Free character(s) to try each week

Idea/request: Make a killer & survior (or multiple) free to try for a week or weekend, then after the period of time the character goes back to un-purchased and a new character becomes free to try (each week). Probably makes the most sense for killers due to their power.
1) Gives the player a chance to try out a character they may want to buy. Maybe even attach a sale to incentivize
2) Gives the player base a chance to play against those characters a little more. Most recent characters and licensed characters are uncommon/rare to encounter while playing so the player base doesn't get a chance to practice against (or just experience) them.
There was something like that in the past in the form of offerings, however they were eventually retired for reasons unknown.
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Something like this and if the perks in the Shrine had a similar choice it would be nice. There's a nice handful of killer I want to try out but don't want to fully commit to to the purchase if they'll gather dust.
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I wish the splinters stayed, dumb to remove them just because we can earn killers. They take SO long because of the price, that it'd be really nice if newer players could still play test them prior to spending hundreds of games worth of shards on one.