Changing perks according to what you see survivors bringing into match



  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    That makes no sense we can't see what the killer brings into the match but he can see us and switch up according your talking loud but you not saying nothing bro

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    This makes my head hurt I know all who are responding are killers yall cry about decisive strike being used as a weapon yall cry about dead hard now look at both them perks yall get what yall want #########

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Everything works to the killers advantage the map we play on belongs to him the gens we try to fix belongs to the killer

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Bro I have that hard trophy you get for doing 1 Gen and escaping with no perks you speak of combining the perks together I play solo queue I don't know what the other players doing bro it's not swf every match but the supernatural powers that the killer have is just not enough for you guys right wow a flashlight against a knife would you take them odds yall funny killers

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    You say you been play 4+ years the last 3 year of me playing I don't play no other game really that dedicated to this I am the dead by daylight Messiah I came to bring the survivors to the promised land


  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Naw I'm just playing about the Messiah part lol before I get camped every match not trying to piss you killer off let me catch my head before I become a meme just playing

  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121
    edited October 2022

    Power moves isn't actually a hard achievement to get, I've done it 10 times over in solo queue post 6.1.0 (though can only really prove 42 games since the others I didn't have time to loot a chest, the masquerade flashlight was stolen off a dead person). Complaining that killers take perks like lightborn, franklins, or starstruck to deal with flashlight saves (Which as a reminder means one less slowdown perk) is literally a skill issue

  • GiveMeTheBox
    GiveMeTheBox Member Posts: 331

    People really need to get over themselves.

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Yeah I agree but some people just built different 🤷

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    I'm not tripping on him using the perks I'm tripping on how he can switch to the perks after looking at the survivors

  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121

    The only things a killer can even bring that effect items are Franklins, Lightborn, and a drop item addon like Bubbas Begrimed Chains addon or Legions Stolen Sketchbook addon. All of these do nothing if survivors don't bring items (or don't bring the right kind of item in case of Lightborn) and pretty much require at least 3 survivors to be bringing something to even be close to worth it (if you're not a killer like Hag that autoloses to a flashlight or Trapper that autoloses to a map) so removing the ability to see if survivors are bringing items would basically drop the pick rate of those perks to 0% outside of Hag and maybe Trapper as a serious pick (killers that do "haha funny item thief" meme builds would still use it though)

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Lightborn is bad because flashlights are already pretty weak items so using a perk against them isn’t really worth much. In fact the more survivors you see with flashlights the better off you probably are that match. So regardless of what happens in the lobby you probably shouldn’t use Lightborn honestly.

    Franklin’s is useful regardless of the lobby because it is unusual for survivors to have no items at all going into a match. It doesn’t really matter much if they bring a toolbox versus a medkit, for instance, you’ll get value out of Franklins provided they have an item. So again you don’t need to see the lobby to get value from Franklin’s.

    Basically neither of these perks is good or bad because of seeing people on the lobby. Lightborn is usually bad either way, and Franklin’s is consistently “ok” regardless of what they bring.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    It's their right to adjust based on what they see.

    You also need to adapt as a survivor (SoloQ). Say you join a lobby with a flashlight, you find 2 others with flashlights; That's a guaranteed franklins/lightborn 90% of the time.

    Same with toolboxes, 2-3 toolboxes, you can expect the killer to go heavy with slowdowns/franklins. Try to hide/change your strat based on your teammates. Say i find one with a flashlight, i usually remove mine and get a flashbang for example to not force the killer into bringing anti-perk or even switch my build to a gen pressure one.

    And now for my toxic advice, you can always last second switch (Don't bully me) :P

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Maybe that Pig player got sick and tired about Flashlight users in their other matches... You got unlucky

    So maybe think of what the Killer player had to deal with... I can honestly say that this community is so headstrong and closed-minded (I am apart of the problem... I know)

    But what would be the point of playing the game if no one saw what the Survivors bring (like you go from the main Survivor screen after clicking the ready button right into loading the Offerings and then entering the match) would that be better

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I use it because I'm sick of the the blinds that make no feasible sense that work like looking at a wall and they get a blind at a 180° angle or when I don't feel like doing the whole dance around with 2-3 flashlights trying to hook one survivor.

    Then we have unavoidable blinds like at pickups or at locker grabs when the Killer has no wait to stop the blind unless the Survivors get the timing wrong (which isn't hard to get wrong)

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Yeah don't get me wrong, getting blinded is annoying, I'm just saying that a lot of the time you can avoid being blinded by positioning yourself facing a wall when you pick someone up and being mindful of whether someone might be nearby trying for a save. So a lot of the time flashlights don't do much compared to toolboxes and medkits. Also if the survivors realize you have Lightborn then they'll stop trying to blind you and just work on gens instead which is probably the opposite of what you actually want.

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Well said

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Yes I completely understand I'm just saying the killer should use these perks but I just don't like how the killer can switch up the perks in the lobby with survivors I think that should be changed

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Idk bro it's a hard decision but the killers are really op and blame swf I rarely play swf if it is swf the killer should get this extra help but that's not always the case I play with random who run straight to the killer don't touch a Gen then get put down then they DC or kill themselves on the hook

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    OK but what give the killer the right? You say because it's 4v1 most survivors play to their on beat not on a team basis and the killer have Supernatural powers we talking about a flashlight against a knife it's a no brainer everything goes to the killer bro for example the Killer a survivor buy a pallet the killer gets it the killer and a survivor by the hatch the killer gets it the killer and a survivor bye a window the killer gets it I can go on and on bro

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    MY ID IS TWIN187211 JUST AS IT SAY UP HERE BRO but no it's the way he played he adjust to what he seen then 5 gens start of match he down a survivor the he camped the hook crouch down he did that to everyone there is no counter for that type of game play just trade hooks only 2 people had flashlights me and a random we were not on coms so it's no way for me to tell MY SO CALLED TEAM leave me on the hook he is camping we will just lose points because killer who play like that will still get 20k points the survivors will be lucky to get 10k

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Sally talking about playing against me with the strongest killer in the game I'm not scared bro I will put these pallets on you lmfao you got this big sword I got this flashlight lmfao you have Supernatural powers I have these loops in my sarcastic voice

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    So are you going to read my comment.... Try thinking of what the Killer goes through instead of what you go through

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Bro I can't say how I really feel about the killer on here them dudes will target me and try to make me delete my account put me on YouTube I been playing this game so much its a hundred killers already If I go against they will go in try hard mode and do the most just to me I can't piss them dudes off I know you can put the best survivor against the best killer and the survivor will lose but I understand what you saying but I can say this the killers are OP now I hope I don't get punished for saying that

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    I think you need to accept your personal bias about the killer role does not mean killers need this specific nerf. Considering in other posts you've outline in this topic you talk about your teammates griefing you, but you are still focused on making it about the killer being at fault.

    I think it's safe to say no amount of changes would actually make you happy.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Meh. I do change loadouts depending on what my gut tells me about the players in the lobby, but I don't use anything specific depending on items. Flashlights can be dealt with without the help of perks and often turn into an advantage for me.

    I simply swith to my strongest build when I suspect skilled players or stacked 3-4 SWFs, which is typically heavy chase and info, with a helping of pain resonance, or penti plaything + chase, depending on the killer.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Dude, if the whole team is locking you and teabag you and the killer is ok with them just leaving, it really might have something to do with you.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Why doesn't Lightborn refund the flashlights yet?? Last second swaps being in the game as a counter to item, perk nullification needs to change. Enough with the obnoxious workarounds that hamper the health of this party game.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    To clarify, it'd only be fair if survivors also weren't able to change items or perks once in the lobby. I'd also note that I don't think either are good ideas.

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    If the survivors can't change the killer shouldn't either you should be able to change your character and different characters should have the perks and add-ons already set before entering into a lobby with each other

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Bro I was looping the killer around the school I asked them why they did me that and the reply was because I kept running buy the gen she was doing so instead of taking a hit for me on a team effort she bodyblock me then teabag me on the hook while the killer camped me because I looped him so long you can't justify that type of behavior that is cheating on survivors part and cheesy on The Killers part

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Bro I don't run into griefing survivors all the time but at the end of it all yes it would take a lot of work on this game to make me happy because we all know the killers are O.P we are talking flashlights against a knife or chainsaw do the math

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Wait - "I kept running by the gen she was doing" - so you repeatedly led the killer to the gen that a team-mate was working on? Sounds like you were griefing her first, to be honest, and that likely had something to do with why she wouldn't take a protection hit for you.

    Okay, she still shouldn't have bodyblocked you but it's at least more understandable.

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    Bro have you ever been zoned out by a killer I had to hug the walls to stay alive but weak players would try and justify being blocked by teammate who the killer was chasing for 8 minutes straight the killer never one time took his focus off me to hit her stop her from doing the gen nothing so bro what you talking about if someone is looping the killer what you just stay and do the gen how about taking a hit or move to another gen

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,825

    Yeah no… this is why killers should be allowed to see what items survivors bring into the lobby.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    If a killer brings say Lightborn because survivors have flashlights... they probably are not the best at killer in the first place and need all the help they can get. You could change killers in the lobby of course but now you have to back out entirely if you want to change killer

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,132

    Surv team:

    4 survs

    16 perks

    4 offerings

    up to 4 items, potentially 8 total addons

    So yeah, I am not seeing the injustice in letting the killer see the items here. And again, if you're really dead set on pulling one over on the killer, you can last second switch.

  • twin187211
    twin187211 Member Posts: 42

    This only makes sense if your swf no other way for me to know what perks my team is running or the killer I play solo 90% of the time

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    Being solo doesn't change that the other survivors have 12 perk slots to use.

    I also play solo 90% of the time and I really don't struggle unless I get teammates who rage quit at the start of the match.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    If the pig wants to waste 2 perk slots to counter the literal worst item in the game survivors can bring then let her.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,132

    Yeah, it makes life easier if to know what your teammates are running, but whether swf or solo, the killer still has to account for all that mess regardless.

    Also, like you I only really struggle and get put out by rage quitters. That is my #1 frustration with solo play, by a mile. The killer being able to see my medkit or toolbox doesn't even register.

    For sure. Unless you're an inexperienced killer or the survs have some flashlight hacks, flashlights aren't a big deal at all.

    That said, every once in a great while I'll peg a team as a flashlight bully squad in lobby and bring Lightborn just for the lulz, but that's rare. And the reality is that most of your lightborn users run it every time, so seeing items in lobby doesn't really move the needle there. Killers who know how to deal with flashlights don't bother.

    And Franklins is annoying, but only because it is run so infrequently that I often don't notice it right away when I do get hit with it, which is a me problem.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I use it because I'm sick of getting blinded in ways that shouldn't blind. I can't count how many times I got blinded through the walls of the shack when I was facing a wall.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,132

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I've played plenty of matches where some surv (or worse yet, a coordinated team) with a nuclear powered flashlight has blinded me from what felt like impossible angles (like nose into a long wall) or though tiny gaps, and while those stick in my brain, they just aren't that common.

    I would estimate roughly that maybe 1 in 20 flashlight save attempts against me succeed, and most of them are in deadzones.

    And of course, there are always hackers out there. But none of these are enough to get me to run Lightborn with any regularity.

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