Huge wave of AFK killers (East Asian Server)

There has recently been a lot of matches I've been playing with killers just being AFK and not playing the game making the experience extremely boring as a survivor.. I hope this situation can get monitored and hopefully we can end these types of matches
This is just 1 match of many matches I've encountered an AFK killer. It is an insult to our time and I think this shouldn't be allowed especially in an online game VS real people. please look into this situation BHVR
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I believe AFKing is reportable though, since people can abuse it to get Iridescent Shards and BHVR does not like that.
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I wonder how many reports one should get for them to take a note
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I'm on nintendo switch (console) so I don't think they will take console reports serious. I can post many many more proofs of AFKer's but there is no point in doing it. I just hope they do something about it because it's totally selfish and unfair for other online players who have a limited time on their schedules to be wasting it on unentertaining things like these scenarios.
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In all fairness, it's DbD on the Switch... It runs just as smoothly as a car with squares for wheels... I dont think many people, including BHVR, care enough to do anything about it
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I think this is due to the release of a new archive, so that before the release of the new archive, opponents come across low MMR, now the archive is out, there will be an increase in experience collectors