Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

EAC on Steam Deck / Proton / Linux



  • Member Posts: 25

    Not true, the binaries are downloaded, else the loader would hang...

    Devs, not only DbD, shouldn't be forced to do this, just to run a game on Deck.

  • Member Posts: 11

    But they're not being forced. The community requested it, Behavior agreed to support it. But its been a year, so we as a community are frustrated that they've seemingly put us to the back of the queue. They're a business at the end of the day and since they don't seem to care too much about supporting the deck/linux in general, they need to hear our frustration, otherwise it'll just never happen.

  • Same tbh. This is my favorite game.

    It's still on GFN, but the input lag is horrible. Much worse than Stadia. A lot of people treated Stadia as a joke, but it had the best technology of any of the game streaming services.

    I finally deleted my Windows partition after DBD promised Linux support. All of my other games run these days, and quite a few of them actually run better on Linux/Proton than they do on Windows. It'll be a happy day when DBD actually runs without requiring a $160 piece of bloated, glorified spyware.

    DBD mobile is absolute garbage. If I want to play DBD on mobile, I link my Ipega controller to my phone and fire up the Stadia version.

    I don't know what fictions are being tossed around about EAC these days, but it no longer requires the newer versions of EAC with EOS to allow for Linux support. Epic now allows you to use the older versions of EAC with Proton by simply opting in with a button.

    Perhaps DBD started migration to the newer version of EAC before Epic reversed their decision and allowed that to happen, but it's not necessary anymore.

    I think the real issue is that getting it Steam Deck Verifiedβ„’ is not easy, and they're not content to just silently enable EAC support in the background. They want a big, official announcement, and they probably have to have a lot of business meetings and discussions before it can happen. It's sadly obviously not their biggest priority, but they're working on it, as evidenced by the fact that Linux EAC libraries now exist for DBD, even if they're not functional.

    I agree. Some of the mods seem to be getting annoyed by these threads, but I think the last official response anyone got was something along the lines of, "If enough people want it, it will happen," so we need to keep pushing these threads in the meantime to let them know that it's important to some of us.

    At least they should allow us to run DBD in a VM if they won't enable support yet for whatever reason. I've heard that DBD's EAC kicks you out if you try to run it in a virtual machine, and there are ways to hide the fact from EAC by making the VM look like bare metal to the OS, but it's not worth risking my account to try,

  • Member Posts: 34

    Postponing things for a few months is fine. Problem comes when it goes past a year, and there is no update or communication from the team.

    Once we have more than two things they announce, back track or procastinate on fixing it starts looking bad.

    * We were promised cross progression for console and pc.

    * Then they said only switch but no timeline. How long has it been?

    * We were told steam deck support would come but just not on launch. One year later still no update or info of progress or what is holding it back.

    * Then account merging was disabled, and no update had been given until we got the stadia closing news.

    Good things have been done and people are happy about it, but the lack of communication with the community about the other stuff is an issue.

  • Member Posts: 25
    edited October 2022

    Well there were also a few Problems:

    1. In the beginning, it took the devs a while to figure out how you enable it for the Deck, and they added the needed .so files.
    2. Then EAC support for DbD was kinda broken in Proton and no one was aware of it until some community members mentioned it.
    3. Now the EAC part on the Linux side is broken, and it must be investigated... The module is there ( , so yeah... need to be patient.

    They are working on it. πŸ˜‰

  • Member Posts: 48

    Have you ever seen "how to enable eac" tutorial? It's right there on official steam site.

    And what kind of issue thar occurs only for dbd but not other games that already work on deck with eac?

    What about few words from devs about current implementation status?

    I don't need your answers but ask these questions for yourself

  • Member Posts: 11

    How do you know they're even working on it? The latest update was an email to a user on protondb, telling them that enough people ask for it, then it'll probably get implemented. You seem very eager to let them off the hook, without any evidence to back your claims up.

  • Member Posts: 34
    edited October 2022

    I mean we could always leave a review with the score based on the steam deck lack of support and mention these concerns there as well

    Post edited by Mrfirepotato on
  • Member Posts: 11

    I'm not interested in review-bombing the game to make this point. I'm also not looking to piss Behavior off to the point where they refuse to bring support out of spite.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I think they are not going to do it, they are probably afraid of cheaters of something.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Still no proton/linux support. This is embarrassing. I could have implemented it in less than a day. Really pathetic.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Here is the easyanticheat website where we can specify and inquiere about Linux and specifically steam deck and mention it is not working.

    Maybe if they get several reports they will try and work around the issue and we can finally enjoy dbd on steam os and not have to install windows, cause in all honesty it takes you out of the entire experience of games cause you have to boot separately to load the game.

  • Member Posts: 6,349

    Could you also help them with the piss-poor optimization? If so I'll pass around the hat and take up a collection to compensate ya! ;)

  • Member Posts: 97

    this game die, before can run on linux

    go out, guys. we don't need bhvr

  • Member Posts: 34

    It's getting noticed by other websites for the lack of support on the Steam Deck... Hopefully it brings some attention for it to be prioritized

  • Member Posts: 48

    Honestly, what is the deal?

    Rule number one of any good games studio is communication. The radio silence is just off putting at this stage.

    Steam deck has shipped 1 million+ units. That's a decent sized market to support alone, never mind Linux users in general like myself.

    I switched to Linux after putting up with years of MS rubbish. Now I can't play one of the few multiplayer games I still enjoy and the developers/publishers/community managers just don't seem to care. If you didn't promise Steamdeck support it would be fine, We'd have to deal with it. But the fact you told us it would happen then just ignore it, is insulting. Let's not even get started on how easy it is to actually implement!

    Forget the red tape and give us an update....

    We are paying customers, some of use have spent hundreds on this game. At least respect us by giving us some type of update.

  • Member Posts: 27

    I haven't yet spent hundreds on DBD, but as a completionist at heart, it would be hard to resist spending hundreds on my favorite survivor if the game was actually playable on deck instead of getting stuck at the loading screen with EAC initialization errors.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Completely agree with you. For me it shows such a lack of profesionalism to say something, not deliver, postpone things with no timeframe nor updates and continue as if nothing happened.

    Gives me overwatch flashbacks and how Blizzard handled the whole mess and the playerbase was upset at the lack of info updates.

    Steam Deck with Windows is such a terrible gaming experience I just decides not to boot Windows on it again and move on to play other games there. It takes you out of the entire experience and steals the magic of the whole handheld concept. Like your games cant live in the same OS and its very off-putting.

    Having said that, I've realized I'm playing dbd more of a sporadic gaming experience and not dedΓ­cate so much time and money on it.

  • Member Posts: 7

    One day… Surely…

  • Member Posts: 48

    You would of thought so, but at this point I'm not even sure we'll get any announcement. Good or bad.

    O well, Just play other games I guess πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  • Member Posts: 413

    Wish the devs would give some word on this. I'm eagerly waiting for support.

  • Member Posts: 48

    Many people are. All we can do is wait, Keep this thread alive and hope.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2022

    Hello everyone, this is my first post in the DBD forum so sorry if I make any mistakes.

    But basically, just like all of you, I would really want dead by daylight to be playable on the Steam Deck. I had the idea of submitting a request to BHVR regarding Steam Deck compatibility because I thought that was the best way to have my voice reached. I don't know if submitting a request is a good idea but I think that we all should submit one to increase the pressure and hopefully be listened. I did got an answer fairly quickly from the support team, though obviously they don't have any power, at least they told me that they were going to "forward" the request to the team. Here is both my request and the support team response (I really tried to sound as respectful and serious as possible lol):

    "Hi BHVR team, hope you are having a wonderful day.

    First of all, I will start this request by saying that I love this game (almost 1,000 hours on it), and have been pretty happy with the recent updates. I wanted to submit this request however, regarding the compatibility in Dead By Daylight on the Steam Deck. As you may know, the Steam Deck is already reaching millions of users who have been looking to play their favorite Steam and PC games in a handheld device, especially for those who travel or move around a lot, including myself. Lately, almost all games on Steam and PC have been completely compatible and playable for Steam Deck users, however, I have noticed that Dead By Daylight has fallen behind on this trend and you can't even load into the lobby on the Steam Deck. I can imagine that many people have been looking to play DBD on the Steam Deck but are very frustrated just like me, in fact, there are many discussions here just like this one ( regarding Steam Deck compatibility, and as you can see, people comment on this discussion almost daily demanding at least some answers from the BHVR team and proving that many people are expecting answers from you. I believe that we as consumers deserve at least to be listen and that's why I'm making this request. Also, I'm very frustrated from the fact that almost all games have released updates for Steam Deck compatibility, but BHVR has seemed to forgot about it since they mentioned it a while ago. I'm looking forward to play one my favorite games on the Steam Deck anytime soon; or at least have some news about the topic.


    Jorge H. (Steam ID = Jorge6345)"

    "Hello there!


    I'm Caden from Dead by Daylight Support! I hope you are doing well!


    Thank you for taking the time writing to us about your concern for Dead by Daylight!

    I've carefully read your message and I'd like to thank you for sharing your feelings about Dead by Daylight's ompatibility for Steam Deck. 

    I understand that you love to play the game, and that you want to play wherever you go with the handheld device. I'd like to thank you for your feedback on this.


    In regards to a status update about the Steam Deck compatibility, I would like to let you know that we currently have no information to share on this from the Support Team. However I have taken note of your concern and have forwarded this so that it can be noticed and further looked into. While this is the case, I am not able to inform you as to when the team may have an update on this. Thank you for your understanding. One thing we can promise however, is that we will continue to work hard to improve the players' gaming experience.


    For future updates, you may check out our official DBD Forums or BHVR Twitter as well.


    We sincerely hope you to continue being a part of the Dead by Daylight community!


    In case you encounter any issues, have any questions, or simply want to share your opinion and feedback, please feel free let us know! We're always happy to hear from our players!


    Take care in The Fog!


    Post edited by Jorge_6345 on
  • Member Posts: 34

    It's never gonna come to steam deck guys... What a disappointment

  • Member Posts: 19

    Thank you for sending a respectful request. Topics surrounding Linux gaming can get a little toxic at times.

  • Member Posts: 48

    They promised support and have choose to give zero updates to their paying customers, Is that not toxic? I'm not saying being toxic over a game is right, not in the slightest. But they haven't exactly painted themselves in the best colour, never mind Linux users.

  • Member Posts: 7

    private server doesn't use EAC, maybe we can play there ?

  • Member Posts: 48
  • Member Posts: 46


  • Member Posts: 46


  • Member Posts: 786

    while i appreciate your fervor, let's not jump the gun until you can play through one match successfully on Linux. :)

  • Member Posts: 786

    hi @Mandy, it's been awhile. has there been any movement on this feature? has the news about shutting down Stadia impacted this process at all?

    Any update you can provide would be most appreciated. Thank you.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,598

    I'm sorry but there is no further update from our end, it's still something we're planning on doing but we do not have a timeline that I can share at this stage.

  • Member Posts: 786

    I understand. Thank you, Mandy. Have a great weekend!

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,598

    you too, and sorry I do not have more news. As soon as I do get some (and this is something that I check in with the team about regularly), I will share it.

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2022
    Post edited by Dad_ on
  • Member Posts: 5

    Hi all,

    I tried to play the game: now it seems that you can arrive to the menu, it's a nice progress!

    Anyway, it seems that I cannot join any public match as survivor, when I enter the lobby and everyone is ready, during the starting of the match it keep saying: "a player disconnected", I didn't try anything else.

    At least now I can launch the game to redeem my codes from Twitch lol.

    It's a nice progress, I'm happy, but it would be better if you can play as on Windows :)

    I'll keep an eye on this

  • Member Posts: 48

    Keeping us updated??!?!?

    To get any response you have to tag the community manager? even then the response is "NOTHING". Bearing in mind it's their jobs to read the forums/social media and give updates, to communicate. You class having to manually tag them to get ANY response "updating us"?

    I appreciate they're people and probably have their hands tied, they might even want the same features we've waited for. But that doesn't excuse the lie they told. O wait it's not a lie, they're hiding behind the 'We didn't say when' BS πŸ™„

    Nah what you just got was a red tape response which translates to "We have another broken AF killer to release (Coming from a Nurse main!) and money to make before we bother supporting a platform our current players politely waited for after being told, YES we'll support it"

    Means absolutely nothing but I'm uninstalling on console (which is awful BTW!) and just playing other games at this point. What a slap in the face.

  • Member Posts: 48

    lol? Want to explain this?

    I stand by everything I wrote, if you think that's toxic you should keep off the internet and protect your soul.

    Not everyone is a raging 10 year old. Text can be typed in more ways than just angrily smashing a keyboard.

    Not toxic, fed up is the term I'd use. After finally seeing a CM post, you get told 'nah, dunno, got nothing for ya'. That's not an update, which isn't the CMs fault, that's BHVR showing they probably drip feed them information too.

    Is getting an actual update like 'We are still working on it, it is still coming', 'We're sorry but we're unable to do it' or 'Not enough players are interested so it's a waste of resources' too much to ask for? No instead we're left in limbo with literally no information and support telling you 'If enough players show interest'.

    But hey we can always just tag people and say 'Lol' and offer nothing. The silver lining is it bumps the thread πŸ‘Œ

  • Member Posts: 15

    Can confirm, the game loads up and you can do everything except playing a match.

    The tutorial works fine with impeccable performance.

    In the next patch we will be able to play against survivor bots, since no EAC is required.


  • Member Posts: 22

    Me too! I was so happy to be finally able to access the stuff I paid for! Last time I played there was no option to set up multiple outfits so I prepared 1-3 outfits of choice for the characters for when they enable matchmaking. I feel like this outcome means it's near. I wish they considered a temporary option of matchmaking us only vs each other. Hell, even make a no-EAC matchmaking. I'd happily play vs potential cheaters if it meant I could play at all.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Its been a while since I haven't played the game and probably will continue this way.

    I loved DBD and spent a TON of money, twice for that matter, since I left all my stuff from the switch for stadia and now was planning on moving to steam.

    But the lack of support for the steamdeck is tiresome. The lentghy wait times to get a response, which when they do give one and has no real answer or details, the lack of communication from the team with their players, the zero interaction with the community (aside from their VIP fog whisperers and streamers) , makes me wonder if it's even worth my time and money.

    Eversince I stopped playing, ive bought a ton of games from sites with bundles and discounted prices that work on the steam deck and skipped this dlc, skins and will not be buying the new killer or whatever characters come out from now on. Try some hidden gems, Zelda Is coming next year and other nice games are being ported to the deck. If our voices are just ignored, Im sure our pockets would talk louder if we all stuck together.

  • Member Posts: 97

    nice news! I can confirm good performance! we want wait new step from BHVR

  • Member Posts: 41
    edited November 2022

    Sadly it stopped working for me like 3 hours ago, is anyone having the same problem?

    Post edited by aragami on
  • Member Posts: 48

    I'm still able to get to the menu etc. Still kicked when trying to join a multiplayer game. Tutorials work perfectly fine everything seems stable. Experimental Proton Arch linux (not steamdeck) Error 500

  • Member Posts: 27

    I'm actually able to play the tutorial now on my steam deck! Using the default proton which for me is 7.0-4. Surprising considering the radio silence here. Hopefully multiplayer matches will be enabled soon...

  • Member Posts: 41

    Tried to reinstall and fix EAC client with no success.

    Removing the EAC folder in the game directory and verifying the game files did solve the problem.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Pro tip: Don't forget to install "Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime" from your steam library if it didn't install automatically. I was having the unable to instantiate eac error when I tried to play on my laptop until I did that, I guess it was already installed on my steam deck.

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