Weskers Anti-Loop is not good enough

As well as the survivor uploading videos like ''How to counter Wesker'' I ask the pro killer mains of you: how to counter God-Looper with Wesker. I really only have the problem with Weskers antiloop. With Spirit e.g. I rarely have problems with looping. But then I see killers on YouTube who destroy loopers with Wesker. But in what feels like every lap, my Wesker is useless. Do you have any advice for me?
I don’t main killer but here’s something I guess . you have to be considerate of your speed , spirit and wesker are no comparison in speeds to each other , spirit is just so much faster . You are a slower killer just to adapt to his lunge, so keep that in mind . Other than that , idk man just keep up the good games 🙂
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Wesker is just weak. Hes good against bad players but as soon as the survivors know how to run short loops he cant do anything... Just dont play him. Its sad but he dont have any anti loop.
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Currently most picked killer with highest killrate in top MMR. And you call him weak? I don't think there is anything more to add
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This doesnt mean anything if you count on that nurse isnt the strongest killer. I dont say weskers cant win against bad people or solo q people. But he dont have anything to end loops faster then break the pallet. Thats makes him in loop situation even worst then clown or Trapper. Hes good in open space but good people dont move in open space anyway.
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He's just fun to play tbh.
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His anti loop is not good. You let the survivors throw a pallet and then use your power to zone them. Wesker is only good because of the infection (works as a slowdown) combined with his zoning ability between strong tiles. I still love him, but he's also map dependent.
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Wesker is strong at zoning between tiles, has good map mobility, and can simply vault over safe pallets at medium to long length loops to get a hit. Plus his infection acts as decent indirect gen slowdown since it forces survivors to run around using sprays over and over or risk being 8% slower movement and instant downable. On top of which he’s the most picked killer and has above average kill rates at all brackets in both the dev stats and on Nightlight.
He definitely does not need a buff.
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The stats exluded dc:t which lowers nurse kill rates significantly. There is usually one dc from my team when I play agains't her.
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There was a showmatch between a comp team and I think also a comp Killer player playing Wesker... And even at that level the Wesker performed quite good... So I really wouldn't go as far as calling his antiloop weak... He can basically guarantee a hit at shack as well as the long wall and short wall jungle gyms, but cannot really use his power on rather round loops like the ones on ormond... I would say he is quite a good killer.
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Not true. High elo weskers are able to get hits on many obstacles where most other killers have no chance (sure enough 2 large L-shaped rocks with 1 pallet is not it). If we add into this his slowdown and movement, I fully get why his kill rate is so high. This does not even take into account how easy it is to tunnel with him. Sorry but you want to buff killer with literally highest pick AND kill rate in high MMR - because you call him weak.
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can simply vault over safe pallets at medium to long length loops to get a hit
Every time I have tried pallet vaulting a strong looper that understood good position, I never got close enough to get an m1 hit out of it. He has 12 second cooldown for both virulent bound charges and distanced travel is not that huge. I would not call his ability good map mobility.
I would say what carries wesker is his ability to dash hit survivors between loops and his 4vs1 infection. he could use some improvements on his cooldown and improvements to his pallet play. dropping strong safe pallet should not be impossible to mindgame with his ability. I still wish that he could vault pallets and use his 2nd bound after vaulting for more gameplay at dropped pallet. lower cooldown would also help. he is by no means bad, but could be better.
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If Wesker were much better than he is right now he'd be too strong. I think you're underestimating the value of his infections and also underestimating his mobility and the value of his being able to get hits from across normally very safe pallets.
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i do not think he would be too strong. I do think he would be top 3 killer contender if he was a bit stronger.
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Wesker is not an Anti Looper unless you are lucky.
Wesker is strongest when he has a clear shot with his power.
EDIT: What you do as Wesker is you just m1 at a loop.
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He already is. What you propose would make him more broken then best nurses. 0 counterplay. Not healthy
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I am pretty sure that a strong team will still be able to defeat him, but the killer gameplay would have more gameplay options.
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His strength is not anti-loop.
Nor do I think he needs anti-loops.