Ruin becoming a Base Kit

Considering the fact that it can easily be taken down in the matter of seconds by a random. Or a SWF member calling it out, just sucks for the killer. The killer gonna be out of a perk slot litterally having the potential to be gone in 10 seconds. Now yes, some matches aren’t always that case and I get that. But majority of the time it’s gone early in the match. It would become 16 perks VS.3
The benefits out of it becoming a base kit perk is that survivors can learn to hit better skill checks because if they want to go through gens without looking for the totum, they would adapt to the change.
but of course they wouldn’t be happy. Nobody wants to play a match having the gens fly in the matter of 3 minutes which is disgusting.
Give the killer an edge against these SWFs on Coms. Just an edge in general whether the survivors are friends or randoms.
just a thought. No need to get salty about the idea. Let’s have a friendly discussion, if not keep out.
@HeHeBoii said:
Nobody wants to play a match having the gens fly in the matter of 3 minutes which is disgusting.
Give the killer an edge against these SWFs on Coms. Just an edge in general whether the survivors are friends or randoms.I can guarantee you that "Nobody" is not correct, there are a lot of SWF that like it when the gens fly by and I cant blame them, they are just playing optimally.
Its up to BHVR to fix that, the survivors are just doing their best
(same with sWF btw)1 -
Master said:
@HeHeBoii said:
Nobody wants to play a match having the gens fly in the matter of 3 minutes which is disgusting.
Give the killer an edge against these SWFs on Coms. Just an edge in general whether the survivors are friends or randoms.I can guarantee you that "Nobody" is not correct, there are a lot of SWF that like it when the gens fly by and I cant blame them, they are just playing optimally.
Its up to BHVR to fix that, the survivors are just doing their best
(same with sWF btw)0 -
Fun Fact , the game doesn't end at 3 gens or indeed at 5 you still have time for kills, Ruin base kit is a no from me if you have such an issue with it run something else.
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@Tiyr said:
Fun Fact , the game doesn't end at 3 gens or indeed at 5 you still have time for kills, Ruin base kit is a no from me if you have such an issue with it run something else.I can tell you rarely play Killer lols. There's videos out there of people Like Tru3Talent getting gen rushed to hell in the matter of minutes. Don't give that BS saying "oh he did this or that" you can't deny that he is a good killer whether you a fan of him or not. You're argument is irrelevant and don't care or don't know what balance is in this game. Thanks for playing tho
(incoming, I PLAY KILLER TOO)0 -
Did i even mention tru3 go ahead with your assuming i still don't want Ruin as base on Killers , you can go on twitch and watch other streamers play without it every game and still be at rank 1 all season. It's simply a buff that is not needed.
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@Tiyr said:
Did i even mention tru3 go ahead with your assuming i still don't want Ruin as base on Killers , you can go on twitch and watch other streamers play without it every game and still be at rank 1 all season. It's simply a buff that is not needed.Read before you post mate. That was an example you dunce. Again, your argument is irrelevant to the topic at hand. Just leave this post now you cute survivor main
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Ruin should not be baseline and this is because holding down M1 on a generator is already boring. I do agree that there should be something to help slow the game down for killers but what this ends up doing is that it will only punish newer players while veteran players will still dominate which again, solves nothing. If we were to look into any ways of slowing down the game it should be more fun and interactive for both sides so it feels less like a chore and more like a fun gameplay element.
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Again you assume
you put forward one streamer who agrees with you and i told you that you could find more who do it without Ruin but hey just keep insulting people makes you look really good
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@Tiyr said:
Again you assumeyou put forward one streamer who agrees with you and i told you that you could find more who do it without Ruin but hey just keep insulting people makes you look really good
Let it go Survivor main
@vampire_toothy said:
Ruin should not be baseline and this is because holding down M1 on a generator is already boring. I do agree that there should be something to help slow the game down for killers but what this ends up doing is that it will only punish newer players while veteran players will still dominate which again, solves nothing. If we were to look into any ways of slowing down the game it should be more fun and interactive for both sides so it feels less like a chore and more like a fun gameplay element.Punish newer players huh? Well tough luck, that's the way they going to learn. If balancing the game circles around the newer players than we are coming full circle to Freddy being demolished because of Survivors outcries lmao. Not like ruin even lasts more than 2 minutes anyway.
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As your Ruin doesn't last more than 2 mins. Lets give it to the killers but on a 2 minute timer and to balance things while it's active let's give survivors hope while it's active
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@vampire_toothy said:
Ruin should not be baseline and this is because holding down M1 on a generator is already boring. I do agree that there should be something to help slow the game down for killers but what this ends up doing is that it will only punish newer players while veteran players will still dominate which again, solves nothing. If we were to look into any ways of slowing down the game it should be more fun and interactive for both sides so it feels less like a chore and more like a fun gameplay element.Also its kind of sad that in order for Killers to have a decent match they have to rely on the ruin, and when that's gone in the matter of seconds then they assed out. Not bringing ruin is basically saying "Hey fellas, gen rush the hell outta me" I never purposed increasing gen time, just a band-aid . At this rate they won't be making any changes regarding the gen rush issue, so might as well consider that. Anyhoot, it ain't up to me or you. This is for the devs to see and they can act upon as they wish.
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I play meta killers (1000h) and i dont run ruin. If i get genrushed i dont blame the game i blame myself. Ruin shouldnt be a basekit it must be perk but it shouldnt be the way it is now since its completely rng. Lets say ruin cant be ruined at the first minute of a game would be nice0
vampire_toothy said:
Ruin should not be baseline and this is because holding down M1 on a generator is already boring. I do agree that there should be something to help slow the game down for killers but what this ends up doing is that it will only punish newer players while veteran players will still dominate which again, solves nothing. If we were to look into any ways of slowing down the game it should be more fun and interactive for both sides so it feels less like a chore and more like a fun gameplay element.
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Killers need more time but the impact of Ruin differs from match to match.
Instead of making Ruin base kit, Gen times need to be increased in general (I know, boring) or a 2nd objective for survivors needs to be implemented.
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Seriously guys killer isnt that complicated. Force survivors to finish the gens on one side of the map by controlling the other side, it then gives you easy gen patrol and a nightmare for survivors to try and figure out how to finished 2 or 3 gens in close proximity and still get their buddy's off the hook. Granted you wont win every time, fun fact is that's just life. If you find yourself losing more games than you win it's because of your ability not because swf is so unbalanced. Try out different tactics and better killer load outs. If you camp and 3 gens pop it's your own fault for letting them work without pressure. I play against so many killers in my swf that just completely destroy us because they have good mind gaming and tactics and my group is really good.0
I don't think making ruin base kit is a good idea, The Problem is the difference in objective times for killer and survivor.
Killers have to Chase, down and hook each survivor multiple times which can take a very long time depending on the situation, Survivors on the other hand have to complete 5 gens and open the gates, all which can be done in a matter of minutes and is pretty straight forward but again situational. Reworking survivor objective times to match killers times is the solution.1 -
Ruin is a badly designed bandaid fix. It wrecks newer players, while it barely affect good survivors. Ideally the solution should be the other way around.
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@NoShinyPony said:
Killers need more time but the impact of Ruin differs from match to match.Instead of making Ruin base kit, Gen times need to be increased in general (I know, boring) or a 2nd objective for survivors needs to be implemented.
Yea, something along those lines. Even i agree that increasing Gen time is just a bad idea and the Devs are aware of that. Well atleast they are reworking end game stuff for both sides which is cool.
@Bongbingbing said:
I don't think making ruin base kit is a good idea, The Problem is the difference in objective times for killer and survivor.
Killers have to Chase, down and hook each survivor multiple times which can take a very long time depending on the situation, Survivors on the other hand have to complete 5 gens and open the gates, all which can be done in a matter of minutes and is pretty straight forward but again situational. Reworking survivor objective times to match killers times is the solution.Right right, increasing gen time won't be a good solution at all. But we shall see, hopefully the devs have something in mind to make the game time more decent for killers. Even when ruin is up, survivors still pile through gens. Now with the addition of the Prove Thyself buff, (Which was needed since it was previously useless) They now get it done a bit quicker. (which was the og intention of the perk.)
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@HeHeBoii said:
Punish newer players huh? Well tough luck, that's the way they going to learn. If balancing the game circles around the newer players than we are coming full circle to Freddy being demolished because of Survivors outcries lmao. Not like ruin even lasts more than 2 minutes anyway.You do realize that new players aren't the problem for killers though, right? There's a difference between making a killer like Freddy who was nerfed right after release (which the devs have learned from this) and making a perk baseline that will only steamroll newer players rather than having much of a meaningful impact on skilled players. Keep in mind, ensuring that the game is as easy as it is to pick up on for newer players is what's going to keep this game going and making ruin baseline is only going to chase them away.
One idea that I thought was pretty neat was applying an action debuff to those recently unhooked which I think would be a better and more consistent idea than what ruin could ever provide.
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The 16 perks vs 4 perks meme is getting a bit old.