Idea for a Nurse add-on

What if The Nurse was given an add-on that greatly nerfed/changed completely her blinks but raised her base speed a bit. That way people who only want to unlock her teachables or use her for a daily/tome challenge could just use her as a m1 killer instead of having to deal with all the frustration that is learning how to be able to do anything effective with her.
just a thought I had, figured it could at least make for a good discussion.
and that one green addon
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Well i guess that shows how much I know about Nurse. Still think that Matchbox should be a more common rarity, seems like it has a more negative effect for people who use her enough to get multiple iridescences.
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The build
spasmodic breath + matchbox (or other addon, for ex. range or recharge)
and anti-pallet or vault skills 😍