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Horrible Performance Issues

As of the last 2-3 weeks, DbD's performance has drastically dropped in quality for me. I have a pretty good PC, and I used to get hundreds of FPS (as I do in all my games), but recently it's dropped down to a hard cap of 60-62, with framerates in the 50s-60s range.
Not to mention the egregious amount of stuttering I'm experiencing. It comes in waves, where for about 30 seconds the game is completely unplayable every few minutes. Freezes for 5-15 seconds straight, rubberbanding, and only a few seconds in between each one. It really sucks too, because with school having started back up recently, I have to ration my gaming time well, getting excited to play DbD just to be met with unplayable, broken mess. I don't know what's causing this, but it is in dire need of patching. And I know it's not from overworking my PC. Even with no other tabs open or running in the background, the game still struggles to function.
I get this every. Single. Match. If it's not the horribly egregious stuttering, it's minor stutters here and there that still make it hard to play. And the minor stutter matches are a rarity now, replaced by the big stutters.
If this doesn't get fixed, I don't think I can keep playing this game, as much as I want to.
Forgot to mention that sometimes the sound also cuts out. More frequently as survivor.
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Are you playing on wi-fi?
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same also for me,,,,gettin horrible stutters and uncontrollable camera flicks specially on pallets or when playing vs Whesker ,,,My pc is also more than good for dbd's requirements
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Yes. And said WIFI is and has been more than good enough to handle DbD
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Sometimes our wi-fi routers require a firmware update. Neglecting firmware updates can cause this issue.