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Game disconnected teammate, could see killers load out

Member Posts: 8,332

During a match the game disconnected my teammate, it also said the killer DC'd and he could see the killers load out. According to my teammate the game pretty much froze for him, he could see movement around him but he couldn't move/do anything just before getting disconnected. I wasn't disconnected but I was in the middle of dying.

We played a normal match as 2SWF on Mother's Dwelling. I was first chased/hooked. After unhook a random in chase with the killer ran them directly at me so killer would chase/down me again - neither of the 2 randoms made an attempt to rescue me so I died on my second hook. While I was on hook my teammate was chased and downed. It was while he was being carried and I was about to die that he said he couldn't wiggle, none of his inputs were working. He then was disconnected and few seconds later I was food for the entity.

On my end game screen it only showed my teammate as DCing and I couldn't see the killers load out. My teammate luckily didn't receive a DC penalty but did miss out on the BP and challenge progress he would've had so far in the match.

Steps to recreate

1. PS4, crossplay on, 2SWF, public match on Mothers Dwelling.

2. Play normal and see if you randomly get disconnected.

Here is screenshot of his end game screen.

Screenshot from my end game screen.

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  • Member Posts: 8,332

    This happened a couple times again today to my swf teammate. Same thing, he was playing normal when all of a sudden he could no longer move his character, he was then booted to end game screen that showed him and the killer DC'd and could see the killers load out. Each time I was still in the match playing. It was against different killers than first time (Huntress and Knight) and different maps (Chapel and new one).

  • Member Posts: 76

    Was the error message "disconnected from host" cause I haven't been able to play for a good while cause of it and this is exactly what it does to me

  • Member Posts: 7

    Try to disable Killers challenge in Tome

  • Member Posts: 76

    I did that and it didn't work idk why this is such a common fix going around it just gives them more of a reason to dismiss the issue lol

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    First time when I made this post there was no error message, I'll check to see if he had any error messages on the recent ones.

  • Member Posts: 76

    Get back to me on that if there isn't it's probably the same thing with no error message does he get a matchmaking penalty

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    No penalty. The first time it happened on Friday we were able to head straight into a match. Today I was still in the matches for a bit and he restarted the game each time to see if that'd help so didn't check to see if there was a penalty - although I think today the penalty was turned off anyway thanks to the playstation cursor issue.

  • Member Posts: 76

    Lucky considering I get penalties so much because of the same issue lol

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    This is still happening to my swf teammate. Before when the game would kick him he wouldn't get a DC penalty when this happened but after this update he is now getting penalties. His internet is fine. He's tried uninstalling/reinstalling. Normally if you get booted due to internet or purposely DC you don't see the killers load out. He's tested purposely DCing and he didn't see the killers load out with a DC on purpose. With the game kicking him he sees the killers load out every single time because it shows the killer having DC'd too even though the match is still going.

    He gets kicked at random times in the match - sometimes it looks like beginning of game rage quit, sometimes it's mid match, and other times it's just as we're running out the door so he loses everything even though he played a full match. It's happened on different maps, against different killers, and him playing as different survivors/load outs.

  • Member Posts: 227

    This has sadly been a recurring bug for years.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,513

    This happens to me and my friend. One of us is on PS4, the other on Switch, we're on the same connection SWFing and we'll both get kicked at the exact same time. We don't lose internet connection, though, Dead by Daylight is the only thing that screws up. The end screen will make it look like that player and the killer both disconnected, and it will show the killer's perks. It really really sucks when that happens, because usually we've made a crapton of Bloodpoints and had a full match.

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