "survivor bad killer good" - it's been done so many times now that it's not even entertaining anymore. It's just boring.
Either comment with something relevant to the topic at hand or don't bother commenting at all.
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“End game perk shouldn’t work in end game, this makes perfect sense, I am a genius”
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This entire thread started as us vs them with nonsensical comparisons to OTR and DS. If people wanted to make accurate comparisons they could and would, instead they wanna complain that survivors aren't equal to killers because some perks are different than others.
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I'd maybe like to see it work like this if the Hatch is closed:
Stacks do not apply a bonus to the time the Exit Gate is blocked and No Way Out no longer notifies the Killer when it is triggered.
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The problem is you’re wanting a perk that is SOLELY for endgame… to not work in the endgame. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1 survivor left, or 4. The perk is for endgame.
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Except those comparisons actually make sense?
NWO for the Killer does the same thing as DS and OTR would do for Survivors, where they turn an already winning position into an (almost) impossible to lose scenario. DS in endgame is a free escape, so is OTR (unless massive misplays happen ofc) and NWO in a hatch close scenario is a free 4k for the Killer (unless massive misplays happen ofc), it fills the same role as those two Perks in a very similar scenario.
Pointing out that those two Perks were addressed and NWO was overlooked is not a "Us VS Them" discussion at all, it's a simple observation.
OP isn't crying about how the bad, bad killers get all the good stuff and the poor, poor survivors never get anything (THAT is Us VS Them, dividing the community into two groups and acting like one is morally superior to the other), they make an actual argument.
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Just my 2 cents...
But I also agree that certain perks shouldn't work if the hatch is closed... (I know off topic but I needed to say that)
In the terms of NWO... If the Killer got a 3k with a Gen (or 2) left then NWO shouldn't activate... the Killer did their job and doesn't need anymore help... cause the Survivors didn't complete the Gens... So why punish the Survivor player that is left
Also... No One Left Behind only works if the Exit Gates are opened so where is the problem (and they should change that to when the Gens are done as well)
Wording on certain perks need to be updated (Just saying)
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Nah thanks, i will keep voicing my opinions in this space of free speech. Thank you very much.