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Milk And Cookies Achievement Bugged

When you open basement chest, and take the item out, it doesn't count towards achievement, not sure if this happens on console but happens on Steam. It is stuck at 25/30. Pls Fix.
On PS5 too, stuck on 25/30 .
I hope you fix it soon :(
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yep, thats where its stuck for me on pc
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Yeah same with the ps4 version , no one got this trophy/achievement since the 27th of August
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Don’t forget about this bug, it’s very annoying. Fix it next patch please
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I did 2 years before so .....
But just a simple challenge and being broken is annoying
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bugged for me too... hope they fix it soon
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Reminder to fix it :)
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On the Xbox Series version of the game and the achievement is stuck at 42 or 43 %. Just throwing this out there to let people know it seems to be an all platforms issue. Hopefully they fix this soon so I can get 100% in this game!!
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I've decided to be one of those annoying people you see in comment sections everywhere lol. Day 1 of asking for this to be fixed!
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same here lol sometimes persistence is necessary
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Bug has been acknowledged by bhvr. They are planning on fixing it.
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Oh that's a massive W! I think I'm still gonna continue to do it just for the fun of it lol, at least until the next patch or two when it is fixed haha.
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Is this fixed with the new update?
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IDK i didnt see anything in patch notes, maybe it got shadowfixed?
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I don’t think it’s fixed, I did a lot of games going for it and nothing, but I guess it’s still too soon to figured it out, plus if it was fixed they would close this thread or something. This and Survivor Treasures have been bugged well over a month now :(
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Yup I was right, not fixed. Behavior for the love of god please fix it next patch!!
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Reminder that this is still a thing
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Day 28 of asking this to be fixed
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Bruh these once a month patches aint cutitng it, how does something this simple go unfixed for this long
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When I saw that 6.3.1 was only a bug fix patch I was hopeful that this would get fixed. However after reading through the full patch notes there’s nothing that mention this bug. Not even in the acknowledged section of it. It might have been shadow fixed, will test it and let you know soon.
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Can confirm this is not fixed. Cmon Behaviour it has been almost 2 months since this bug arised, it needs to go. Isn't it an easy fix? At least lets us know if you're working on it or better a ETA for a fix.
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For some reason my previous comments were deleted so I stopped doing the day 1 of asking, day 2 of asking, etc. Hopefully this comment does not get taken down. I am still hoping that we can raise enough awareness to get this fixed! After the mid chapter and recent bug fix I had high hopes that between the two updates this bug would have seen a fix. Unfortunately that isn't the case, and the best we can do is hope that the next patch for bug fixes takes care of this one. Since the last time I was on this post I notice that some more people have been commenting which is awesome because it brings more attention to this issue. Lets hope for that fix soon!
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Hoping so much that Behaviour fixes this next patch!!
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They "acknowledged" this bug in this thread, it has probably the most views, replies and upvotes yet bugpatch didnt fix it. I just find it weird.
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Commenting to unbury this still relevant thread and hopefully bring attention to it.
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Doing the same thing as above.
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I can't believe even with 2 back to back bug fixing patches this hasn't been addressed with the ammount of players this affects. It affects literally EVERYONE. This bug is now 2 months old so my question to you BEHAVIOUR TM is are you waiting for it to be 1 year so you can buy this bug a cake and sing it happy birthday? Or do you just hate trophy hunters in general? Cmon this has been acknowledge on 20th of September and other bugs with less upvotes that haven't been acknowledge are already fixed either for this patch or the previous one. Bugs that are minor and only affect 0.1% of players are fixed. Get your priorities straight!
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The best we can do right now is hope that the release of 6.4.0 and the new chapter will fix this! :)
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I dont have my hopes high but if they dont fix it what i know is that a lot of people will be dissapointed.
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Hey, I just want to point out that the Survival Treasures trophy is bugged in the exact same way on PS4/5. It's been broken since the exact same date (August 30th). It's even more of a problem as this trophy is actually required for the platinum... Technically this means the game's platinum has been unobtainable for almost two months now if you didn't have this trophy yet. That is a huge red flag for trophy hunters. A disclaimer was recently added to the game's guide on PSNProfiles. My friend and I were looking forward to starting this game, but obviously we'll stay the hell out of it until this is properly fixed.
Anyway, if you read this could you please go and upvote the related report as well ? As opposed to this one, the bug about Survival Treasures is not even ACKNOWLEDGED yet, ffs...
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Yeah and theres more. The Evil Incarnate and a lot of the adept killers trophies and possibly more, so thats like 5 trophies bugged atm.
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Please fix this next patch!
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Don’t forget about this
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Please fix this in when the new killer comes out
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There's nothing in the patch notes that mentions achievement bugs. Looks like this bugs gonna be staying around for a while
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Major patch soon please adress this and other trophies/achiements bugs
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Does anyone know any other way to contact BHV? It seems this one doesn't work...
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I don't want to gloat but I wasn't expecting to have that achievement done 😅I guess its a relatively new issue
Hope they fix it for y'all
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Yeah thanks, but the issue is anything but new now. This pesky little bug is almost 3 months old and by that age all bugs should have been exterminated.
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I recently started trying to achievement hunt for this game on pc and of course theres a bug for one of the easier ones for me to do. BHVR Please see this and fix it I'm begging!
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What can we do to get the devs attention?
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No idea but if someone has the solution I'm interested because they give no answer to the distress of the players who suffer the bug
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Bumping this since it’s still bugged two months later as well as other trophies like “Survival Treasure” & “Raccoon City Recruit”
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With the new chapter coming tomorrow Im making a last attempt to bump this thread so hopefully it can remind the devs its a problem.
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The chapter is coming at November 22nd, today it's the 16th.
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Ok even more time for them to be working on bugs so I see it as a win
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List of all achievements bugged/unobtainable that need to be fixed:
*Milk and Cookies -bugged
*Evil incarnate -bugged
*Devoted Gatekeeper -bugged
*The Grand Sacrifice -bugged
*Survival Treasures -bugged
*All aboard -map is out of rotation due to a bug
*Happy Holidays -mystery boxes no longer appear in blood web
they have their work cut out for them. Many of us in the community have been waiting so long for these to be fixed. Hope they can get it done in a timely manner.
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here is a nice summary, do we know if all the list is recognized by the devs?