New Survivors Need Killer Bots ASAP

Warning my english is bad
Can survivors get a few killer bots soon? The learning curve is a little steep for new survivors
I still see new survivors ______
●grab off gens by wraith. 0_0
●camping pallets vs trickster…..
●running in plain sight at start of the match vs Myers :(
Both new killers and survivors must learn the majority of perks on each side to get a good understanding of the game. But the survivor also needs to learn the ins and outs of nearly 30 different killers and the proper counterplay to their power. This usually takes a few encounters. Which results in countless losses due to lack of knowledge. While a new killer player would usually pick and stick with ONE person to get decent at.
(which is not easy but far less time consuming than a survivor i feel)
By surviving it is not complicated to counter all the killers.
One strategy:
- move away from the killer and hide.
That's all.
I am generalizing but apart from deactivating the Trapper's and Hag's traps when you come across them, you have nothing else to do while surviving to resist a killer.
We are not going to teach you how to use the walls to slow down the killers, you already know how to do it.
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Very general advice that has quite a lot of exceptions.
E.g. you can't hide against doctor so you shouldn't really even try to do that. You don't loop meyers, you block los instead. You loop nurse in totally different way. Don't throw that pallet against trickster or huntress, but do so when injured against deathslinger. Use everything possible to prevent first hit from oni, but otherwise try to save very safe resources (like god pallets) for later stages of the game.
And there are specifics like these for every killer - sometimes quite different specifics if some addon is used
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My suggestion would be at minimum, add the current Trapper Bot to be selectable in customs as soon as possible, even if additional killer bots are a ways off, just to allow survivors to load into various maps to better learn map layouts and try various perk combos.