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So, 2 free survivor perks are base... when can we see killer get the same treatment?



  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited October 2022

    I also have an idea that each extra check point completed, the next section progress faster.

    For the math, if survivors do section 1 of 6 Gen (180sec) and section 2 of 5 Gen (120sec), total of 300sec.

    It would be the same to survivor do section 1 of 5 Gen (150sec) and section 2 of 5 Gen (150sec), total of 300sec).

    The idea is

    • Encourage survivors to spread Gen, so later sections are easier to work on.
    • x3 regression to give Gen kick meaningful
    • Prevent 3 Gens play
    • Check points to make Gen kick not op
    • Check point & later section boost can help remaining survivors because a section can only take 18sec to complete, even if one early tunneled out.


    If killer decides to only patrol Gen 1-2-3 to make 3 Gens play. Survivors can complete section 1-2 of Gen 4. Because 6 Gens has section 1 complete, Gen 1-2 only take 24sec to complete section 2.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    BHVR’s data showed kill rates are highest in mid-high to high MMR.

  • Member Posts: 143

    Why do you think that if survivors got two perks basekit, killers need these as well? What counts is not WHICH changes each side gets. You dont have to give both sides the same treatment, as long as both sides get the same results out of their unique treatment. Killers got an overall buff, thus raising the killrate to 60%. Survivors got two perks basekit. That is a way better thing to do to balance the game.

    Think about it like this: if you give survivors two strong perks basekit, and then retrospectively killers two strong perks basekit, did you rebalance anything? No, you just buffed both sides by the same amount, so the game has the exact same problem as before. But if you give both sides something unique, you can adjust their strenght independantly.

    Its like saying: oh, but killers have a special power, when do survivors get one?

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I know... But it still takes longer for a Gen to regress due to the extra charges

    .25 on 80 charges is still faster then .25 on 90 charges

    progression works the same way...

    Survivors don't want to sit on Gens (even though it's their objective) so 90 charges isn't that good of a change vs 80 charges

  • Member Posts: 592

    killers do not need any extra help. The game is already to easy for us. With soloq being busted as hell how are you having any difficulty at all. Maybe you need to stop tunneling and start applying map pressure. Excessive tunneling is why BT became basekit, there is only a few circumstances where tunneling a survivor out is needed and if your in one of those bt doesn't stop you from doing it.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Yeah ok, but my hypothetical situation still works, imagine applying and 8 stack of STBFL on spirit or blight

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    I don't agree or disagree, i've won many games because of a 3 gen, survs argue killers need to be careful what hooks they use, i think that same should apply to what gens survs repair.

    My changes would be to make a gen regress when not being repaired to one of your percentage points, and/or prevent survs from 0.1 sec repair to stop a regression.

    Granted it's harder to stop a 3 gen for survs as you can't control what others repair, (on solo anyway) but i think that more so shows that they need a emote wheel.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    First it has to be noted that those changes are meant to make tunnelling much less effective and attractive, something that does require pretty drastic changes to accomplish, and something that as I've said would of course have to be compensated for with buffs to other aspects of killer gameplay since the game simply isn't balanced for the idea of getting your first kill nine hooks into a match, not when both sides are comparable in skill and experience. A few of the killer characters can do that, but even those not very consistently.

    I think having the 10 seconds of unhook protection be invincibility instead of endurance is important because currently, the killer can just hit the survivor off hook instantly and nullify BT, OTR and DH all at once, as well as things like Adrenaline, Renewal, For The People, and Styptics/Syringes. Hard-tunnelling killers will simply hit off hook and keep chasing without a lot of distance made, and so while the unhook endurance has thankfully rid us of "farming off hook", it has not made tunnelling any less prevalent (if anything it is more prevalent now, with DS having been nerfed). With invincibility instead, killers would have to always wait out the 10 seconds if they want to tunnel, and then still deal with potential anti-tunnelling perks.

    But you're right, the unhooked survivor's collision and hit boxes should definitely be removed during those 10 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Killers received an entire patch. Your objective is to hook survivors and you don't go after the one that just did the unhook? Skill issue, perhaps.

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