BBQ&C has ruined DBD

Please for the love of all that is holy remove it
3 survivors and 11 times a match
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At least you can hide in a locker. Without that it would be ridiculous.2
You can hide in lockers, behind generators, and there's a perk to counter it up to three times now. BBQ&C encourages killers to leave the hook by giving them their next place to pressure. You really shouldn't be complaining about it.
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@PubStar87 said:
Killers should not get to know where all 4 survivors are up to 12 times a matchPlease for the love of all that is holy remove it
To clarify, BBQ isn't even that bad of a perk to deal with. This perk by design encourages killers to leave the hook by being told where survivors are and granting them a stackable bonus in bloodpoints for each unique survivor hooked. Personally I'd say that the bloodpoints alone are a good enough reason for me to run the perk as it's excellent for cutting down the grind.
But sure, let's go over the aura reading - you're misinforming people who are looking at this post.
Out of the 12 times you will hook a survivor, only 11 of those times at most will actually mean anything as the 12th hook means everyone is dead. For the sake of simplicity I will only explain BBQ at tier 3. Whenever you hook a survivor it only allows you to see auras of people further than 40 meters away which does not count any other counters to the perk. This perk by definition is rewarding killers for doing well in a match and allows them to start their next chase sooner which is something the devs have said they wanted to aim for - more chases. Removing this perk only brings consequences as more killers will exclusively camp (more than what you see now anyways) and you only end up increasing the overall grind to the game itself which already requires a lot of grinding.Now, this perk also comes with a number of counters and they are the following ;
- Hide behind generators : This isn't a perfect counter as sometimes you aren't positioned right but it helps, infact whether it's intended or not, the aura color of generators actually is almost identical to the aura color of survivors as of 2.2.0 or otherwise chapter 9 which released the spirit.
- Mindgames : Play a game with the killer, be unpredictable. Count to four and then move in a totally different direction, a smart player can utilize this idea and make it work out (well, unless it's nurse but even then it's not impossible)
- Lockers : As of 2.4.0 which released the legion, you can just enter a locker and your aura will be hidden from any aura reading perk in the game.
- Distortion : This perk came out as of 2.4.0, you get 3 tokens and everytime your aura should've been shown it doesn't and you don't display scratch marks for 10 seconds. You of course lose a token everytime your aura is blocked, use them right!
- Be within range, the killer doesn't know where you are if you're within 40 meters. You can literally walk outside of this range the moment after the survivor is hooked.
- Position yourself at a loop : Well this isn't a counter but although it's subjective, in my opinion it's more fun to be chased, if you position yourself at a loop then you can just dive right into the action and that right there is just a win/win if that's what you're into.
For what it's worth, BBQ is actually healthier for DbD as good players will actually make good use of it to encourage more fun and exciting gameplay especially for longer time players.
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1. Before it existed Killers had to do their own dirty work and go find us
2. Every Killer with half a brain uses it now,
IMO if EVERY killer is using something it's broken
3. You're taking away time that all 3 other survivors could have been doing something else, now we have to hide in lockers, which by the way are rarely right by a GEN
4. Those unlucky enough to be 41 meters away are screwed, Mr. Killer is coming for you now and since they got 4 seconds they know exactly where you're going
5. Yep, there's a perk to counter, that hasn't been in the Shrine yet, way to force people to pay to win
6. Hiding behind Gens hasn't worked since whichever patch made SURV outlines clearer
7. It makes for a very un-fun game for those of us that don't get caught but keep having to jump in lockers every 30 seconds because teammates
8. So what did Killers do before BBQ&C existed? Oh yeah, work for their score
9. It's too complicated for dumb players, play any match as SURV at rank 5 to rank 20 and you'll find your teammates have no clue what to do against it, or have no regard that it exists at all, ensuring an un-fun match for you
It's too OP
I don't even use it when I play Killer it feels cheap
There has to be a better way
Hell at least give em a skill check or something, as of right now it's simply too easy for K's
Post edited by PubStar87 on1 -
i am too bad to dodge this perk and went to the forums to complain about it being OP instead of looking up its counter play.and dont even get me started on all the BS perks survivors have. i could make a list of complaints 20 times as long as yours and would probaply still not be finished.
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From all of the Meta Perks I feel that BBQ is the one which has the least impact on the actual gameplay. I can be countered, and even if not, there is no guarantee that the Killer will come in your direction. He might go into another direction, stay near the hook because he had not every other Survivor on BBQ, or he might go to you, but you should be alert about it, because he just hooked someone.
To your points:
Still has to do it. 1st Survivor found was not found via BBQ, if then after the first hook the Survivor he found because of BBQ jukes the Killer, Killer has to search on his own.
It is a good Perk. And give extra BP, which is the Main reason for BBQ.
You can simply stay on your Gen and be alert. Furthermore, going into a Locker, waiting for BBQ and then going out of the locker takes 20 seconds, at max.
Bad luck, if you cannot get close enough. You need to learn the distances. Also you can trick the Killer into one direction and walk into the other direction.
You can buy Jeff via Shards for free. You do not have to spend any RL money on him.
For me it works fine. Maybe you are not hiding in the correct angle?
I think when you have Teammates who die in 30 seconds, you have far worse problems than BBQ.
Same as point 1.
If you think you are better than Rank 10 to 20, why are you at those Ranks?
BBQ is really not a big problem. There are Killer Perks which have a bigger impact on the Game (Nurse Calling/Sloppy Butcher, Enduring/Spirit Fury, Ruin, NOED...)
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If that's what you got out of my post, well lol ok then
I tried to address each counter logically
I didn't throw a tantrum
I didn't resort to "what-about-isms" like some of us in here ^^^
Just my humble opinion
I didn't just pick up the game after a 6 month hiatus or something, been playing it daily, I know the meta, I see the trends toward quicker matches and more chases by tweaking Prove Thyself and BBQ and such
I'm trying to help the game too, because I know if hardcore players like me are getting to the point they don't wanna play anymore then that's a big problem
Why so hostile Mister?
Lastly, I thought one of the major ideas of this game was that SURV's could pick any build they want?
I.E. the characters don't have specified roles like oh Engineer/ Medic/Bait.
Lately it feels more and more like we're being pigeon holed into one meta.
And if Killers NEED a reason not to camp the hook, that sounds like a problem this game has had since day one, and should have been addressed way before ole Leatherface was introduced.Post edited by PubStar87 on0 -
@PubStar87 said:
Killers should not get to know where all 4 survivors are up to 12 times a matchPlease for the love of all that is holy remove it
No it hasn't please stop trying to get this perfectly balanced perk removed; they already nerfed it a little by you being able to go into a locker or use the Distortion perk, and there's plenty of counterplay besides that.
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You can counter so easily tho, you can fake the killer by pretending you are going in X direction, you can hide near gens so their aura blocks yours, you can hide in lockers, you can use perks that hide your aura.
Don't say a perk is op if you aren't taking measures to negate it's effects, that's ridiculous.
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Aven_Fallen said:
From all of the Meta Perks I feel that BBQ is the one which has the least impact on the actual gameplay. I can be countered, and even if not, there is no guarantee that the Killer will come in your direction. He might go into another direction, stay near the hook because he had not every other Survivor on BBQ, or he might go to you, but you should be alert about it, because he just hooked someone.
To your points:
Still has to do it. 1st Survivor found was not found via BBQ, if then after the first hook the Survivor he found because of BBQ jukes the Killer, Killer has to search on his own. Me: That's not the point, and rarely does that happen
It is a good Perk. And give extra BP, which is the Main reason for BBQ. Me: LOL riiiiiight
You can simply stay on your Gen and be alert. Furthermore, going into a Locker, waiting for BBQ and then going out of the locker takes 20 seconds, at max. Me: 20 seconds x 3 that's a lotta lost time every hook
Bad luck, if you cannot get close enough. You need to learn the distances. Also you can trick the Killer into one direction and walk into the other direction. Me: Yeah we know this, but a lot of players don't
You can buy Jeff via Shards for free. You do not have to spend any RL money on him.
For me it works fine. Maybe you are not hiding in the correct angle? Me: it doesn't
I think when you have Teammates who die in 30 seconds, you have far worse problems than BBQ. Me: every 30 seconds because the Killers STILL camp
Same as point 1.
If you think you are better than Rank 10 to 20, why are you at those Ranks? Me: season resets
BBQ is really not a big problem. There are Killer Perks which have a bigger impact on the Game (Nurse Calling/Sloppy Butcher, Enduring/Spirit Fury, Ruin, NOED...)
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@PubStar87 said:
1. Before it existed Killers had to do their own dirty work and go find usPretty sure there was a massive issue with camping and that was part of the reason it was created.
@PubStar87 said:
3. You're taking away time that all 3 other survivors could have been doing something else, now we have to hide in lockers, which by the way are rarely right by a GENYou don't need to hide in lockers. You can stay on a gen and not go hiding, especially if you're next to a decent loop.
@PubStar87 said:
5. Yep, there's a perk to counter, that hasn't been in the Shrine yet, way to force people to pay to winBBQ&C is only obtainable with real money. The newest character can be acquired with shards.
@PubStar87 said:
7. It makes for a very un-fun game for those of us that don't get caught but keep having to jump in lockers every 30 seconds because teammates- So what did Killers do before BBQ&C existed? Oh yeah, work for their score
Good survivors aren't going to be jumping into a locker every time BBQ&C might go off. Back before the recent de-buffs, you had to fake out your direction or hope you hid well enough behind a gen. By your logic, everyone was inept back then and games were unfun, but they're largely the same.
Killers camped more often. BBQ&C was created to encourage leaving the hook.
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And byvthe way, everyone keeps talking to me as if I don't know these things.
I do.
Noobs don't, noobs die fast, now it's 1v1 with 5 gens to go
Real fun match0 -
You can still pip and get points if you go for saves when the noobs drop like flies. When you pip, you'll get out of those ranks where there's a lot of newer players who don't know what to do.
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fluffybunny said:
You can still pip and get points if you go for saves when the noobs drop like flies. When you pip, you'll get out of those ranks where there's a lot of newer players who don't know what to do.
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How many more counters to a Perk do you actually need until you no longer consider it OP?
Git gud.
Post edited by DocOctober on6 -
Why aren't you preped for it before the hook? There are so many counter tactics that hiding behind your only objective counts as one of them. If the killer is spotting everyone then the team is doing something wrong.0
1. Walk 4 seconds and change to the other direction.
2. Pretend to work on a chest, totem or untouched gen for 4 seconds then go.
3. Hide in a locker
4. Hide behind a gen
5. Use distortion
6. Use Lightweight or Q&Q + Dance With Me.
7. Run into the 40m range while he is carrying.
There is a lack of counters for BBQ these days.1 -
@Eveline said:
At least you can hide in a locker. Without that it would be ridiculous.Yeah it sucked hard when all the gens were done, least there is another option now instead of running in one direction for 4 seconds (and 4 seconds is a long time in DBD) then shifting direction to where you want to go and with maps seemingly getting smaller and smaller (at least the swamp) chance of still getting spotted is high. Somtimes not moving and crouching down in place helps. No directional read and you're not a moving object that attracts attention.
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PubStar87 said:And byvthe way, everyone keeps talking to me as if I don't know these things.
I do.
Noobs don't, noobs die fast, now it's 1v1 with 5 gens to go
Real fun match2 -
So you want to make it work ... who give us an idea
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@PubStar87 said:
1. Before it existed Killers had to do their own dirty work and go find usEvery Killer with half a brain uses it now,
IMO if EVERY killer is using something it's brokenYou're taking away time that all 3 other survivors could have been doing something else, now we have to hide in lockers, which by the way are rarely right by a GEN
Those unlucky enough to be 41 meters away are screwed, Mr. Killer is coming for you now and since they got 4 seconds they know exactly where you're going
Yep, there's a perk to counter, that hasn't been in the Shrine yet, way to force people to pay to win
Hiding behind Gens hasn't worked since whichever patch made SURV outlines clearer
It makes for a very un-fun game for those of us that don't get caught but keep having to jump in lockers every 30 seconds because teammates
So what did Killers do before BBQ&C existed? Oh yeah, work for their score
It's too complicated for dumb players, play any match as SURV at rank 5 to rank 20 and you'll find your teammates have no clue what to do against it, or have no regard that it exists at all, ensuring an un-fun match for you
It's too OP
I don't even use it when I play Killer it feels cheap
There has to be a better way
Hell at least give em a skill check or something, as of right now it's simply too easy for K's
1 : Before it existed plenty of killers just camped rather than doing that dirty work, you do realize that removing it will only be detrimental to your gameplay?
2 : Just because almost everyone uses something does not mean it's broken, it can also mean it's a great perk. BBQ & Chili is an excellent perk for killers that provides QoL for the game itself not only for reducing camping but also reducing the grind in it as well. This can be compared to pre heal-nerf selfcare which delivered a pretty useful tool almost every survivor used : the ability to heal.
3 : Then hide behind a gen? Also realize that if you're only ever focusing on gens and cannot bother to take a couple seconds out of your match to use a counter to the perk and will complain about the game because of that then you yourself are part of the problem.
4 : Learn, adapt to the distances. With more gameplay and knowledge of the game will come a better understanding of distances.
5 : There is some irony in this statement actually, the truth is that neither side needs perks in order to win with enough time and effort (well, some of the more lackluster killers are screwed against competent survivors). Also, of course it hasn't shown up, the chapter is too new and there has almost never been a time where a new perk showed up in the shrine directly after release. In the same way you can complain about distortion, I'm pretty sure BBQ has only showed up in the shrine once.
6 : Update 2.2.0 made the aura color of gens almost identical to the aura color of survivors. If that isn't working out for you then I guess just use any other counter provided earlier on.
7 : From my perspective I disagree. I look forward to being chased because it provides relief to holding M1 down on a generator for 80 seconds on each and every generator is boring. For a perk like BBQ to exist it's perfect because it allows for me to get chased faster. Understandably not everyone wants to be chased which is where this becomes more perspective based, but if you really don't want to be found then you already have the tools you need within the base part of the game itself.
8 : Survivors complained about camping so the devs made a perk to encourage killers not to camp by giving them incentive to leave the hook. I'm actually surprised that the one tracking perk you are complaining about is BBQ when whispers is much better. I don't know how good the buff to spies from the shadow is but I can see that being a better tracking perk too now.
9 : Of course you have bad teammates and they don't just exist between rank 5-20, they exist in rank 1 too. But just because players are bad does not mean something should be nerfed, instead it's actually more reasonable to blame the ranking system for making it so easy to rank up yet at the same time, that's really the only way you're going to get matches.
Post edited by vampire_toothy on3 -
I use BBQ for the Bloodpoints. Argue all you want, but a large percentage of the time, I don't see any survivors with BBQ. It's a nice bonus when I do. If all it did was show auras, it would be mostly useless due to the large number of counters.
Whenever I'm playing survivor and someone gets downed, I try to hide behind a gen or get in a locker. It is far more annoying to have a killer camp the hook than have them go after another survivor far across the map. Hook-camping and tunneling killers make for the least-fun matches, and BBQ uses positive reinforcement to counter both of those things.
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I'll just comment that I don't use BBQ every game.
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@PubStar87 said:
1. Before it existed Killers had to do their own dirty work and go find usEvery Killer with half a brain uses it now,
IMO if EVERY killer is using something it's brokenYou're taking away time that all 3 other survivors could have been doing something else, now we have to hide in lockers, which by the way are rarely right by a GEN
Those unlucky enough to be 41 meters away are screwed, Mr. Killer is coming for you now and since they got 4 seconds they know exactly where you're going
Yep, there's a perk to counter, that hasn't been in the Shrine yet, way to force people to pay to win
Hiding behind Gens hasn't worked since whichever patch made SURV outlines clearer
It makes for a very un-fun game for those of us that don't get caught but keep having to jump in lockers every 30 seconds because teammates
So what did Killers do before BBQ&C existed? Oh yeah, work for their score
It's too complicated for dumb players, play any match as SURV at rank 5 to rank 20 and you'll find your teammates have no clue what to do against it, or have no regard that it exists at all, ensuring an un-fun match for you
It's too OP
I don't even use it when I play Killer it feels cheap
There has to be a better way
Hell at least give em a skill check or something, as of right now it's simply too easy for K's
D-Strike is broken, Self-Care is Broken, Adrenaline is broken, if Survivors use something all the time as well then it's broken, too OP. What did Survivors do before D-Strike? They ran and didn't get caught, they played like they didn't want to get caught, also D-Strike has LESS counterplay than BBQ and chili, if you can admit that then your complaint isn't completely off the rails entitled and stupid, just misinformed and you need to get better.
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PubStar87 said:1. Before it existed Killers had to do their own dirty work and go find us
2. Every Killer with half a brain uses it now,
IMO if EVERY killer is using something it's broken
3. You're taking away time that all 3 other survivors could have been doing something else, now we have to hide in lockers, which by the way are rarely right by a GEN
4. Those unlucky enough to be 41 meters away are screwed, Mr. Killer is coming for you now and since they got 4 seconds they know exactly where you're going
5. Yep, there's a perk to counter, that hasn't been in the Shrine yet, way to force people to pay to win
6. Hiding behind Gens hasn't worked since whichever patch made SURV outlines clearer
7. It makes for a very un-fun game for those of us that don't get caught but keep having to jump in lockers every 30 seconds because teammates
8. So what did Killers do before BBQ&C existed? Oh yeah, work for their score
9. It's too complicated for dumb players, play any match as SURV at rank 5 to rank 20 and you'll find your teammates have no clue what to do against it, or have no regard that it exists at all, ensuring an un-fun match for you
It's too OP
I don't even use it when I play Killer it feels cheap
There has to be a better way
Hell at least give em a skill check or something, as of right now it's simply too easy for K's
You also mention counters are "pay to win" since they haven't shown up yet. When was the last time you BBQ&C entered the shrine? Been a long time. Most players have to BUY Leatherface, one of the weakest Killers imo, and grind him to get the perk. Not like the perk is free.
BBQ&C is designed to promote Killers to move, to not camp, one of the biggest complaints ALL Survivors have. You just do y like that the perk rewards them for not camping rather than punishing.
And before you go "oh killer main", no. Rank 8 Survivor, rank 13 Killer. I play Survivor far more, and have no problem with BBQ&C, or any of the Killer perks. I just get better and not whine on the forums.4 -
TatsuiChiyo said:PubStar87 said:1. Before it existed Killers had to do their own dirty work and go find us
2. Every Killer with half a brain uses it now,
IMO if EVERY killer is using something it's broken
3. You're taking away time that all 3 other survivors could have been doing something else, now we have to hide in lockers, which by the way are rarely right by a GEN
4. Those unlucky enough to be 41 meters away are screwed, Mr. Killer is coming for you now and since they got 4 seconds they know exactly where you're going
5. Yep, there's a perk to counter, that hasn't been in the Shrine yet, way to force people to pay to win
6. Hiding behind Gens hasn't worked since whichever patch made SURV outlines clearer
7. It makes for a very un-fun game for those of us that don't get caught but keep having to jump in lockers every 30 seconds because teammates
8. So what did Killers do before BBQ&C existed? Oh yeah, work for their score
9. It's too complicated for dumb players, play any match as SURV at rank 5 to rank 20 and you'll find your teammates have no clue what to do against it, or have no regard that it exists at all, ensuring an un-fun match for you
It's too OP
I don't even use it when I play Killer it feels cheap
There has to be a better way
Hell at least give em a skill check or something, as of right now it's simply too easy for K's
You also mention counters are "pay to win" since they haven't shown up yet. When was the last time you BBQ&C entered the shrine? Been a long time. Most players have to BUY Leatherface, one of the weakest Killers imo, and grind him to get the perk. Not like the perk is free.
BBQ&C is designed to promote Killers to move, to not camp, one of the biggest complaints ALL Survivors have. You just do y like that the perk rewards them for not camping rather than punishing.
And before you go "oh killer main", no. Rank 8 Survivor, rank 13 Killer. I play Survivor far more, and have no problem with BBQ&C, or any of the Killer perks. I just get better and not whine on the forums.0 -
Yet again, there has to be a better way0
@PubStar87 said:
Yet again, there has to be a better wayYes when devs start to play the game in hight ranks
0 -
DarkGGhost said:
@PubStar87 said:
Yet again, there has to be a better wayYes when devs start to play the game in hight ranks
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@PubStar87 said:
Yet again, there has to be a better wayOthers have listed off the many counters to the perk already in this topic. If you don't want to use any of them, the problem is a lot more with your mindset than the perk itself. Many other more powerful perks have far less counters. Adapting strategy is a core aspect of the game.
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And it doesn't prevent Killers from camping at all, all they do is Prox Camp, every single one of em.
Most they should get is a boom notification, not 4 seconds of aura
You can tell me about the counters to it for the rest of eternity, it's not gonna change my mind
K?1 -
I know all of this, stop treating me as if I don't0 -
Its designed to make killers NOT proximity camp. If you want to remove it, you're only asking for an increase in that. Also if you'd rather whine about it impotently at the community than apply any of the advice you've been given, maybe Civ is calling your name...
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Ryuhi, I don't understand you.
I do apply these tactics
Have you even read this thread?0 -
Clearly you don't apply them, if you think it has "ruined DBD."
6 -
You're very unpleasant Ryuhi
Thanks for making me feel super unwelcome here
Typical DBD fanbase, so nice to interact with0 -
@PubStar87 said:
THE. PERK. IS. TOO. POWERFUL.And it doesn't prevent Killers from camping at all, all they do is Prox Camp, every single one of em.
Most they should get is a boom notification, not 4 seconds of aura
You can tell me about the counters to it for the rest of eternity, it's not gonna change my mind
The perk really isn't all that powerful. Survivors are strong while in chase. Even if the killer is informed on where a survivor is, they still need to find and catch them. It's meant to encourage switching targets with a new person to find. If the killer doesn't see anyone with BBQ&C, they'll often think all of the survivors are nearby, just waiting to go in for the save (which sometimes they are). The perk has plenty of counters and is only really strong for survivors who decide not to react to it properly. You may be entitled to your opinion, but we're entitled to our reason.
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This content has been removed.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone jam their fingers in their ears and sing, "Lalalalalala! Can't hear you!" harder than the OP here. And that is saying something coming from someone with a lot of siblings.3
Even if it exposes the location of every other survivor, the killer is only going to find 1 person, chase, down and hook before making it to the next. By that point you should have moved or noticed the tr getting louder. If your actually using the tactics everyone suggested then you shouldn't be having such trouble with it. Only way its overpowered is if you let the killer get optimal use of information gained.3
How i counter ds sb adrenalin not op ? But bbq is op remove it lol.0
BBQ is and has always been the worst tracking perk in the game, just to say.0
BBQ is not OP
It was Powerful before but never OP, Now not so much with all the counters they added to it. Just get in range, hide behind a gen, run in a direction and fake where your going or simply get in a locker. Hell there's even an aura blocking perk.It used to discourage camping but now as someone who uses BBQ I can tell you with all the counters, there's times were nobody shows on BBQ so i have to assume the worst and think they're all going for the save so I'm forced to patrol the hook.
Now imagine if there was no BBQ at all, It'd be stupid to walk off to a gen that might or might not be being worked on and give a free safe unhook.
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@PubStar87 said:
Past: dumb Killers would camp the hook giving the rest of the team time to do useful things, possibly even totally escapePresent: dumb Killers get to know the whole team's location
It has taken away the mindgame, and rewards un-skilled play
Past: Killers hardcamped the hook to make sure the person died.
Present: Killers go hunting for other survivors, risking their chances for kills.How does it reward unskilled play when BBQ literally want you to go and chase more survivors down? Isn't it skilled to chase survivors down and hang them up on another hook?
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PubStar87 said:You're very unpleasant Ryuhi
Thanks for making me feel super unwelcome here
Typical DBD fanbase, so nice to interact with5 -
@PubStar87 said:
THE. PERK. IS. TOO. POWERFUL.And it doesn't prevent Killers from camping at all, all they do is Prox Camp, every single one of em.
Most they should get is a boom notification, not 4 seconds of aura
You can tell me about the counters to it for the rest of eternity, it's not gonna change my mind
Wow so you know the counters but ignore them in hopes of making the game even easier for you? That's sad. Seems like all you want to do is gen rush.
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BBQ really isn't that bad. Not while NOED exists.
You can always stealth to hide from the killer easily. BBQ only starts to feel OP on Billy and Nurse, like a lot of perks. But thats a debate for another time.0 -
If BBQ bothers you so much, hide in a ######### locker.
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BBQ is i have read it all