more hand holding

i dont see why the devs need to make fl saves easier when everyone else up to this point had to learn how to do it
Idk why did they add time on gens ?
Why dh and ds changes ?
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That change isn't nearly as bad as some killers expect it to be. First of all, we still don't know what the changed timing will actually look like. The devs mentioned a 0.25 second buffer after the animation to make it easier especially for "newer" players. But in the PTB you could blind the killer 0.01 seconds after the start of the pick up animation and still get the save in the end. But even if it is supposed to work that way: More flashlights also means potentially less survivors on gens. That's a possibility I'm very happy to accept.
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Awesome, can’t wait to chase a survivor around the 72 safe pallets on Gideon and finally down them just to have another survivor hold a button down and reset the chase.
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I mean why’d they change flashlights to begin with? It wasn’t really about accessibility because there are still features of the game that may provoke seizures.
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With locker saves being removed most of those survivors will probably start genrushing and running a perk like flashbang for saves so they don't have to worry about franklins or the killer knowing they have one to look out for, also the new perks encourage genrushing so you'll probably be seeing a lot of that kind of stuff for at least a month after it drops on live servers
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All hail our lord and saviour Lightborn 😎
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Expanding the window of time to flashlight save was always gonna be a bad idea. I guess the devs don't play that much, or they would have realized that unearned, mis-timed flashlight saves happen all the time. Still getting blinded by people who clearly did it too late or were off-screen.
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The devs like to hold both of their children's hands at the same time =)
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I also think making the game easier for newer players is always a very bad decision. To try to make people with less skill compete better, how does that even make sense? You practice for a reason.
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Lightborn is a very useless perk, unless you're going against people who do locker-saves.
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With regards to the recent PTB, the timing on there was bugged as it definitely allowed the blinds to happen too early.
Part of the reasoning for adding the buffer is to allow for latency, as we all know when latency is present what the survivor sees is not necessarily the position the killer is in, and as timing is key for the flashlight blind to go through and get the save, which is why we often see reports of bugs where on the survivor side the timing is pretty much perfect however latency has said otherwise - by having the buffer in place, that should resolve that issue as well as helping out some newer players.
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I think its a good deal having the locker tech removed in exchange for more forgiving flashlight saves.
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I thought that was exactly how server validation worked, and that we were told server validation was fair?
Can this latency buffer also be applied to killer grabs, because timing is key for that too? Grabs are currently very survivor sided, because making a grab attempt is killer client validated, but the grab itself is server validated, which means the window for a successful killer grab is smaller than the window a survivor is doing a grabbable action.
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There isn't server validation on flashlights at this present time - I do not have information if that will be a thing in future either.
And I understand your frustration on grabs, pretty sure survivors have the same frustration on window vaults as well!
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So what you are saying is that we shouldn't solve any problem untill we can solve all of them at once?
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I have no problems with that. Just another reason to play Lightborn and laugh at survivors when they try to blind me or to use Starstruck and enjoy the salt when you chain your downs because somebody wanted to flashy safe...Killers will adapt and with locker blinds removed I have no issue. You have to be aware of your surroundings.
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I think Locker Blinds being removed was an excellent choice as there was nothing the killer could do in those situations as they were heavily locked in animation and with many lockers being doubles together this was something that was clearly problematic.
I'm happy to trade locker blinds for giving survivors a small buffer to the blind timing - as the save is something I can do something about whereas locker blinds I couldn't.
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For players that were inexperienced with the flashlight saves, it was a straight buff as I doubt they are going for locker saves. For players that have a handle on flashlights, its a straight nerf. In my opinion, they could keep lockersaves in the game but grant the killer a short blind immunity whenever they are blinded. Maybe 5-10 seconds. This could still prevent duos from using double lockers to grant themselves invincibility on a technicality.
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As a survivor I’ve had several times where I’ve vaulted out a window, been almost to the ground the killer reached and grabbed me and pulled me back up and through the window.
latency issues on the killer side benefits them greatly.
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some of that is not latency - the killer is able to grab through a window and hit through a window if the survivor is not far enough away.
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It's those medium vaults that always get me!
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and what is wrong with having it easyer accssable for newer players?
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The problem with Locker saves is that unlike pickup saves, if the Killer chases the person with the Flashlight, the Survivor in the Locker can get out of the Locker while still healthy/Injured and are not on the ground dying. They don’t need to recover or crawl away. And the Killer cannot put a survivor into the dying state if they’re in the Locker either since the only way to interact with them is to perform a grab.
It’s a lose lose situation for Killer since if you go for the grab you get blinded, and if you go for the Flashlight user the whole chase with the survivor who hopped in the Locker was a wash.
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lol if you let a survivor with a flashlight to get an angle, you ether picked up stupidly or got outplayed. The buffer simply makes it so the killer doesn't get off for free due to lag or minor screw up.
Also locker saves got taken away. This is a great change you should be happy to trade a minor buffer for the ability to be invincible at 2 lockers
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I'll take 4 flashlights over 4 green medkits any day.
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Recently got this perk from Shrine of Secrets and the first time I equipped it I was against 4 flashlights, oml seeing them panic while backing away from me at the pallet when they realised their flashlight brigade tactics weren't going to work was euphoric.
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And less medkits.
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Welcome to our circle brother/sister 🤝
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Locker blinds being removed, in whole. removes MY bloodlust. I enjoy being blinded by a survivor when im searching a survivor in a locker. Especially that i have a basement bubba build.
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So, if latency issues are being fixed, I'm gonna ask: when will we see Doctor's shocks being validated?
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would you rather go against 4 medkits and toolboxes?
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bruv just look at a wall
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Nothing, Just don't think it was necessary